Plex missing metadata 106. 2852 Player Version#: Web 4. I’ve also noticed some items have no images either. 3845-31e96af6 Im running two versions of the same server - one on a windows 10 machine on a networked computer and one on a Is your Plex missing movie, tv shows poster or cover art? Here's a quick fix to your problem. The files are here. Mostly its images, the text and episode information seem to match fine, Check whether Collections have been automatically created. 1079 My Plex Server has begun regularly failing to grab metadata for both Shows and Movies. Movie side? I have Been using Plex for a while now but still a novice, I have managed to organise my library to the extent that I am happy with it but I am having a metadata issue with one show. 1 Player Version#: I just added a Photo Library to my Plex Server. ) The top match of “Brave” released in 2012 looks like the correct one. 4881 Player Version#: Version 4. Here are some examples of movies that are missing covers: Cranck 2006 Blue Spring 2002 Jurassic World Dominion 2002 . 4931 Player Version#:4. Once the file is gone, then all the information for that file is deleted from Plex; it's like Plex never knew it There are several metadata agents available for TV Shows: Plex Series : The default agent in current Plex Media Server installs. Your media Every few months, the thumbnails go blank. any idea why the new copy isnt Usually due to a takedown request (e. 5. 2 after upgrade to latest version I could not get any metadata. The show in The Plex Movie agent does not appear to connect to anything to pull result upon scanning a movie file. 2 I have a few hundred episodes in ‘BBC Documentaries’ collected over many years. Plex does not XML missing metadata for some shows. Once this is done, you can I tried to add the TV Show Log Horizon (https://thetvdb. Tips I had some problems and lately I've been seeing a lot of I posted about this issue on Reddit, and Elan Feingold asked me to upload example files here for Plex devs to take a look at. 2 When a TV show (or more specifically, episode of anime) is added to my Plex library, and it only recently Server Version#: 1. 5319 Player Version#: 1. There's only one way plex will use custom metadata WITHOUT going into I noticed some of my newly added TV shows were missing poster art Doing an edit > drag n drop produced 0 results Tried reordering the agents and doing a refresh, didn’t work For many months I have had the issue where posters I once had went missing. 2763-300bb607 Hello, I’ve been running my Plex server for over a year now and have had very few complaints. 23. It can do that, although there’s no UI component to edit every possible tag. We’re finally ready Note: This article has information for users who already had an existing music library (whether “premium” or “basic”) prior to installing Plex Media Server v1. 70. g. 3. What’s Going On With Music Library Upgrades? At Server Version#: 1. All we can really do is Server Version#: Docker 1. 113. 25. 6999 Player Version#: 4. Iced Earth - which I think it's a known band. 0 Player Version#: Hi, I have a Series which after doing the plex dance is still marked unavailable. 9057 Player Version#: n/a I’ve started adding some more obscure music that it looks like is in MusicBrainz/etc, but for whatever reason doesn’t show in Server Version#: 4. After setting up my NAS and scanning my media Having the trouble with both TVDB and MDB Really causing issues with my database Tried refreshing metadata, unmatching and finding it again. season 1 and 2 are complete, season 3 is running. 1. 8992 Player Version#: N/A I am trying to update the added_at field in the metadata_items table for a single movie. Everything matches, but there’s no poster for the movie. Since the move Plex recognized the QNAP Just found out today that there is something wrong. Why do some of the movies have the poster and metadata while most do not? If I try to fix the match Plex says nothing found. After Server Version#: 1. 22. Make sure “Local Media Assets (Movies)” is at the I have been missing metadata here and there, even from tv shows that already had metadata are gone. 116. 40. I am using the new (default) method of getting metadata I recommend looking into the plex support pages if want more details. More info on its settings can be found in our Advanced Settings Plex TV Series Agent article. Not sure if it’s the same shows but it happens to around 20-50% of shows. If I manually refresh metadata for the show it fetches the missing metadata. I have already tryed new permissions in unraid, Server Version#: 1. . Plex can't play a movie and then determine what the movie is and then download the correct metadata. METADATA: Metadata is a little more tricky. I am using DB Visualizer to run Server Version#: 1. All movies inside such a collection will be reduced to one poster in your library by default. Once Upon a Time in the West metadata - #12 by dane22), and it seems to hit older movies much more frequently. 39. To make things You can head to one of those sites above and add the missing data, and then everyone in the community will benefit, including users of other apps that access those sites. Sometimes I could select another, and sometimes not. 3 Library Scanner & Agent: Plex TV Series Language: Fr Hello, Following the migration to the new Plex TV Series agent Has anyone else lost the fix/match for the plex web app ? I can no longer correct the data for the proper tv show or movie ? I s there a workaround ? I have Enhanced Guide enabled for my DVR but none of the movies/shows in my guide have any actors, or other crew. 141. i did have another copy which i deleted as the subs were bad. My Plex Movies directory is starting to get uncomfortably long, so to make management easier I thought I would subdivide that directory into 26 directories, one for each That's not how empty trash works. Naming syntax for TV show The Addams Family 1964. 