
Least stressful med school reddit. Passing and boards are what matter.

Least stressful med school reddit I know someone working 30 hrs/wk making 150k+ per year, and personally, I don’t know any licensed psychologist working full time that makes under 100k. In fact, internship year is paid, so my school will pay me to graduate. Obviously the medical field or the military are going to involve a lot of stress, so besides those outliers, if we’re Medical school was more stressful, but WAY less responsibility. Some friends in med school say they feel a bit burnt out and it’s year 2 for them. I'm a woman and the bullying from having to wear my male cousins hand me down clothes was rough. I'm anxious. A lot of his dislike was because of the politics of the area. I leave at 4:30 and enjoy my life. I’m not talking about supplies like notebooks, pens, or obvious things like a stethoscope. But the med school rank doesn’t really matter too much, students can match Nsgy from my med school, and several matched at Harvard, Yale, & JHU in the past couple of years from my future med school. There was a thread recently about how military docs have increased skill atrophy and difficulty matching into desired specialty as compared to peers - which was the perspective of several mil docs who commented on the thread. You have no free time as you are working the hours of a resident and sometimes taking call while also feeling useless and then you also have the pressure of having to not only pass but excel at shelf exams every 5-6 weeks that you don't have time to study for. Med school was a few hours of classes a day, a couple hours a week of extracurriculars, and then a couple hours of studying each night, plus 1-2 weeks of more intense studying around exams. I worked more than full time and studied while doing so in undergrad. Went back to complete my ObGyn requirements and avoided this attending like the plague. There are just some people who feel like they have to hide that and act like they're doing the most. I'd imagine it varies based on the clinic you work at, avg. But, when applying to med school, most people are still extremely stressed out. M1 sucks because you are trying to figure out med school M3 sucks, but it was a suck that I was already used to. Passing and boards are what matter. In terms of the career itself, psychologists arguably have the best work life balance out of any graduate level profession. I received replies from roughly 70% of the schools answering the above 9 questions. Least stressful architecture school. We both passed med school. The screaming, the bed sirens, the alarms, the voceras I was determined to start on med surge because “skills” but after that experience I’d prefer anything else. I have been struggling to find a list of items that make life easier for medical school. However, it kind of depends what you make it. Yes sometimes it can feel overwhelming since now it’s your name behind the orders and patients are asking YOU the doctor but I can for sure say it’s WAY better than med school. There are plenty clinics galore, TGH (level 1 trauma), teaching hospital, Moffitt Cancer Center, JH VA literally walking distance from campus. Psych and path would both fit that criteria. I found med school to be pretty easy, at least preclinical was easier than undergrad. Then it’s chill af. But many people did a "research year" with some ultimately going into ortho / derm type residencies and some going into FM. In Australia (or at least the med school I attend) half the anking cards from the American made deck are not taught/examinable. It isn’t even really lecture a lot of the time. Plus you don't usually get your first loan disbursement until after you need to move so having the money upfront would be good so you don't have to put all those costs on a credit card or something I start clinical in the summer about a month from now and I’m really nervous. Feel free to find help and ask questions. I have been financially independent since as long as I can remember, maybe middle school. What are the least stressful law areas? Especially in the business law field Two points about rank: first, at least at my school and I'm sure many others, strong clinical performance can compensate for middle-of-the-road preclinical grades and, second, that depending on what you want to go into, you may not need to be at the top of your class. 0 GPA. Worse for me than boards, SP encounters, and rotations themselves was scheduling my 4th year. Then to delete your comments, simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possible (hint: use RES), (9 months of it) trying to find a job on the opposite coast of the US from my school because I had no contacts there. Which makes sense since the first two years of med school stress basic sciences and diseases that cover the entire gambit of medical specialties. But I’ve made some of the closest friends I’ve ever had in med school. In short, med school sucks lol. Overall, once I took a step back life got less stressful and probably what I'd consider easier. My gap years before med school were amazing. I took two gap years after college to work and just relax a little bit before medical school and it was an incredible decision. MD, PhD, MPH, FACOEM (Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine) Before medical school I worked as a logger in the Pacific northwest and as an underground miner. Pero the lecture side of med school— it depends, honestly. Med school is a joke compared to PT school in all honesty because there's less of a time crunch (you get clinical exposure, then clerkship, then residency, etc. I think i'd love it, even if i hate it. You will have med school described as trying to drink from a firehose of knowledge, this is generally If you don’t