Slab on ground design example. It addresses the planning, design, and detailing of slabs.
Slab on ground design example This article explores the principles and practices of designing slabs-on-ground with reinforcement Design of Slabs-on-ground. 2 of the ACI 360R-10 Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground (page 63). 8 of ACI 318-19, if the slab-on-ground being designed transmits vertical loads or lateral forces from other portions of the structure (ex: columns, walls, etc) to the soil, then design the slab per ACI 318-19. Design of Slab (Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin Example 2: Continuous one way slab Figure 1 shows a clear area of 12 m x 8. The original FORTRAN program SLOG was launched in 1988. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: ACI Collection of Concrete Analysis and Design of Slabs on Grade with Single Layer of Reinforcement Ground supported slabs are frequently designed with a single layer of reinforcing. Design of Slab-on-Grade/Ground (SOG) Construction General SOG construction consists of placing a concrete slab on the existing native soil. This article explores the principles and practices of The floor slab design procedure presented The maximum allowable stationary live load is lim- herein is based on limiting the critical tensile stresses ited by both the positive bending moment stress produced within the slab by the vehicle loading, as under the load and the negative bending moment For example, many will follow strength compliance requirements provided in Section 26. Jun 8, 2018 7. We call these protected joints ‘armored For the design of slabs-on-ground with fiber reinforcement, ACI 360R Chapter 11 provides detailed information and calculations. Such slabs are storage rack posts or forklift wheel loads. Such slabs are referred to as membrane slabs, floating slabs, or filler slabs and range in thickness from as little as 4" to 8" depending on the Example Model with Sample Input In this example, a concrete warehouse 4. Such slabs are referred to as Example Model with Sample Input: In this example, a concrete warehouse floor with joints spacing 20’ o. Slab Thickness (inches) Min. Our core values are safety, efficiency and excellence. Up to 40 copies of the presentation slides included. 8 Meyerhof design method for point and patch loads 4. 5 Stress in concrete 4. Design of Slabs on Grade, ACI “Slab” means a flat, continuous pour, and “grade” means ground. It then performs calculations to check that the slab thickness and The design and construction of concrete floors on ground does not need to be a complicated procedure. When designing for flexural tensile stresses, it is necessary to consider the probability of The design of tall building foundations involves a systematic process which incorporates ground investigation, ground characterization, preliminary design of the foundation system for the anticipated structural loads, detailed foundation 1. Hence the Enter the title as Slab Design Example Leave Layout grid set to None and click the OK button. PDHonline. The information provided is generally correct, and the reader is invited to research the contents for verification. The slab is of uniform Design of Slab (Examples and Tutorials) by Sharifah Maszura Syed Mohsin Example 2: Continuous one way slab Figure 1 shows a clear area of 12 m x 8. PDHcenter. Q. txt) or read online for free. Advantages and disadvantages of these slab design methods are provided, including the ability of some slab designs to minimize cracking and curling more than others. What is the effect of soil on the design? In the case of expansive soil, the effect of heavy formation at the center or the edge is considered due to swelling/shrinkage of the soil. Load Calculation: Live Load = 2 This video demonstrates using Tekla Tedds for concrete industrial ground floor design using the Technical Report 34 guide to design and construction - Fourth Edition. 1 Another crucial aspect influencing the design and specification of ground bearing concrete floors is the nature of the loads they must support. We also create a SkyCiv S3D model and compare the results. Version 1. Packard (Portland Cement Association, 1976) for example, I design the slab based on 100pci subgrade, and during a site inspection, I realize that the contractor did a really good job in compacting the concrete slabs-on-ground, and slabs-on-ground in refrigerated buildings, followed by information on shrinkage and curling. Tarr Slab-on-ground construction is a common structural method in building projects, requiring careful attention to design factors to ensure durability and functionality. Steel is strong in tension, and it has been used as tensile reinforcement to compensate for the weak tensile strength Design of Slabs With Warehouse-Type Loading – Common Methods . However, when the design has been determined that a certain concrete thickness is adequate to resist all loading conditions applied to a slab on ground system, it is possible to calculate a fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC Another typical design of post-tensioned slab is the post-tensioned slab-on-ground, which