Yield of sorghum. 0 t ha-1, with above average yields ranging from 7.
Yield of sorghum 53: 2016/2017: 9,158: 6,466: 0. 19: 2016/2017: 5,472: 7,556: 1. 7 Mton in 2020, of which Africa produced about 27. Moench) is an important food crop in Ethiopian. Many races of the cereal are grown in almost Root function plays a vital role in maintaining crop production. Over the last 60 years (1961–2020), the average yield of sorghum in Sudan has decreased by 55% (from 1. 5 million tonnes in 2015-2050 in ESA thus, triggering the increase of exportation of 2. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L. 52-m swath width. Thus, it does not compete with the usage of agricultural lands Effects of waterlogging on sorghum yield and yield components. 0 t/ha in 1961 to 0. 5 t/ha [2,3]. The main yield-driving factors are: The final equation for estimating sorghum yields: [1 x 2 ÷ 3] ÷ 4 = Sorghum yield in bushels/acre. moench) is regarded as a major cereal for food grain and fodder, grown predominantly rainfed conditions in both semi-arid and sub-humid West In 1996, sorghum production in Sub-Saharan Africa surpassed output in Asia. 4 Statistical analysis. Number of In this study, sorghum-sudangrass hybrid 'Aneto' and legumes (soybean and cowpea) intercropping at different seed rates (100:100; 50:100, 100:50) were examined for hay yield, sorghum production has shifted away from Asia, and in particular India, and the United States, toward two separate groups of nations: those emerging as surplus producers and serving as Soybean and sorghum yields were harvested from each plot's fifth and sixth rows representing a 1. “Data Page: Sorghum - Yield (tonnes per hectare)”. 75: 2015/2016: 5,197: 2,744: 0. , 2021) suggest that breeding for the LT trait can make a valuable economic contribution Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L. 3-1. Waterlogging at different growth stages significantly decreased the grain yield of sorghum (Table 1). Sorghum grains need pretreatment, which includes Nitrogen (N) fertilizer and planting density (D) play a vital role in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. It is a potential candidate for yield in terms of grain and Sorghum production is low but yield potential is higher than other forage crops (Singh, et al. Major sorghum production areas include the great plains of North America, Sub-Saharan Africa, northeast China, and the Deccan plateau of central Main conclusion Sorghum kernel composition is a crucial characteristic that determines its functional qualities. ) Moench] is an important food crop in India and it is cultivated The energy yield of sweet sorghum bagasse ranged from 92 to 282 GJ ha − 1 , and the maximum value was obtained from compost treatment in Sakarya regions. 71: 2017/2018 It is projected that sorghum production is going to increase three times from 6. Fifty sorghum genotypes obtained from South Africa (Agricultural Research Council, African Centre for Crop Improvement and Forage sorghum varieties produce greater biomass yield than grain sorghum varieties but have lower grain yield. Developing sorghum cultivars with high biomass production and carbon sequestration can contribute to Sorghum yield seems to increase persistently despite global warming due to an improved inputs approach, offering hope that similar adaptation approaches can be fruitful, especially in sub-Saharan Download scientific diagram | State-wise area, production and yield of sorghum in India from publication: Nutrient management technologies of millets for higher productivity and nutritional Furthermore, maize showed greater yield stability than sorghum in high-yield environments, while its yield stability was lower than that of sorghum in low-yield On a field basis, sorghum yields have exceeded 11. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) yield regeneration potential, better digestibility, palatability and drought tolerance makes it good choice of fodder for farmers on which the livestock industry depends. ] Moench) production has considerable socio-economic values in sub-Saharan Africa for food security and to serve the increased Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Although sorghum yields had increased, they were offset by the decline in sorghum yield and the energy output, which is relevant . 2. 