Infj female appearance reddit You're a dream, baby girl. The INFJ is a lot like an INFP with a five point plan of action if you’re looking for a gross oversimplification. Looks clean. INFJ's are really good at making conversations. They are thoughtful in how they approach people and how to start a conversation. It is subconscious for most people on many levels to judge based on appearance. INFJs are naturally warm people, who Looks at consistency of ideas and thoughts with an internal framework. I’d watch the youtuber C. On one side, they are empathetic and compassionate, always ready to lend a listening ear and Here are some top traits of the INFJ female. While INFJs are always running with alot of emotions all the time. Now what I am more concerned with is being masculine or feminine, is it in their best interests of what they want to be? The question is more to do with whether the primary orientation is inwards or outwards. I don't know if something else is wrong with me but I constantly feel like I'm being judged and/or being misunderstood by I'm (INFJ female, and if it matters, demisexual as well as bisexual (interested in both men and women but only after an emotional connection is established)) going through similar issues, except the population of guys who try to hit on me are at Welcome to r/Schizoid! Schizoid personality disorder (often abbreviated as SPD or SzPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment and apathy. The problem with an INFJ male and ENTP female is that the INFJ is too meek to sacrifice the ENTP to Satan, and Satan won't accept a male offering. Not in an ugly shape or proportion, like an INFJ woman may have an hourglass figure underneath the very thin profile, whether or not we can see her rib cage easily. You are living out a self-fulfilling prophecy: By doing everything in your power to avoid taking up too much space/saying the wrong thing/upsetting people/disappointing people, etc. As for a brief summary of my personal feelings on isfjs and infjs is that they both have strengths that I admire. like what you’re all doing when you’re having a crush, how does your behaviour change around them or in general? and what’s the most used love language of yours, and are you making it obvious or are you being smooth about it? such We INFJs have a reputation for preferring sex that is meaningful, spiritual, intimate, or transcendent. Like for example, he would immediately think of a solution whilst I would think about how that Welcome to r/Schizoid! Schizoid personality disorder (often abbreviated as SPD or SzPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment and apathy. INTJ needs to realise that INFJ lives in a tangled world of grayscale emotions rather than black and white and the best way to help is often to allow the INFJ to talk about their emotions and listen rather than necessarily trying to Their appearance is modest. we were really hitting it off. A more smooth transition into adulthood. And as you may have noticed many women wear makeup to maintain this youthful girly appearance because they are afraid of losing their value in society. as an ENFP female i kind of do understand your perspective. ” I’m a woman who works in a male-dominated industry, and can’t help but wonder if that’s had an impact on me, or even if I’ve gravitated to this industry because of how I am. They might get misdiagnosed with aspergers because INFJs have a tendency to process things first and then react, and our Ni and Ti can make us seem muted emotionally and kind of prone to overprocessing information. This is to appreciate a beautiful stimuli like you. INFJ usually want to help people, and that can come off as pushy w the wrong communication. INFJs tend to be very intelligent. I’d say they usually don’t seem shy but sometimes do seem moody or pouty. No matter what they do or say they always think others won’t appreciate it, that they missed the point, that we’re secretly laughing at them, that they could have done better and we resent them for that, etc. Edit: I generally think beta quadra women suffer more than beta quadra men in this society, and that includes the NFJs. Just like the general INFJs, the INFJ female is known for being logical. Although I think most people have trouble understanding that or believing it. I’m 18 now, but I don't know if this is an infj thing, I think it just makes sense for men in our society. I have to admit that I've considered myself more relaxed relative to this stereotype - I think it's possible and valid to enjoy other I'm a Male ISFP married to an INFJ for 8 years. Nah nah. Yet they are collected. I do know, that women find me intimidating in person, but the ones that know me know I have that really soft side. Oftentimes to mimic this laid back attitude INFJs may adopt an intentionally "effortlessly beautiful" look, but they still put a lot of effort into it. Entp male and INFJ female is way better. I have a good friend, cis het male, who is my counterpart and my foil. They seem unconcerned about their appearance. 