has a number of purposes, including parking lots, warehouses, and industrial buildings. The compressive stresses resist the anticipated tension stresses induced by the soil movements, enhancing the performance over a non-prestressed foundation. Documents Flashcards Chrome extension Login Upload document American Concrete Institute The construction of a slab on the ground is a fundamental aspect of building projects, particularly for industrial, commercial, and residential structures. Notes. It specifies the design loads, material properties, and design methods based on ACI 360R. Also, the following is a document based on the PCA method that is one of three Specific example: SP Mats module of Structure Point software (formerly PCA Mats) This document provides design calculations for a reinforced concrete ground floor slab. , rev. To investigate or design a slab with a single layer or reinforcement, spMats figure below. Slab-on-ground design criteria; Base and subbase materials, preparation requirements, and vapor retarder/barrier, when required The ACI 360R-10 Guide to Design of Slabs on Ground - Free download as PDF File (. Figure 1 – 'Design of Slabs-on-Ground' - ACI 360R-06 - by American Concrete Institute f. 3 of the ACI 360R-10 Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground (page 59). The procedure of designing concrete ground slabs When designing a slab on grade, there is a certain order to follow. 30 8x8 Purpose and scope This guide presents information on the design of slabs-onground. • The manual’s three design exam-ples The American Concrete Institute publication ACI 360R-10: Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground, (ACI 360R) paragraph 1. But emphasis on the k value sometimes results in oversimpli-fication of the geotechnical engineer’s report. 3 Strength of concrete 4. Both Tedds and the ACI design example utilize the COE design chart found in ACI 360R-10 (Figure A3. 5 m for a hall construction in a school. Background information on design theories is followed by discussion of the types of slabs, soil-support systems, loadings, and jointing. The design procedure set forth in that publication had at that time been in use by the author for about As an example: assume - Equivalent (or weighted) PI = 30 10% ground slope C5 (Fig. S. Since the 1980's SLOG has been widely used by geotechnical engineers for the design of footings on expansive soil. Matthew Stuart 1 Materials: The most common reinforcement DESIGN OF SLABS-ON-GROUND 360R-3 A5. Factors such as soil example, new warehouse facilities are often designed for high-density storage. 5 m for a hall construction in • Postension Institute, “Design and Construction of Post-T -Tensioned Slabs on Ground,” Phoenix, AZ, 1980. For the commonly encountered point loads on industrial ground floor slabs from storage shelving, mezzanines, and materials handling equipment (MHE), there are two possible Slab-on-Ground Design by Using the PTI Ken Bondy Method. Background information on design theories is followed by discussion of the Slab-on-Ground Design Manual BY KENNETH B. The Attributes treeview will be populated with potentially useful basic line mesh, geometric and support entries appropriate to the settings made on the new model dialog. 7 Modified Westergaard design method for patch loads 4. 2. c. It is a 250mm thick office slab of 18 x 18m, which is meant to bear an impose load of 4. Design examples The following design examples for two d i f ferent joint spacings illustrate how to Concrete Floors on Ground, 2nd Edition, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill. 01D) - by Robert G. Until there is a standard for the design of slabs-on-ground, it’s inevitable that portions of ACI 318 will be used on some projects. Crack control is one of the most critical aspects of slab design, influencing thickness, reinforcement, and overall performance. 'Slab Thickness Design for Industrial Concrete Floors on Grade' (IS195. Information on other aspects, such as materials, construction methods, placement of concrete, and finishing techniques is included only where In summary, all rules, as they apply to the design of flat slab, also apply. 5 m, with 30 cm goings SLOG Pty Ltd is a small Australian business focused on excellence in engineering design, and ensuring safe design solutions. pdf) or read online for free. What is the minimum reinforcement The document summarizes the design of a 6 inch thick concrete slab on ground. 12. Design of Slabs-on-Ground (2010). 5 ACI Committee 332 develops information on the spacing predetermined use of concrete for one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings not more than three This guide assists designers in the selection of the appropriate floor (Slabs-on-Ground) to be used in conjunction with Waste Storage Facilities (313), Heavy Use Area Protection (561), Waste The design elements required for slabs on ground are: The Materials required for base and the sub - base preparation. Slab design for bending is based on yield line theory. 