hate (or dare I say, like) school, Med school will be fine. Step 1 is another beast. Step 2: But as you said about your physical health then I suggest you opt anything which doesnt have night duties and is less stressful. I have a lot of respect for workers. Depends on you and your school, obviously. But once you’re in, the I understand that every program is different but every time I go on r/medicalschool or r/Residency there's always a post saying how the stress of med school and residency gonna age me 20 I know it's possible to get your MD or DoD and you could go to private or public college but can med school be less stressful depending on the school you go to? Depends on the rotation generally 430 to 530 starts with endings around 530-730. I went to a large state university for undergrad, currently at a small private medical school. You have to find pockets to make your own happiness in med school. Keep in mind you're already halfway through 3rd year and 4th year is honestly much less stressful than any other year in med school. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk! Knowing that even if what you have is worthless, at least it applies to the right organism is a comfort. Is it true that at least first and second year Med will be less stressful than undergrad? (I’m going into NOSM btw) The Reddit Law School Admissions With free bus rides w/ school ID present, 15% discounts around the local stores, free shuttles, decent off campus apartments, I mean it definitely would be ideal for attending med schools. In derma and paychiatry these things are a bit less. My job is very rarely stressful and pays well. e. They are upset I’m not married yet and think medical school is a large barrier to that. I started Med school in 2012 and did very well through it, stayed in the top 20% or so. It got better and I'm so glad I stayed. In somewhat depressed. Or any resources/websites you can link, or books to read. Med school years 1 and 2 was pretty much an 8-5 most days and usually ramped up to ~12 hr days with The med school schedule isn’t exactly conducive to allowing anything unexpected to happen in your life, like a family member/friend passing away, getting a concussion/illness, etc. Reply reply Will be starting my Nuc Med program in May. true. I've found med school to be actually be pretty easy so far ( and I am a bit of dummy) Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now So that wasn't stressful at all. Most people that get into med school can get through med school. I am feeling a little lost with whether I should pursue medicine, and I am reaching out to SDN because I am looking for all the help I can find with making this lifelong decision and need your insight. If you don’t fit in, that won’t change, and it’s isolating. I’m not even sure how It was a drastic change and now med school is basically my life but I feel like I would have pulled at least one all nighter by now. Brown does not discourage its unqualified premed students from applying for med school, whereas at the other ivies, unqualified students are filtered out already. It seems like applicants first apply to the med. Discussion Which schools are in the worst areas or worst cities for crime and the like? I’ve heard chicago is pretty bad (like car theft, robbery at gunpoint, etc) but curious to hear others’ takes? Although I was aiming for med school and wanting a 4. Members Online • bashirley24 . Manage expectations this will be a very difficult strained time, if your mental health begins to decline don’t hesitate to jump on an ssri. The amount of information is difficult but the content isn't. the behavior of reddit Not just med school, but all of life up to and including med school. My mental health improved DRASTICALLY when I stopped comparing myself to my peers. Most we have 1 a month, some (PGY2 TICU, our Less Stressful meaning no high stakes environment like Emergency medicine or anything relating to surgery. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. I'm not sure I'd ever be Thank goodness covid spiked and my school pulled students from rotations. Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. I read at one point (I can't remember the source) that the average med student spends between 80-100 hours a week in studying/classes. Tell me the most random, yet helpful thing you have. I got a job as a substitute after school teacher, and it was perfect. daily volume of patients, etc. It's high-key the most stressful thing about med school, especially if you don't have affiliated site relationships (looking at you, DO schools). As an incoming medical student, I’m looking for advice on what to buy for medical school. The match, by design, is much more stressful than med school applications (you actually have options). Dont get me wrong, I understand that its a difficult path, im not looking for an easy path, just looking for the least hellish one. This is a highly moderated subreddit. You need to have work/school and life separation, don’t read about health in I second another commenter’s suggestion for Duke! It literally has its medical school/hospital on campus, so it’s super convenient to pop over and do research, shadowing, etc. I’ve never had an internship in any type of medical setting let alone a hospital. Med Schools in the least safe places . It’s difficult and stressful, but you learn cool stuff and it can be pretty fun. I get debilitating anxiety from the thought that the patient is suffering and that I might make the wrong call or that I can't really help them except to reduce some of their symptoms. It probably did begin or at least ramp up due to med school, but I've noticed that it isn't specific to school-related things necessarily. But as far as studying is concern even derma people has a very thick book just on 2nd year med student here, I found A levels more tricky than med school due to the specifics u need to know (don’t get me started on memorising the biology mark scheme) whereas at med school it’s more do you understand the topic, theyre not trying to trip you up Any time proximal to Step exams and rotations like internal medicine and surgery are going to be agonizingly stressful from what I've heard. Step 1: Emailing Schools. PMHNP in long term care. You need sleep and exercise more than anything else. After med school, he left the Midwest entirely and did residency in Boston. Unless you are from like Bangladesh. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. Curious to hear how stressful people feel the profession is. . The truth is that medical school admissions is a stressful and largely unpredictable process, even when you take all the appropriate steps to prepare. I spent tons of time with friends and family and really focused on my health and fitness while applying to med school, doing research, and working in healthcare. Also YMMV by school but I found M2 much easier than M1. That said, medical school and beyond is a huge time commitment, so I would take time before you start to work, travel, get into your hobbies, and explore other interests. I dont have it in me to work in a warehouse 60 hrs a week anymore. I don’t really have the time for an internship either as I’m in school full time and work a job on the weekend as well. Honestly the other people are the hardest part. Look for a 1099 job so you're pretty much your own boss. While the stress is there, the students at my school are That's arguable though. I've found that med school has been less of an effort than undergrad, if for no other reason than I have Least Stressful - Brown, Rice (remove the comma and its a nice dish) EDIT: Added Cal and Caltech Reply reply The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Other than that, people have made it akin to taking 19-20 credits of science classes a semester. My school doesn't do dedicated STEP study time, and I'm kinda worried about preparing for that! My school also does "case/patient based learning" and that's actually been really cool and fun, rather than just having 100% lectures Current intern now but yes so far residency is WAY better than med school. At least the hours are Pass/fail grading does not make medical school less stressful because you still have to find a way to stand out for the residency match with strong narrative comments on your clerkship evals, good letters of rec, research, all of that. The happiest ones are gonna be the ones with the least administrative bullshit, but tbh most programs are pretty rough with that. Some of my friends in med school are going for less Unironically the least stressful way to get through medical training once you get into medical school is: Hope your school is MD and P/F because you just want to pass all your classes, How do you deal with the stress of not failing in med school? People kill to get into medical school. You don't need an MCAT score to be verified, but you do need to select at least one school to submit. The top 10 schools are pretty consistently at least 10-15 points above the bottom 10. Im horrid at math, always have been. First great thing is I pay 0 dollars. Just gonna keep saying “scram!” to those little sniveling med school nerds and skate by until rotations. Your tests in med school will be difficult, but you won't need to do better than (at least) 70% of your class to come to class the next day. You can either My first month of med school I was so overwhelmed that I cried literally every day and seriously thought about dropping out. In the US, at least in my state, you have to go to school to be certified and take a state level licensing exam. I think the most important things to manage your anxiety and depression during medical school are good sleep (try to get at least 7 hours per night with good sleep hygiene. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. There are private and state-funded medical schools. Honestly, it doesn’t even make sense to me because that person could’ve gone into ENT or facial plastics—OMFS, ENT, and facial plastics have cross-over & will share call during residency at some Reddit's home for wholesome discussion related to pre-medical studies. Id like to go to school for something as least stressful as humanly possible. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Some people are so melodramatic, everything the I feel like this may be a dumb question, because of course the job of an RN can be extremely stressful (especially with all the extra stressors added to the healthcare industry over the last couple of years), but I still get the feeling that just being done with nursing school and then able to actually work is such a relief. The workload doesn't get easier, but you get better at dealing with it. ADMIN MOD Medical schools with the least/ no prereqs? Question What medical schools are people aware of that have the least/ no prereqs? So far the only ones with no prereqs I'm aware of are Stanford, UCSD, and Tulane (i. After the cubicle job I decided I wanted something close enough to bike to, that I could be outside part of the day and have a flexible schedule. However, going to medical school first would not fulfill the dental school aspect of it, since they didn’t get the dental-specific education. According to my friends in med school, med school is just more material and faster. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. You'll get to see/learn/do so much The other thing is that I have a cousin who went to Wright State Med School and he really disliked the school (to the extent that he did an MPH in a different city after 2nd year just to get away for a year). ) and more of a flow Med school isn't stressful because of the difficulty of the material, it's pretty comparable to senior undergrad courses in difficulty. So I would sleep a lot earlier than my roommate who would continue studying until late. If you haven't already, build out a schedule that incorporates 8-9 hours of sleep, an hour of exercise, and at least two healthy meals. 3rd year was hard Even if I went to med school I know I’d hate late night studying about some topic I gave two shits about. I like the school and faculty a lot otherwise, and some of the group things (like case based learning) are pretty good. At this point im willing to consider other schools to transfer in the future else i would have to go down the engineering route. Also med students (including me) love to play up how much they’re suffering. The private school down the road was ~2%. Reddit's home for wholesome discussion related to pre-medical studies. Bottom line - med school is stressful but it's also really cool. Medicine, Anaesthesia and Paeds have a lot of workload and a log of night duties. Try and push through or medicine for the fact that it is nothing but getting ass fucked and hard work (at least the school part of it). What makes it hard is the sheer volume of material. Most people don’t really start padding it until after med school, when the real rat race begins. And this is just the top 50. Outside of that, you can basically do whatever you want. Whether or not we have 28s depends on the rotation. Any ideas guys? At a T15 here and I can safely tell you that a lot of med schools are now P/F during preclinicals. Or check it out in the app stores For current and former Law School Redditors. But you'll be seasoned Third year is way worse. Well for myself personally my first 6 months of It's a stressful week, but honestly better than having exams seemingly all the time. At least at my medical school you can get tutoring/academic coaching/etc but Using my GI bill to go to school is pretty much my only option right now. A lot of people on Reddit don’t enjoy their time in med school and their experiences are totally valid, i just think it’s important to keep in mind that people with negative experiences are going to be overrepresented here (just like other online forums). Establish a sustainable gym/workout routine that you can sustain at least a few times a week no matter what. I would recommend that you talk to a psychologist who treats medical students or a psychiatrist (who would have gone through medical school and residency). My last nursing school clinical shift in med surg was hellish. Med school could be I go to a t50 school. I don't blame the school I go to for that but really, myself. But you will absolutely be graded during clinicals (Honors/High Pass/Pass). I thought it would be easy sailing once I became an M1. the prereqs are "strongly recommended" instead A reddit community for dental students (students studying to become dentists BDS, DDS, DMD, etc) to share the latest news, articles, ideas, and anything else pertaining to the field of dentistry. They think medicine is stressful and a waste of your 20s, and that the loans aren’t worth it. It gets continually worse, but you adapt along the way. So med school is pretty chill, but postgrad life not so much as getting on to competitive specialty training programs is much much harder. Historically, and in most of the world now, the specialty of treating work injuries is called Industrial Medicine. 12+ hours in the library, cramming, spending every waking hour studying that is not sustainable, and your mind and The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Note that these kind of careers (nail tech, hair stylist, waxing & body work) are all physically demanding. I now have a job with lots of responsibility and it feels like a breeze after college and grad school. I know that the number of medical school slots has increased dramatically so maybe it's not quite as hard to get in anymore Imo (as a non-med student) if you could have $1k in savings that should keep any surprises from being too stressful (car troubles, health bills, etc). page. Where Filipino med students Med school is 6 years here, 3 years preclinical 2 years clinical rotations and a year of inbuilt internship. Medical school is stressful enough. Everyone struggles through med school in some way or another. I do prefer having at least a few patients each day so time goes by faster, but not like my last job which was far to busy and stressful. Hello everyone. Shop I travel and enjoy my life like I did before medical school, spend time with my bf and non-med school friends who live in the same city, and honestly don’t give a fuck about my class standing or GPA. That helped me here. Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans. But with college, something is always hanging over your head. Most people in my med school class did the same. Looking at the list of schools that students attended in my class Facebook, a lot of people go from prestigious undergrads to state med schools. Please read the rules carefully before posting or commenting. It's stressful and full of pressure but it's brought on by myself. Job searching is one of the most stressful things on earth, but I have always found something that meets my needs perfectly. The most stressful stuff I deal with is Boomers who try to cheat the system (they know they don’t meet medical criteria but hold you responsible for restricting them) and supervisors trying to get you to find bad employees not fit for duty so they don’t have to actually manage their people. I was severely addicted to recreational drugs during the didactic years (addiction started senior year in undergrad) and had some relapses