💯 To me, it is someone sincere, upfront with their desires, and intimately empathetic. Lastly is being highly intelligent. Babies will stare longer at attractive faces. One could argue that being good looking "earns" you better treatment throughout your life which reduces your stress levels, gives you access to A female infj id imagine would have the opposite upbringing. The INFJ is very similar in that they also live in a world of possibilities and ideals. Because INFJs and ENFJs both share Fe as their top extroverted function and judging function, you’ll see both in them strongly, so on the surface, they do appear similar. . Like for example, he would immediately think of a solution whilst I would think about how that Strangely I am a INFJ female and my past 2 relationships have been with INTJ and what I can say from experience is that it works well because of the feeling/thinking aspect. I don't mind that they're like this sometimes, they become interesting to me and stand out from the crowd. I've been with her for 10 years, and she is my everything. I think INFJs, in general are quite androgynous, but we do have certain "feminine" traits in that we are perceived as sensitive, otherworldly, and "ethereal. Physical beauty will be there till 35, good sex will be there till 50, I want someone to spend my life with, I want someone who I can die talking and yet there remains so much to talk so many new ideas to discuss, different perspectives, I like infjs coz being an enfp I can get what they want to express better than other people and they not I am a ISTP and dated an INFJ. If you’ve got an INFJ with maturely developed Ti logic, and an INTJ with mature Fi introverted feeling, I don’t see the problem. My tritype is sx/sp 641, and while I may exhibit 8-like behaviors from time to time, I am certainly not an 8. My recommendation is the ISTP would be just as withdrawn from flirting or showing affection as INFJs are, and often go based on very direct signs to understand if somone likes them or is happy with them. INTP female married to INFJ male here. Instead of the term stalking I think its more of a lingering. However, we enjoy going on adventures together, whether it's hiking or thrifting at the flea market or going on really long drives with the music blaring or cracking dark jokes. Joseph. I even heard some men discuss this on a podcast, they all said they had deeper conversations with women. For this reason, INFJs in She wears jeans and tennis shoes, wears her hair in a ponytail, and doesn't ever wear makeup or don anything remotely girly. My INFJ mom kinda tainted my ability to have close bonds with Fe types (or anyone more emotional), especially other INFJ women, so I tend to be more guarded and more willing to run far far away. I have some thoughts and am curious which others find relatable or if you have other struggles. This is where the J component hits the ground. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. It's obviously common for us advocates to be longing for those deeper connections and to be understood by others (myself included). I might be wrong but I feel like there is some unhealthy social characterising here, if you are asking for a checklist to define INFJ people. Natural beauty woman. Infjs are just generally a natural mental fit for me. Good question. I think a good INFJ makes an ENTP a better person by making them more in tune with their emotional side. And although I'm almost twice your age, I can totally see the same process going on as when I met my husband, so I'll talk about my experience. i am a good talker and i can take a dying conversation and give it a life. INFJs are estimated to be make up less that 1% of the world’s population: making it the rarest MBTI type! Congratulations, you hidden gems The type is the third least common among women and the least common for men! This subreddit is the one of the top MBTI subs with ~43,211 users! I would not use stereotypes for INFJ’s (not that you are) because they hate being misunderstood and I have seen masculine INFJ men and feminine, as well as both traits in INFJ women. I ask because I seem to see so much about the relationship between INFJ females and ENTJ males, especially when romantic. However with that said, there can be days where she will wear me out with her conspiracy theories, her third eye blinging stories and taking people the wrong way (especially when it's a family member). Someone who could talk at lengths about a topic if brought up even if it may seem pedantic, but switch gears into intelligent banter, puns, and crack jokes with humorous wit. You don't look nasty. Seeks harmony All I know is, some women find me very attractive, I'll only find out once some sort of acquaintance-ship has been established (at work for example). In contrast, the male ENTP can sacrifice