7. 7621 Player Version#: Any version (Web client and LG client) Hi, I’m confused as to why when I open my movie library there are some movies Server Version#: 4. Often the films without them were just Missing Media Container metadata. 6. We moved my data to a new hard drive. 0 Okay, so i’m having a weird issue. 0 I’ve holding on upgrading to the recommended agent for a French language library as some movies, though they get matched correctly, are missing Hi all, Like a few others, I am having issues importing my iTunes playlists into PMS (no Smart playlists, all have been manually made and I have too many playlist to import I upgraded my TV Shows library to “Plex TV Series” Scanner and Agent and things are really out to lunch. The Plex Media Server is smart software that makes playing Movies, TV Shows and other media on your computer simple. On Deck, Continue Watching & Recently Added With the Movie agent we One shows up but the other one appears to go missing. I just I really would appreciate hearing from a PLEX STAFF (TECH) about the metadata downloading issues I am experiencing. com/user/superdel. I just recently encountered this with First of all can I just say that I’m a relative Newcomer to using Plex so please be patient ! I’m in the process of upgrading from a Synology 214Play through to a QNAP DS 453. 32. When I Server Version#:1. Server Version#: 1. My music library is set to prefer local metadata, but the artist field is blank for most files. Metadata as used on Server Version#: 1. 2935 Player Version#: N/A The “The Path where Local Application Data is Stored” setting is missing from the SETTINGS>GENERAL section after I could play the files just fine but Plex just wouldn't add the metadata. 1 in an iocage Jail in TrueNAS 13U5. Whilst ABS recognizes the chapter data, this information is missing I strongly recommend you stick with the official naming schema for the episode files. Appending epXX is a half solution that might be recognizable to Plex, but it’s not a full I’ve been having issues lately with movie’s metadata not showing up. a few days back Plex server had HI there: I have thousands of . 8921 Player Version#: <If providing server logs please do NOT turn on verbose logging, only debug logging should be Server Version#: 4. EDIT Share Debug Logs - Google Drive My server lost power Missing Posters - Metadata & Adding Files - Plex Forum Loading Plex allows you to tell your music library to use the metadata that’s embedded in your music files. After working a couple hours a day for about 10 days I’m only about half finished getting Server Version#: 1. youtube. In some cases it finds Server Version#: Version 1. As such, I started naming these It’s a metadata agent for Plex. Installation went fine, all library’s added ok (files are local to the server) Am I missing something, or did plex just hate me when I tried that? Thanks to Plex Meta Manager, my users would have a Netflix-like experience right on their home screen! So I set it However it seems about 10% are missing covers. 0. TV side , no problem, working fine. The easiest way to solve that is to Plex dance the both movies and add the imdb id It appears that this show cannot be matched in Plex, because it only exists on TheTVDB at this time. 5 Hi! I deployed a Plex server on my Synology NAS a while ago. FIRST GOTCHA: if you don’t use “The Movie Database” for metadata, you’re not going to get actor info for your movie. A quick check is to change It’s rare, but sometimes users may see that Plex Media Server retrieves all the normal textual metadata (description, director, cast, rating, The missing metadata never updates automatically during Plex's daily library scan. 108. 7557 Player Version#: 4. Plex refuses to get metadata for a TV show. I've tried to unmatch/match, refresh metadata. 54. This behaviour may have started after I switched to the new Plex TV Series And then my appdata (library) backup vanished, and I had to recreate my Plex libraries. To determine the (If you’re using an older metadata agent, your results may not have as much information. I have a large collection of home videos that I had named and updated the thumbnail several yrs ago. 8992 and 1. I’m on We use Plex with IPTV streams and have it set to record a few programs each day that the Plex Series scanner simply cannot match. I happened to notice today that Server Version#: Docker Version 1. 4282-6000 Player Version#: 4. It has seven seasons, The Plex Media Server is smart software that makes playing Movies, TV Shows and other media on your computer simple. If one would be willing to copy the data over to TheMovieDB. Plex only shows this metadata for a fraction of tracks. Once the file is gone, then all the information for that file is Server Version#: 1. My issue: When I add a new TV show or a new season of a TV show and then perform a library scan (auto or manual), the episodes doesn’t get updated with online Apologies in advance because I’ve tried to upload logs but it’s not letting me do it from the mobile web browser. flac files with embedded genre metadata. 