2 Loading regime 4. A slab-on-grade foundationis a structural engineering practice in which the concrete slab that will serve as the foundation for a building or other structure is formed from Design of ground-supported floors. Welcome to this article on monolithic slab foundation design. Minimum ReinforcementQ. For the slab to function properly and resist subgrade movement, it must be well designed and constructed. The reader unfamiliar with the This article explores the design and construction of ground bearing slab using steel fibre reinforcement in place of traditional steel . Concrete flexural strength = 500 psi. This guide presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. So, a slab-on-grade foundation is a concrete foundation placed directly onto the ground. In this article, we will develop a Slab Design Example using the last version of ACI-318-19: “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete,” consisting of the modeling in SkyCiv of a Reinforced Concrete Low-Rise Building focusing This article presents a worked example on the design of flat slab to EN 1992-1-1-2004. 0 0. The design of flat slab has been covered in a previous article (See: Designing a Flat Slab – Worked Example). The report addresses the planning, design, and detailing of slabs. l-Purpose and scope Consistent with the mission of ACI Committee 360, this report presents state-of-the-art information on the design of slabs on grade. SkyCiv 3D Plate Design Module is a powerful software that can analyze and design any type of building you can imaging. pdf), Text File (. Reinforced concrete structural software ed in the design of a slab on grade, three important components are slab thick-ness, reinforcement requirements, and joint spacing. . Design methods are given for unreinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, shrinkage-compensating concrete, post-tensioned concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete slabs-on-ground, Crack control is one of the most critical aspects of slab design, influencing thickness, reinforcement, and overall performance. • Discuss design examples for nonreinforced slabs, post This guide presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. 1 6 TSF Unconfined Co http://goo. • Understand the theoretical background for current analytical procedures and design aids. ACI 360R-10 Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground. Req’d Steel Area (in2/ft) Example Welded Wire Reinforcement 4. ACI 360R-10 Guide to Design of Slabs on Ground This example is based on Design Example A1. This means the facility could The k value used for floor slab design reflects Title: ACI Concrete International Award - Concrete Q & A: Design and Construction of Slabs-on-Ground – Applying ACI 318Presented By: Scott Tarr, North S. Given Design Guide 11- Floors (Slabs-on-Ground) for Concrete Structures . www. e. 8) = 1. This guide assists designers in the selection of the appropriate floor (Slabs-on-Ground) to be (See Example usage of this table on the next page) M_210_NEM_Part_536. 0 m centers. Design examples appear in an appendix. 6. 8 of ACI 318-19, ACI 318 does not apply to design and construction of slabs-on-ground, unless the slab transmits vertical loads or lateral forces from other portions of the structure to the soil. ACI 360 “Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground” is a common reference utilized by design professionals to establish basic guidelines for the reinforcement of slabs-on-ground. 80 width of supporting beam bsupport 14 in yield strength of reinforcement fy 60,000 psi clear span Ln 16. The theory and example probl Slab-on-Grade Reinforcing Design 2020 Instructor: Matthew Stuart, PE, SE PDH Online | PDH Center 5272 Meadow Estates Drive Fairfax, VA 22030-6658 Phone: 703-988-0088 www. Loading: Axle load = 25,000 lb. 1 of ACI 318 because it establishes reasonable acceptance criteria very applicable to floor slabs. The calculation checks the design subject to point loads, line loads and uniformly distributed loads applied to a concrete slab using fabric, fibre or fibre and bar reinforcement. Here we are only This example is based on Design Example A3. The design of ground slabs is typically governed by the site classification, stiffness and reactivity (i. Determining slab thickness starts with the purpose of the slab, its use and its loads, in addition to applicable stan-dards. Even with the best slab designs and proper construction The calculator can design the slab on ground founded on either expansive soil or compressible soils. gl/9kVqTy for more FREE video tutorials covering Concrete Structural DesignThe objectives of this video are to look at the maximum load combinatio Monolithic Slab Foundation Design Example. In Australia, most residential ground slabs are designed to the Australian Standard AS 2870-2011 Residential Slabs & Footings. • Technical Report 34 (TR 34), “Concrete Industrial Ground Floors - A Guide to Design and Construction“, The Concrete Society, 2003. Post-tensioned slabs-on-ground provide a cost-efficient, high-performance solution for problems associated with ground-supported residential foundations on shrink-swell soils. It includes definitions of terms, code references, and calculations for moments, shear forces, and reinforcement requirements. com An Approved Continuing Education Provider. MidWest Plan Service (Koenig in this example. 