the meek female INFJ to Satan. i was in your shoes once. The difference is that INFJs are a bit more practical and grounded. The ISTP has a hard time with the Judging trait. We struggle to find meaningful connections with people, especially us female ENTPs (we don't fit traditional femininity well, and if we appear to, it's an act born of survival). They also like to be in control but not necessary a leader - sorta steering things in the background. I wouldn’t say INFJ men ever appear like an xSTP or particularly extroverted, albeit they’re sociable. I've read that INTJs are also an ideal for ENFPs, but I find them to be too cold, whereas INFJs are merely shy and more mysterious. females always pursue me, including many of these mens girlfriends. INFJs lacks emotional expression on their face as if they are a serial I'm an infj female that was raised by a narcissistic mom. Tbh, while I do sometimes fantasize having a relationship with another INFJ for the above reasons, it seems that (I could be wrong here) most INFJ women don't want to be with an INFJ in a relationship due to being deterred by the idea of dating INFJ's don't move much. But each one of them looks like they are in a texas hold 'em tournament and about to win the tournament with an intense but casual look on their poker face . But in my online experiences, I get ignored left, right and centre and no idea why. ENTJ: These guys have a style that they make their own. i could be talking to a person the whole day and still not feel a thing but i rarely connect with anyone. If anything, the directness and ESTP subconscious seem to make us more awkwardly masculine in personality despite our appearance. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or Hi, I’ve heard some INFJ saying that they take care of their looks since it’s a way to show who they are to others, especially since they tend to be the quiet observers in a group. I’m a female INFJ with a male ENFP partner! Every relationship is different so I’m just speaking from our relationship experience My boyfriend grew up with a mom that formed him into a people pleaser and he finds a lot of satisfaction from doing so now because it’s how he “won” his mothers love growing up. You don't need make up, and you in bare face look like a woman from -- Final Fantasy. I have a co- worker that's an INFJ and for whatever reason wherever I'm at, most of the time he's either walking by or working at a distance where I can see him and he can see me. I don't really know the answer, but I would think that people with aspergers are highly unlikely to be INFJs. The two INFJ 4 I know both seem to be So4s, they are sensitive and very kind at their best, but their issue really is their self confidence. People don't realize that about ENTPs. I know you respect me, so I’d love to clear the air :) Open your heart to them. Fashion: A general disaster. INFJs have fish eyes that seem like looking at nowhere and unaware of what's going on. S. INFJ always respect someone who is honest and open about wanting to preserve the relationship for the greater Te and objective results and systematic efficieny and Fe emotional connection, understanding and group morale. Show them you care for older people. I find the Fe/Fi disconnect to be a bit of a struggle sometimes though. Some of them looks so sleepy. They feel that The INFJ is judging them instead of accepting them for who they are. I'm an ENTP 5w6 and my girlfriend who I've been dating almost a year now is a INFJ 4w5. INFJs are externally put together yet internally chaotic. It is as they have a gravity core that weights them down. INFJ always respect someone who is honest and open about wanting to preserve the relationship for the greater INFJ (female) in a relationship with an ISTP (male), and we have deep conversations, but only sparingly. Here are a few things you should know about the INFJ female. Every single person in the family. Zero value on physical appearance and therefore zero effort as well. I sometimes think male INFJs don't get as intense or fierce with their ESTP subconscious, the way I've seen female INFJs do. I was tested as INTP awhile ago, which I guess has changed now since I’ve gotten more critical of others and more goal driven irl. They tend to dress sharp, almost immaculate in their I'm a (nearly) 30 year old male ENFP, and it's been a long time since I've met an INFJ female, and I really miss the connection that comes from that kind of pairing. Otherwise, if you are a true INFJ, your self awareness is something that will exist regardless of how your conscious mind operates because the INFJ mind is an extremely predictive one that was repeatedly iterated into a style of Be empathetic. They also tend to favor stability and good structure, but they are also open to ne INFJ females are often described as a bundle of contradictions. OP seems more annoyed about people's superficiality than uncomfortable. hi guys, i’m an infj female myself, but i’m curious about how your behaviour changes when you’re around your crush, interacting with your crush, etc. Hope that helped. Show them you care for waiter in the restaurant or fastfood for example when you eat in fast food you clean your table so that you showing emphaty to 48 votes, 28 comments. How common is this tendency? Also, does other’s look matter to you? What do you tend to perceive and judge based on other’s appearance? Thanks in advance! Unlikely to exercise, this seems to tie into the fact that INTPs are the type most likely to smoke due to disregarding their own health and distrusting the opinions of experts. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or I’m a female INFJ with a male ENFP partner! Every relationship is different so I’m just speaking from our relationship experience My boyfriend grew up with a mom that formed him into a people pleaser and he finds a lot of satisfaction from doing so now because it’s how he “won” his mothers love growing up. Being an INFJ (or any other type) should not be confused with mental health issues. If we have similar interests, we can talk for hours and my sister and I just become two big idiots around each other which can be very fun. INFJs are more like onions, they have layers. Here is a link to the INFJ Wiki where you can find some resources. They seem to wander off in their minds even when talking to them. However young women mature much faster and become very valuable biologically at a much younger age. What INFJ's don't move much. I've maintained my looks, haven't over done it, and will continue to do procedures as I age to keep maintaining my appearance. As an INTJ I wear dress shirts, slacks and Being a female INFJ has even more unique differences, especially when they are compared to many other female types. Of course that isn’t to say that all women are good for is reproduction. This manifests as you becoming absent - you enter a space where you are alone with yourself, judging yourself - far, far away from everyone One thing I learned in this psychology course at school, INFJ types will tend to be (this is across all genders): a normal thin, or possibly skeletal figure. You're Te and objective results and systematic efficieny and Fe emotional connection, understanding and group morale. She saw me as an extension of her so, I always had to look perfect or like a Barbie. Sorry! I'm a Female INFJ but I've been thinking about this same question for some time! I have 2 other Female INFJ friends and 3 INFJ male friends, all very close to me, and I can tell you that the biggest difference I've found is that Female INFJs are much more open in demonstrating warmth, affection, caring actions towards others. The truth is we do live in a shallow society in which the way that you are treated mostly depends on the way you look --- especially if you are a woman --- rather than on your character /intellect /abilities etc. For decades I’ve described myself as “mentally androgynous. In terms of hair, male INTPs tend to just let it grow, from my experience, not sure regarding female ones. This can sometimes seem, to other types, that we are magic, or psychic. My mum is an ISFJ and im an INFJ, I would say some of the differences I've noticed are when someone is upset, she will do physical things like make them tea or make dinner or buy them a treat to cheer them up whereas I tend to take on kind of a therapist/counseller role and talk through their difficulties with them. Sorry if this comes off as rude just the vibe I get However this often results in embarrassing honesty and bluntness out of the INFP, as well as perhaps an unconventional or unkept appearance. Pretty key in this relationship is the INFJ understanding INTJ’s need for logic and difficulty with emotions. INFJ Respect open honest communication from a heartfelt place. Symmetrical features, healthy skin, and healthy hair correlate strongly to lifespan, earnings, intelligence etc. How common is this tendency? Also, does other’s look matter to you? What do you tend to perceive and judge based on other’s appearance? Thanks in advance! I wouldn’t say INFJ men ever appear like an xSTP or particularly extroverted, albeit they’re sociable. Strangely I am a INFJ female and my past 2 relationships have been with INTJ and what I can say from experience is that it works well because of the feeling/thinking aspect. 1. The biggest thing for an ENTP to know about dating an INFJ is to be respectful of their alone time, to be sensitive towards their feelings, and to be caring. INFJs are slightly more mysterious and very melancholic, INTJs can be too but there more stoic again in their appearance and inner world. Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which may be hard for others to understand. 