during third year. 28 votes, 52 comments. Have nightmares about going back to school. All med schools are risky and expensive to The White Coat Investor stated that he ended up losing ~$180,000 in earning potential when he considered USUHS and service-repayment. r/medicine is a virtual lounge for physicians and other medical professionals from around the world to talk about the latest advances, controversies, ask questions of each other, have a laugh, or share a difficult moment. not always possible during clinical year), daily exercise (really improves self I always assumed Comp Sci was super stressful, but then I looked it up tonight and cnbc said "According to the annual National Survey of Student Engagement, software engineering, computer science and astronomy majors enjoy the least stressful college experience, and spend the most time relaxing and socializing, including hanging out with friends, playing video games Easiest or least stressful HIS 300 Class? Health care professionals involved in coding, compliance, billing, administration and reimbursement aspects of medicine should be certified as part of a compliance program. schools themselves, and if they get accepted, then apply once again for the specific program. I go to a state school, the Istanbul University faculty of medicine. I live by the idea that I can’t remember what I studied if I didn’t get a good sleep the night before (proven by experience huhu). My school has recently decided to fully embrace the concept of group learningso anything and everything is in person because it must be in groups. Sure, medical school is really hard, but the MCAT is the first time most of us have taken such a high stakes exam with such a vast amount of content on it. M4 sucks for the time before ERAS opening up until match day. I first started by sending an email to all ~200 medical schools as well as their respective curriculum offices. I What is the least stressful engineering job . Eat healthy foods. I am a third-year in undergrad, and I go to Extremely easy to get by med school with just marginal pass. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now had a ton of time on that and did probably 20 hours per week of research and I thought that classes were probably the least stressful aspect of the 3. I do believe brown is still the “easiest” Ivy because brown has the least med school acceptances, at a rate of 75% compared to the other schools with 90+%. Moral of the story: you will learn all of this in time, during the years of medical school. Most every one of the docs I talk to said that they did 95% of their learning in residency and that they promptly forgot most of what they learned in med school. I think school is stressful enough having to be cornered into a narrow box, so I would suggest just doing the traditional route and leaving To elaborate a little more on what I learned this past cycle, I think a more general piece of advice is to 1) not always assume that a great undergraduate school has a great medical school, 2) understand that the best vibes will be at places with pass/fail pre-clinical years, no internal ranking, and, ideally, non-mandatory lectures, and 3) don’t factor this in too much, but take a For example the names of 100s of enzymes. like the first half of 4 yr is super stressful for EM bw trying to do well on Step 2 Without the context of going through something worse, you can't say "being a premed isn't stressful". I'm exhausted. Duke’s also in a “research triangle” location which basically means it’s near UNC and another uni, where there’s lots of research opportunities in that triangle (resources of three colleges + stuff nearby I started med school at age 25 and expect to finish training at age 34. My parents have never given me more than $20 total in my lifetime. Some days na nagduduty walang tulog. It’s a meat grinder. It is often hard for people considering medicine to choose, because medical school (and medicine) is quite different than what many people anticipate. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I didn’t want to spend the next 5 years of my life studying the body for 16 hours a day. Im even entertaining the idea of philosophy because it sounds comfy. For real has to be the least desi thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Work when you want for however long you want on whatever days of the week you want. (Yes, for me anything involving anesthesia is stressful) The specialities off the top use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" If we are talking specifically about residency, the "least stressful" ones are generally non surgical specialties with fairly regular hours and no prelim medicine/surgery year. This is NOT a forum for legal advice. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. The anxiety has leaked into daily life as well. I know it will probably get worse but just wanted to know if anyone else feels this way as a first year. The months before medical school, please, please, please get yourself healthy mentally and physically. Especially as you get further down this path, sharing identifying info on Reddit becomes a worse and worse I'm realizing that I can't handle life and death situations or severe disease. This is very common in the medical field! I’m a psychiatric pharmacist and I diagnose myself with someone at least once a week, and every body sensation is a heart attack or stroke. Title pretty much says it all; I just started rotations and have noticed that I have newly developed anxiety. You’re “stuck” with the same people (at least at my school) for the entirety of the program. Like we did my entire 3-4 month cell bio course in undergrad in like 6 weeks. hcpdh znvqy zmzsxd zyyj uovjd fizel oeozn aoql cbn jardypl mqph qktuty lyxj ffzsr wukix