3. 83 ft = L - Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 0/D20. The design and construction process for such slabs demands careful attention to various design elements that ensure the integrity, durability, and functionality of the final product. Considering M20 grade of concrete and Fe 500 steel of diameter of 10 mm Effective Depth: (130-15-10/2) = 110 mm. In this section, I will provide you with an example of a monolithic slab foundation and explain the key details of its Comprehensive guide on designing slabs-on-ground, including design theories, slab types, soil support, and shrinkage control. 2—Example selecting the optimum amount of reinforce-ment to maximize the compressive stress in the concrete where the slab thickness, the joint spacing, and prism expansion are Ground supported slabs are frequently designed with a single layer of reinforcing. StructurePoint, formerly the PCA Engineering Software Group, offers concrete design software programs updated to ACI 318-14 for concrete buildings, concrete structures and concrete tanks. Subgrade modulus, k = 300 lb/in 3. Studylib. 22 (D)_PA Amendment 5_March 2019 8 . Slab On Grade Design and Calculation Spreadsheet . BONDY After a highly successful first run, Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground is extensively revised A crew at work on a post-tensioned slab on ground. For the second design slab example, we’ve decided to run a flat slab This document presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. 1 Introduction 4. Market for Post-Tensioning Tendons Post-Tensioned Concrete Slabs-on-Ground Author: Ken Bondy Created Date: 8/14/2002 9:17:11 PM Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground (ACI PRC-360-10) at 50% off the regular price. An example from the paid program: Slab capacity in flexure: ( The comparisons of the results with the Post Tensioning Institute's (PTI) Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground manual examples show that the PTI analysis is conservative for A reinforced concrete slab is a broad, flat plate, usually horizontal, with top and bottom surfaces parallel or nearly so. Thread starter Andreldmoura; Start date Jun 8, 2018; Status Not open for further replies. In examples tabulated below for designer consideration. 4. It is a simpler foundation type often used for home and even DIY shed This guide presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. Design examples are given. Due to the pre-stressing force, PT slabs can span greater distances than conventional concrete slabs. However, the process should be based on the unique project specific variables involved. In addition, post tension slabs can be designed to DESIGN OF SLAB: Design of typical Floor Slab: We have thickness of slab as 130 mm. Traditionally ground-supported floor slabs have been designed by elastic methods, using equations developed by Westergaard in the 1920s that are still widely used. 2) Comparison of Results between Tedds and ACI Model and design slab on ground, end bearing piles and friction piles using the INDUCTA software. When designing for flexural tensile stresses, it is necessary to consider the probability of Ground supported slabs with light loading are frequently designed without reinforcing (unreinforced). The document summarizes the design of a 6 inch thick concrete slab on ground. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: ACI Collection of 2. 2—Example with amount of steel and slab joint 1. The existing native Examples of this type of construction could be large cargo terminal buildings, airport runways, high speed highways, etc. Learning Objectives: documents. 9 Eurocode 2 design method for patch loads 4. these joints to keep things in check. 0 5. 5 lists the minimum information that should be provided in the construction documents by the design professionals. Model slab on ground using either the Winkler model or soil This example is based on Design Example A1. 10 Design Two-way Slab Design Example. 24 10x10 D20. the slab carries í µí°º í µí°¾ = 10 KN/m 2 including self-weight and í µí± í µí°¾ = 5 KN/m 2 . Vehicle passes = 100,000. Example information. Merely establishing the k value for a particular site should not be used as a rationale for bypassing a proper geotechnical report. 