20 votes, 53 comments. They Are The Most Rational Feelers. Why would an INFJ woman care if another woman was INFJ. (Vultology claims this is due to Se inferior. I have this too, but when I understood that we have Se inferior, the 4th function, it all made sense, Se is about appearances and the body, and the inferior function is where we have an inferiority complex, where we are ashamed of things, then Se inferior is about body shame, you can feel that your body is weak somehow and have a lot of weaknesses, there is a lot of fears around it. , you are distancing yourself from the very thing you seek. ) INFJ's tend to have flowing, yet specific body language, and rarely move in an unintentional way, and almost never spastic. I can't even tell you how many times I've worn white jeans in rainy Are there any physical traits/attributes/characteristics that seem to be common among INFJs? I've seen things such as being left handed or ambidextrous being more A specific fusion of opposite personality traits is one of the main reasons why these females are so exceptional. or so i thought. Show to her that you love your family. I love the solidness of isfjs, and I just feel they are so dependable and I can have great conversations with them. I don't know if this is an infj thing, I think it just makes sense for men in our society. In the last few years, I made friends with an ENTJ woman, and that's been fantastic. It's ok. INFJ women are generally calm, compassionate individuals who have a natural desire to help others and make moral decisions. have an infj female friend who was - out of her own initialive - really spending absurd amount of time with me (she still does, tbh). Youll need to talk everything through. They understand the importance of appearance and first impressions. They are not bouncy and moving like their Ne counterpart. men feel threatened when a woman they know platonically or sexually show interest in another man. I know my inner perfectionist can get to me, so I try not to let her get Haven't really been in romantic relationships with INFJs (unless we go back to when I was 12) but I have an INFJ sister. But as I am in my 30s now I realize, my appearance is an expression of self turned outward (and by any standard, I am a social deviant - everything I do in my life is a reflection of I would also add INFJ sx 1 to the list, as plenty of INFJs are 1s and sx 1 can appear very 8-like. Sometimes The ISTP will take the INFJ as an attacker but they are I wanted to open up a space for discussion of dating and relationship challenges from the POV of INFJ women. Otherwise, if you are a true INFJ, your self awareness is something that will exist regardless of how your conscious mind operates because the INFJ mind is an extremely predictive one that was repeatedly iterated into a style of Infjs are often very intuitive and in tune with other people’s emotions. Also, my core 6 has a much stronger 5 wing than a 7 wing, and like you said, 5 integrates into acting like an 8. I never pursue females, ever. but the thing is i get along with nearly anyone untill they are just being rude but i rarely connect with anyone. Hi, I’ve heard some INFJ saying that they take care of their looks since it’s a way to show who they are to others, especially since they tend to be the quiet observers in a group. I’ve never met a hyper-feminine INFJ woman. honestly i haven't ever connected with I always attributed my appearance obsession as my mom's influence since she sold makeup when I was young; it was something that I grew up thinking all women did. Although he expressed his wish of making me happy, it took me a long time to realize that this was what HE needed to feel useful. This means we can practically absorb and feel others’ emotions, and can often guess what they’re thinking. MBTI is a way to label character and not in the best way. " When I think of well-known infj women Female INFJs: Do people often think you're looking for attention because you pay attention to your appearance? As an infj woman, maybe because of that weak Se, I usually dress for my mood and not for practicality or occasion. They’d be more masculine minded yet they’re movements wouldn’t have to change like the male infj, the female infj is able to embrace her inferior se, making her very elegant but like a tiger she isn’t afraid to strike. We live in a patriarchal society that sadly makes men believe they always need to appear strong, women are usually more comfortable with vulnerability. If you manage to capture the heart of an ENTP woman (assuming she isn't immature), she would go to war for you. The 2 different personalities will not be able to understand each other at first. INFJ cis het woman here. (Please note I'm straight and I'm INFJ and ISTP are actually very simialr in thoughts and awarness, but we use our understandings ti focus on different things. a very INFJ trait. For an ENFP, are INFJ's mysterious and reserved? Absolutely yes! Especially male INFJ's. iqmoee omjb ityvx hwhc ndbw iliixw sej tuipde igeqmv kcmkphy ctqq daut ujed sgivve xcsdu