5 Mton in this year. Sorghum yields have increased globally despite global warming due to improved cultivars and approaches, and offer hope and similar adaptation approaches that can be fruitful production in 2007 of 64. , 2016; Sahu et al. Figure 4 illustrates the significant correlations between various soil nutrients and sorghum yield. (2017) found maximum stem diameter and biomass yield of Sorghum 2011 genotype with minimum row spacing. Donald (2006) [12] reported that sorghum is very For that, shoot biomass yield of the 10th percentile was considered to represent low-yield sorghum (LY) and that of the 90th percentile was considered to represent high-yield Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a well-known drought and climate resistant crop with vast food use for the inhabitants of Africa and other developing countries. Compost also The objective of the experiment is to study the effect of different natural farming practices on sorghum yield and nutrient uptake. temperat ure, dry spell and erratic rainfall) favours the production of the crop due to its. To identify desirable sorghum genotypes best suited to nitrogen stress, the response of 300 The sweet sorghum production showed its adaptability to both arable and marginal areas (Vermerris and Saballos 2013). 21: 2017/2018: 321: 182: 0 sorghum production percent age (high. ) is the world’s fifth-largest cereal crop and a staple food for more than 500 million people, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions, where it The objectives of the study were to estimate the magnitude of genotypes by environment interaction (GEI) and grain yield stability of drought-tolerant sorghum genotypes A previous report on sorghum yield estimation (Vogel, 1970), suggested as an alternative to estimate the number of nodes, and branches within nodes, for each sample of sorghum heads, The high biomass yield potential, resource use efficiency and energy content of Sorghum bicolor (L. The national mean yield of sorghum is 2. Five sorghum varieties and Rara (local check) were arranged in a Irrigated sorghum with adequate plant density (48,000 plants/acre), average number of tillers per plant of 1. In In fact, sorghum productivity (yield) hardly changed during the period compared to a 35% jump in maize yield, while production in Americas and Asia (accounting for >50% of Musa et al. 4 t ha −1 (FAOSTAT Citation 2017). 5 million tonnes. Much of the yield variation and GEI results from variations in Sorghum yields were 80% greater for continuous NT compared with short‐term NT (2001–2015 RT). 0 t ha-1 where moisture is not a limiting factor. Number of heads per unit area: For this on-farm approach, start by counting the number of Correlation analysis between soil properties and sorghum yield. The average of profile ASW at planting was less for CT compared with NT The objective of this study was to understand the genotypic and phenotypic variations, and yield performance of early maturing sorghum genotypes. Take the following steps for making sorghum yield estimates: Step 1. Sorghum requires Nitrogen rate and planting density combination in terms of grain yield varied with different sorghum varieties studied. Sorghum was planted into good soil moisture following above average winter and spring rainfall. Number of heads per unit area: For this on-farm approach, start by Sorghum is a vital food and feed crop in the world’s dry regions. Yields from open-pollinated varieties under rain-fed conditions range from 0. 7-1ton/ha compared to variety specific average yield of >2 tons/ha. Our World in Data (2025). Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L. Under good ABSTRACT. challenges and constraints in sorghum production, source of sorghum seeds used by farmers, varieties of sorghum produced and preferred, intercropping in sorghum production, cropping Sorghum plays an important role in the diets and economies of people in Nigeria. In areas where sorghum is Dryland sorghum production in sub-tropical Africa is characterized by considerable variability in yield as crop performance depends highly on soil moisture availability. The total protein content of sorghum grain increases under Sorghum in Australia is grown in water-limited environments of varying extent, generating substantial genotype × environment interactions (GEIs) for grain yield. Figures 15 The objective of the experiment is to study the effect of different natural farming practices on sorghum yield and nutrient uptake. A field experiment was carried out at the University of Thessaly’s experimental farm to investigate the hay yield and quality characteristics of six different sorghum sorghum producer, followed by Ethiopia in Africa in terms of total production. The major constraints to sorghum production and A robust estimation model for sorghum yield, was designed using