6 Hetenyi design method for uniformly distributed loading 4. The slab is This video shows the Wire Reinforcement Institute's method to design Slab-on-grade foundation in high plasticity expansive soil. Appendix 6—Design examples for steel FRC slabs-on- ground using yield line A2-Slab thickness design by WRI method A3-Design examples using COE charts A4-Slab design using post-tensioning A5-Shrinkage-compensatingconcreteexamples CHAPTER l-INTRODUCTION l. The plan of the flat slab to be designed is shown below. Additional copies can be purchased. a slab is subject to modular racking posts loads the slab has adequate flexural capacity. To investigate or design a slab with a single layer or reinforcement, spMats To design a slab on grade, the engi-neer needs a value for the modulus of subgrade reaction—commonly re-ferred to as k. Appendix 6—Design examples for steel FRC slabs-on- ground using yield line method. Ground-bearing slabs permeate a multitude of structures, including commercial offices, Post-Tension Slabs: Analysis, Design & Construction- S02-035 5 Post tension slabs also offer increased design versatility. The case you described does not appear to be a “soil-supported” slab, thus applicable provisions of ACI 318 would govern. Slabs may be supported by reinforced concrete beams, masonry or reinforced concrete walls, structural steel Example solutions on Page 2. This article shows you two slab design examples - one-way and two Design of Industrial Ground Floor Slab. The design of a concrete slab on ground is typically performed by a registered professional. First, by determining the purpose of the space where the slab should be, is it an office or a warehouse space? Which loads affect the slab, exposure classes and requirements set can be chosen when the purpose has been determined. The Analysis category determines which elements will be available for modelling. Based on a realistic assumption that concrete For example, use fiber at a dosage to provide a This guide presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. These design elements Ground supported slabs are frequently designed with a single layer of reinforcing. Examples of this type of construction could be large In 1981 “DESIGN OF SLAB-ON-GROUND FOUN-DATIONS, A Design, Construction & Inspection Aid for Consulting Engineers” was first published. Jun 8, 2018 #1 Andreldmoura Structural. ACI 360R-06. Tr-34 Ground slab Design 2. Example usage of Table USDA The design checks to ACI 360R-22 are based upon ensuring: $$ \text{actual stress}\le\dfrac{\text{allowable stress}}{\text{FoS}} $$ There are multiple failure modes for a slab-on-ground: Flexural failure of the slab, when the slab develops tension stresses in its soffit that exceed its flexural capacity Comprehensive guide for designing slabs-on-ground, including industrial floors, soil support, loadings, jointing, and various concrete types. ACI 360R-10. The slab is supported on beams of size 225 x 500 mm spaced at 4. The slab thickness is to be designed as 150 mm. Comparisons and contrasts are tabularized and discussed regarding the results from Tedds and the ACI Design Example. I was making a spreadsheet with the guidance of tr34 and i'm in doubt about the calculations considering unreinforced slab. swell/shrink due to moisture changes) of the founding material. It addresses the planning, design, and detailing of slabs. 1990. Note. According to section 1. In the context of this guide, slab-on-ground is defined as: a slab, supported by ground, whose main purpose is to support the applied loads by bearing on the ground. Biggest Single U. Introduction The benefitsof providing tensile reinforcement in concrete have been recognised for many years. a slab is subject to modular racking posts loads of 1000 lbs each in a grid of 6’x6’. org ©D. Design is the decision-making process of planning, sizing, detailing, and developing specifications preceding construction of slabs-on-ground. The effective span is 4m and the rise is 1. I am looking for a guide to design slabs-on-ground for a building, which ACI document should I use? A. 4 Strength of existing ground and effect on sub-base 4. 0KN/m2 4. This makes them an ideal solution for a variety of construction projects. The following are additional acceptable methods presented to the SEAOSC Slab on Ground Design Calculation - Free download as PDF File (. The slab is 6. This article shows you two slab design examples - one-way and two-way slab systems. 53m by ACI 360-10 Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground - Free download as PDF File (. com www. 0, March 2019 . CE 433, Reinforced Concrete Design Summer 2013 Example Slab Design 1 / 2 Material Properties Geometry compressive strength of concrete f'c 5,000 psi span length of slab (beam spacing L 18 ft center to center coefficient for depth of stress block 1 0. The load capacity of a slab-on-ground is a function of its thickness, the subgrade modulus and the interaction between the slab and the subgrade. Using the PCA design chart starting with the slab stress to the contact area, the wheel spacing for our example problem requires a slab thick-ness of about 9 inches for a subgrade Design of Slab-on-Grade/Ground (SOG) Construction Fine Print: The information below is not a research paper and no references are provided’; it is a compendium of material gathered during my years of practice. (On Ground),” as well as a Section R506. It specifies the design loads, material A5. 10 Design Design of Slab-on-Grade/Ground (SOG) Construction General SOG construction consists of placing a concrete slab on the existing native soil. Example Model with Sample Input In this example, a concrete warehouse floor with joints spacing 20' o. A principal requirement in the design of ground-supported slabs is the avoidance of cracks on the upper surface. The vapor retarder can be provided if necessary.
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