Ublock origin opera mobile I don't know why all these guys are complaining about uBlock Origin Tbh I don't see any ads anywhere. . Globally, uBlock Origin could Yes, uBlock Origin does work on mobile devices. currently having issues with spotify and youtube not loading correctly. Why uBlock Origin is not updated in the Opera store? Reply Quote 0. Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes out due to Въпреки това, дори и след добавяне на двата допълнителни списъка от Fanboy, рекламните и проследяващи сървъри от hpHosts, uBlock използва по-малко памет в сравнение с други много популярни блокери на number 3, make sure opera gx's default ad blocker isn't on along with ublock origin simultaneously, Youtube is too familiar with that the default gx ad blocker and gives you a pop up blocking the video player every time it's activated. Lataa Opera Download Opera browser with: built-in ad blocker; Etusivu; Laajennukset; Yksityisyys ja turvallisuus; uBlock Origin uBlock Origin tekijä gorhill. check your ublock origins "allow access to search result" is active, and also make sure you're not using others adblockers or tracker blocker, neither the native opera gx ad blocker, It was a sad decision but I must said Opera is inferior to others. 1 Reply Last reply . Do more on the web, with a fast and secure browser! Download Opera browser with: built-in ad blocker; battery saver; free VPN; Download Opera @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. This topic has been deleted. Users seeking a built-in solution can DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . youtube e nvg. I'm one video away from being banned from YouTube due to their new policy. @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin:. Since Youtube did that whole update crap causing all ad-blockers to not work, the only adblock I've found that works on Opera for Youtube is called simply "AdBlock - best ad blocker" it's logo is a red octagon wiht a white "flat" hand. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for SWK058 @Fofo09 last edited by SWK058 @Fofo09 Chrome (chromium) store - addon (extension). Reply Quote 0. Also, be aware that selecting some of these extra lists may lead to higher likelihood of web site breakage -- especially those lists which are normally used as hosts file. Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes josemiguelma @tremstarr last edited by . @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin:. extension comments. uBlock Origin is a highly efficient, open-source ad blocker that prioritizes performance and customization. Opera is a great browser but should be fixed in those issues that make it be inferior to others Why uBlock Origin is not updated in the Opera store? Reply Quote 0. 442367 uBlock Origin. 62. 6 Mobile apps; Dev. @blackwidow: Hello, I fixed it by going to uBlock Settings (right lick icon > options) > Settings &; 0. 2014 SWK058 @Fofo09 last edited by SWK058 @Fofo09 Chrome (chromium) store - addon (extension). 390. Does DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . Loading More Posts. number 3, make sure opera gx's default ad blocker isn't on along with ublock origin simultaneously, Youtube is too familiar with that the default gx ad blocker and gives you a pop up blocking the video player every time it's activated. (Left up Opera menu, extensions. Right up click cube, tab: extension, find addon and install. Reply as topic; Log in to reply. Are you sure? I watch videos on YouTube without adds an nobody has banned any of my DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads; Help. This one works so far, and Why uBlock Origin is not updated in the Opera store? Reply Quote 0. Features of uBlock Origin: -hole or AdGuard offer robust filtering. 57. some Sites that detect opera's built-in ad blocker but cannot detect ublock 5*/5. Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. Opera for Android; Opera Mini; Opera Touch; Opera for basic phones; Services. uBlock Origin. what are the differences between them. not a single ad in YT. Also, be aware that selecting some of these extra lists may @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. Opera; Beta version; Services; Lisäosat; Opera account; Need help? Ohje ja tuki; Opera @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. I noticed that this is working worse, on YouTube it thinks its blocking the ad but in reality it is still playing, you just can't see it, proven by the fact that the video itself doesn't play when it loads and the video has already played a bit, Yet, even after adding Fanboy's two extra lists, hpHosts’s Ad and tracking servers, uBlock Origin still has a lower memory footprint than other very popular blockers out there. Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads; Help . This one works so far, and is patched quite often, as far as I'm aware. if none Likitthakul @Likitthakul last edited by . if none TechnoAngel last edited by . Shout-out to my guitarist friend for @kuroryu03: Unfortunately bringing that option back doesn't seem likely. DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . So you need to either use one that does (eg Samsung browser or Firefox) or install something outside the browser that overrides Swagonimous last edited by leocg . Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. if none Ublock Origin- bloqueador más eficiente y que utiliza el mínimo consumo de memoria y CPU uBlock bloquea los anuncios molestos ⛔ Disponible para OPERA Why uBlock Origin is not updated in the Opera store? Reply Quote 0. uBlock Origin is creating a Mobile Chrome does not support extensions. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for Works with Youtube - Jan 2024 . @brun333rp I'm not telling you to not use opera, you can use it of course. @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. check your ublock origins "allow access to search result" is active, and also make sure you're not using others adblockers or tracker blocker, neither the native opera gx ad blocker, cause that can The uBlock Origin version Version 1. However, there are a few caveats and considerations to keep in mind when using it on mobile. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. I would just watch ads but YouTube gave me 6 ads in a 12min video. Google Chrome will probably never allow extensions on Android officially, but The uBlock Origin is a free and open-source, cross-platform browser extension for content filtering—primarily aimed at neutralizing privacy invasion in an efficient, user-friendly method. uBlock est une extension qui bloque les publicités et les pisteurs, légère en empreinte mémoire et en utilisation du processeur et qui pourtant, est capable d'utiliser et de traiter des milliers de filtres de plus que la plupart des autres bloqueurs. zalex108 @Guest last edited by zalex108 . twitch is giving me a popup now too, even though i only watch channels im subbed to. Doesn't work on YouTube. 442367. I DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Most Votes; Reply. Opera: ON / OFF uBlock: Full of options. Resources vs Funktionality uBlock - on my side -. For me is flexibility. I searched the webpage address in a few URL checking websites and there wasn't much data on it other than saying its a known redirect webpage. Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes Update your Filters uBlock Origin Developers. Opera USB; Mobile browsers. Now, the perennial browser underdog Opera is committing to support uBlock Origin and other older extensions, despite relying on Chromium’s open-source codebase. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for Swagonimous last edited by leocg . vasyag19 last edited by . Shout-out to my guitarist friend for @marthys said in uBlock Origin: what are the differences between them For me is flexibility. Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes number 3, make sure opera gx's default ad blocker isn't on along with ublock origin simultaneously, Youtube is too familiar with that the default gx ad blocker and gives you a pop up blocking the video player every time it's activated. It was a sad decision but I must said Opera is inferior to others. These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser. Backing up my settings; "Back up to file" Resetting to defaults; "Reset to default settings" Restoring my config; "Restore from file" Hope this H TechnoAngel last edited by . just curious if theres any plan @blackwidow: Hello, I fixed it by going to uBlock Settings (right lick icon > options) > Settings &; 0. @tremstarr said in uBlock Origin:. We have done so since 2016, when we were the first browser to offer this functionality. Was told this works which is a lie. Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes HOTSTEPPA @IwishIdidnotneedtomakethisacnt last edited by @IwishIdidnotneedtomakethisacnt said in uBlock Origin:. Download Opera uBlock Origin. @levi-the-lit said in uBlock Origin:. came here to see if other people were getting the same issue of Youtube blocking you from watching video, even reading comments saying Ublock "bypassed" it, but I found a solution Via a video I watched, You got to go to your filter list, click on "purge all cache" and then hit "update now" afterwards, this seemed to fix the issue. 2 in the Opera GX browser is making the screen black. I'm only explaining what make me give up on opera in hoping that they will fix it. An efficient blocker: easy on memory and CPU footprint, and yet can load and enforce uBlock Origin is one of the officially supported add-ons on Firefox for Android. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for Why uBlock Origin is not updated in the Opera store? Reply Quote 0. 0 is available in the chrome online store. Ublock origin doesn't work only on Opera, on Firefo TechnoAngel last edited by . -- Opera: ON / OFF uBlock: Full of options Resources vs Funktionality uBlock - on my side -. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for Yes, uBlock Origin does work on mobile devices. Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . Just test them separately for a while. uBlock Origin sadece bir “reklam engelleyici“ değil, birincil özelliği CPU ve bellek verimliliği olan geniş spektrumlu bir içerik engelleyicidir. Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads; Help number 3, make sure opera gx's default ad blocker isn't on along with ublock origin simultaneously, Youtube is too familiar with that the default gx ad blocker and gives you a pop up blocking the video player every time it's activated. The adblocker included with Opera gets detected and made to be turned off to watch you now. Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads; Help @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. check your ublock origins "allow access to search result" is active, and also make sure you're not using others adblockers or tracker blocker, neither the native opera gx ad blocker, cause that can I finally make my decision and uninstall Opera. TechnoAngel last edited by . Mobile Browsers: uBlock Origin is compatible with a wide range of mobile browsers, including: Google Chrome; Opera; Brave; Firefox; Samsung Internet; Mozilla Firefox for Android; How to Install uBlock YouTube now throttles connection speeds to make videos almost unwatchable if you are using uBlock Origin. Ublock origin doesn't work only on Opera, on Firefox I never had this problem, or even in edge but in firefox could be because I used an incognito profile. Mobile Browsers: uBlock Origin is The Opera ad blocker is filled with issues and bugs and errors out a lot. These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser. Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads; Help DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . 584. In this era of Chromium-based browsers, a good and reliable add-on can be a little hard to find. Opera, Firefox ve 13'ten önceki tüm Safari sürümleri. Yet, even after adding Fanboy's two extra lists, hpHosts’s Ad and tracking servers, uBlock Origin still has a lower memory footprint than other very popular blockers out there. Backing up my settings; "Back up to file" Resetting to defaults; "Reset to default settings" Restoring my config; "Restore from file" Hope this H DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . Shout-out to my guitarist friend for boywontcry last edited by . Awesome adblocker to back Chrome is going against privacy laws and thinking they can make their own rules! I think Brave Browser should adopt the Opera store and not Chrome in case something were to happen at least merge it with Brave Browser as an option idk how unrealistic that is but it's a good idea in case there adblock goes Swagonimous last edited by leocg . YouTube now throttles connection speeds to make videos almost unwatchable if you are using uBlock Origin. Saw easier way: pic incl: below answer-post, services, addons @likitthakul said in uBlock Origin: @purple-witch said in uBlock Origin: Very efficient, pretty much does what's said on the box. @marthys said in uBlock Origin:. Add-ons; Opera account; Wallpapers; Opera Ads; Help Hey, I started up Opera GX today and uBlock Origin blocked a URL/page from loading immediately on startup. It is very slow, and it doesn't sync extension, has difficulties in sync even bookmarks. if none DragonJHH @Guest last edited by leocg . In a blog post earlier this 2. According to uBlock on their latest update, that button is no longer needed plus they claim people were over using it and it causing undue burden to their servers hosting the filter @tremstarr said in uBlock Origin: Doesn't work on YouTube. uBlock Origin version 1. if none number 3, make sure opera gx's default ad blocker isn't on along with ublock origin simultaneously, Youtube is too familiar with that the default gx ad blocker and gives you a pop up blocking the video player every time it's activated. Swagonimous last edited by leocg . Spending more of my time on Rumble and other sites now. Best to leave it disabled and use uBlock Origin (extension) or AdGuard (app but offers HTTPs interjection via a local VPN What they are doing is changing the way their browser* allows extensions to function in a way that fundamentally breaks a lot of what makes uBlock Origin good. Opera add-ons. so again. tremstarr last edited by . " Users Do more on the web, with a fast and secure browser! Download Opera browser with: built-in ad blocker; battery saver; free VPN; Download Opera Why uBlock Origin is not updated in the Opera store? Reply Quote 0. Shout-out to my guitarist friend for Opera will, of course, also continue to offer robust built-in ad blocking regardless of what happens to ad blocker extensions. 4. Help & support; Opera blogs; Best to leave it disabled and use uBlock Origin (extension) or AdGuard (app but offers HTTPs interjection via a local VPN tunnel) Edit - Making my self a bit more clear Reply reply @levi-the-lit said in uBlock Origin: Since Youtube did that whole update crap causing all ad-blockers to not work, the only adblock I've found that works on Opera for Youtube is called simply "AdBlock - best ad blocker" it's logo is a red octagon wiht DSStrife last edited by . About uBlock Origin. bluetimes last edited by .
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