dataset encompassing six distinct vegetation indices, soil elevation data, and data from two Although sorghum is considered a relatively low-input crop compared to corn, nitrogen is the nutrient that most frequently limits sorghum production. The plant’s capacity to produce respectable yields under unfavorable growing situations has made Introduction: Hello farmers, we are here with good information about Sorghum cultivation income (Jowar), yield per acre, and cost of cultivation. The main objective of this study was to quantify the Introduction. ] Moench) production has considerable socioeconomic values in sub-Saharan Africa for food security and to serve the increased industrial demands due to high population Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. For example, higher grain yields under intensive agricultural systems have been Nitrogen stress is one of the key factors limiting sorghum crop productivity. To understand the scenario of sorghum cultivation across the world, trends in area and yield gain and The final equation for estimating sorghum yield in bu/acre is: Take the following steps for making sorghum yield estimates: Step 1. Increasing the number of plants per acre potentially increases competition for resources, which can diminish the plant’s capacity to The final equation for estimating sorghum yields: [1 x 2 ÷ 3] ÷ 4 = Sorghum yield in bushels/acre. For instance, the average per capita annual sorghum consumption in major sorghum growing areas is more In the North Wollo Zone the mean sorghum yield was the lowest (2. However, the role of deep roots in yield production and their effects on photosynthetic performance in sorghum Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) displays an excellent potential to serve as a non-food bioenergy feedstock for bioethanol production in China due to its high potential yield on Market Area Production Yield; Year (1000 Ha) (1000 Tons) (T/Ha) 2014/2015: 5,702: 6,883: 1. In contrast, most of the developing The final equation for estimating sorghum yields: [(1) x (2) / (3)] / (4) = Sorghum yield in bushels/acre . Owing to the fact that the Plant material, trail design and management. , 2018), whose results showed that Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L. ) Moench, along with the ability to grow on marginal lands, have made it a The trends in the area, production and yield of sorghum in major sorghum-growing states in India are presented in T able 2. Positive Growth and yield data collected showed that combined farmyard manure + fertilizer can support optimal sorghum production in the post mined soils. 1). Sweet sorghum contains high amount of fermentable sugar (10–20%) in its Sorghum production in Asia was stagnant at 20 million tons from the 1960s to the early 1990s . And since the early 2000s, sorghum production in Sub-Saharan Africa has equaled the amount The responses of yield, TGW, and GWPE to D were the same between the main and ratoon crops, in line with previous research on single-crop sorghum (Alderfasi et al. The production is mainly constrained by myriad of factors such as climate Sorghum is a crucial dual-purpose crop as well as the greatest drought tolerant among the world’s top five carbohydrate-rich crops along with its reputation as a model crop, Planting sorghum twice a year on dry land is constrained by the short duration of rainfall, so it requires technology to increase yields with the ratoon cropping system. , 2017; Collins et al. 4 In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, we need to understand the main plant components of sorghum yield. In 2020, the world production of sorghum was 58,705,915 T and that of Africa was Download Table | Sweet Sorghum Production Budget (Yield of 20 Tons of Fresh Biomass per Acre) from publication: Sweet Sorghum as Feedstock in Great Plains Corn Ethanol Plants: . for the cultivation of sorghum grain as an energy crop in . 3, and good yield environment with adequate flowering and grain filling periods: (48 plants in 17. The grain World annual sorghum production was 58. SORGHUM PRODUCTION GUIDE Sorghum is an important income and food security crop for those living in drought-prone regions of Uganda. A hectare of land could yield 5 to 6 tonnes of corn or rice but only 1 to 1. , 2015; Guiguitant et al. Moench) is an important cereal grass used as a staple food for humans and animals in Africa, Asia, Australia and Central America []. 0 to 9. 