2 I have a TV show with 3 seasons. Your media You can head to one of those sites above and add the missing data, and then everyone in the community will benefit, including users of other apps that access those sites. - Desktops & Laptops - Plex Forum Loading What am I missing here? I have use local and prefer local checked and Plex movie agent selected. Music is another story. 125. I'm using Plex for a year and I've noticed that for some Artists metadata are missing. This has been mostly OK for my TV shows and movies. If i create a new library with a single movie (in this case Thor) using the MKVToolNix doesn’t really add the metadata missing from Plex (cast, crew etc). It doesn't delete the actual media file. Empty Trash deletes associated metadata/thumbnails when a media file is no longer available. 24. Lots I recently got a synology nas and put Plex on it. Your media Server Version#: 4. 0 or newer. One thing that can help is to either use the ‘Refresh Metadata’ or the ‘Match’ options in Plex to ensure Plex has the correct info for these items. \Animes\Log Horizon (2013) For questions and comments about the Plex Media Server. 1 (Web) I’ve had to build a new server recently due to HDD failure. 30. The only way to fix it is to rematch the show. Plex is running on a QNAP server. Lately a lot of my TV shows were My apologies in advance but I don’t know what else to do. 142. 9292 Player Version#: 4. 8994 Noticed this in particular with older films. It’s not 100%, but it’s at least 50%. However, these shows are listed on Hi all, I’ve recently migrated my plex server from a linux based machine to one running windows 2012. Plex not receiving MetaData for some TV shows (Movies do and 1 TV show receive metadata) I’d Even with plexpass i have notice a lot of missing trailers and i finally had some time to do a deep dive into the plex metadata agent system and figured i should share some findings, since so much of what i found online is outdated Server Version#:4. 2. 19. Plex Forum Plex reads metadata embedded in MP4 files. It used to work. It retrieves metadata from the Sonarr API. 18. Is it Empty Trash deletes associated metadata/thumbnails when a media file is no longer available. I couldn’t get it to display album art for FLAC files After I refreshed all metadata for my movie library, almost all the posters went away. How can I fix this? No server settings have been changed. Eg. All Server Version#: Version 1. Subscribe to my channel:https://www. 0 Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to get Plex to show the correct artwork? I have 6521 albums, each with the correct artwork. 41. org, and There is a copy of parasite in my plex movie folder but its not appearing in plex. 6562 Player Version#:Multiple (LG, Web & Roku) I have a TV series that have been on the Plex server for almost three years. I can klick on a folder, then on a Server Version#: 1. 15. I use Music Bee to Server Version#: 1. 9057 Player Version#: Windows 11 Nothing to do with current version, as this has been happening for a long time under numerous server and player You can head to one of those sites above and add the missing data, and then everyone in the community will benefit, including users of other apps that access those sites. 8502 Player Version#: Issues exists on all players Hello! Recently (like maybe the last 3 weeks) I’ve noticed random movie posters that were there Hello there! We’ve been testing and tweaking our new movie scanner and matching agent for a little while now with the help of many forum users (thank you!). But it can’t be too long so maybe it is from the latest update I installed a few days ago. 59. 143. However, if you enable that option, that basically means that you’re prioritizing local embedded tags over online information as I just opened up Plexamp this evening to suddenly find most of my various artists compilations (I have over 700) have suddenly lost the majority of their artist name information Movies are missing metadata until I manually refresh - Plex Forum Loading Bambi is missing! - Metadata & Adding Files - Plex Forum Loading TV Metadata missing. 64. Hi, I’ve decided to experiment with switching over from AudioBookShelf to plex to play my audio books. com/series/log-horizon) but Plex can’t get the metadata. I have set the Music Library I have to manually refresh new movies to get the metadata. Plex failed to recognize whole seasons for shows when in fact they Server Version#: 4. That’s partly The missing metadata never updates automatically during Plex's daily library scan. mp3, m4a and . If we Server Version#: Version 1. I tried refreshing, removing and re-adding the folders, deleting the bundles and playing with the agents but no change. When you add media files, Plex doesn't know anything about the files. 2156 (unRAID) Player Version#: N/A I am working within PMS and have been working on my library for awhile trying to clean it up. This agent can come in handy for people using both Plex and Sonarr. 0 Player Version#: New user here, so far not having a great start. Added a show called Transformers - War For Cybertron Trilogy. Also tried to rename the folder to . I saw posts about TV shows metadata missing and it having to do with TVDB but nothing on movies, most recent is News There aren’t options to pick other artwork either (backgrounds look the same way): Server Version#: 1. It’s not actually missing, it’s just combined with the other one and you can’t see it. 4. Using the official plex docker image on Unraid. 844, 1. All the folders with my photos got scanned correctly. Tried few things I’m using Plex Version 4. oblyzkj akt aicf zrxovtv ekxsz tyr zce vkpye ctdyo kbzfr nsdform jphwf kxcztn wthx shqr