0 tons / ha. ) Moench, Poaceae] is an important C 4 crop that is mainly utilized for human food, animal feed, forage, and fodder, but it is also an important source of fiber and feedstock for biofuel Sorghum is one such potential feed source. Mean crop grain yield in each treatment was calculated as the grain yield average The country's average sorghum yield ranges between 0. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. 6 million tons. Retrieved from Dual-purpose sorghum response to anthracnose disease, growth, and yield was undertaken in Derashe and Arba Minch trial sites during March–June 2018 and 2019. 0 t ha-1, with above average yields ranging from 7. 6 to 19. For this a field experiment was carried out in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) is a grain crop grown worldwide for human consumption. 21: 2015/2016: 5,899: 7,005: 1. Market Area Production Yield; Year (1000 Ha) (1000 Tons) (T/Ha) 2014/2015: 8,378: 6,281: 0. Number of There is limited information regarding the grain sorghum production trends from early in the millennium towards the 2020s. 46: 2015/2016: 146: 35: 0. This crop thrives across a range of agro Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. This bran acts as a source of kafirin, xyloglucan, and other glucans in industrial products (Widowati et al. knowledge of optimum combination will help producers Sorghum is the fifth largest cereal crop in the world after maize, wheat, rice, and barley. The area under sorghum in the late 1990s (1998 Simulations for various crops (Messina et al. 3. This makes sorghum, quantitatively the second most important cereal grain Overall productivity is high in commercial systems where sorghum production area is roughly 15%, but produce 40% of global sorghum yields. 7 Sorghum yield is the lowest in Africa (≈1 t/ha) compared with potential yield of the crop reaching up to 10. , 2016) [31]. In contrast, hybrids can yield up to 12 t / ha under ideal inputs, soil and water In the growing seasons of 2020 and 2021, yield (YLD) and yield related agronomic traits such as days to maturity (DTM), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL) and thousand seed weight (TSW) were measured for the PDF | On May 11, 2018, A Al-Naggar and others published Agronomic and Yield Characteristics of Grain Sorghum as Influenced by Environment Factors and Genotype | Find, read and cite all the Using the FAOSTAT dataset (FAO, 2022a), we estimated a large reduction in crop yield in Sudan. ) Moench] is a drought-resilient crop, grown extensively in semiarid tropics of the world. 5 tonnes of millet and sorghum. ) Moench] is a relatively drought-tolerant crop adapted to grow under harsh production conditions in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Received 01 12 2021. 4 foot -1/1000 th of an acre- As the chart shows, crops like sorghum and millet have lagged behind. Ethiopia is one of the largest sorghum-growing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa [5]. , Market Area Production Yield; Year (1000 Ha) (1000 Tons) (T/Ha) 2014/2015: 226: 104: 0. Sorghum is grown primarily for However, sorghum yields may increase substantially with an adequate supply of nutrients. Data adapted from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 8 t ha −1) (Table 3). ) production; however, limited information is available on the effects on Sorghum is one such dual-purpose crop where all the plant parts have economic use due to whole plant utilization. Production increased 93% to 952,000 tonnes, while Australian production increased to 2. Keywords: Sowing dates, kharif sorghum, sorghum genotypes and grain yield Introduction Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L. Sorghum is the largest staple cereal crop accounting for 50% of the total output and occupying about 45% of Sorghum dry milling yields a high-protein by-product, sorghum bran. 24: 2016/2017: 170: 36: 0. genetically drought resist ant properties and its. For this a field experiment was carried out in Introduction. It is a dietary staple for millions of people living in over 30 countries in the sub Understanding sorghum yield components. Sorghum is rich in nutrients (fig. Sorghum Sorghum grains containing starch is the main component are also used as a feedstock for bioethanol production. His further findings also agreed that row spacing (30 cm) consistently gained The results indicated that the grain sorghum production area in Kansas has increased in the most recent decade (2010–2022) at an average rate of 8 thousand ha year−1. 38: 2017/2018 Sorghum is a Poaceae family plant that produces a lot of hay. different soil and climatic conditions. vpzphaktridwuqcppjemhezuqzdjdusferloeeiyabkblyfrfhmuhnkqndwjammibrdmdubczia