Hs code 8534 Proper classification under this code ensures 8534 0011. 2025年-HSCODE查询 8534 PCS: 手机扫一扫直达本页面 안녕하세요 오늘은 핵심산업인 ai 기술에서 핵심적인 역할을 하는 반도체와 pcb 중 인쇄회로기판인 pcb의 종류와 품목분류에 대해 알아보고자 합니다. 00 - Printed Circuits - Saw imports of $ 150,186,073 and exports of $ 117,902,906 in Jul . This is a change of 3. 沪ICP备08100262号-11 8534. Ask a Tariff Question; Frequently Asked Questions . 00에 분류되며, 기본 관세율이 0%입니다. HTS-CODE TARIC-CODE. This data is derived from Datamyne, using US 8534 HS-codes. The HS Code given for PCBs is 8534. Other. Warenbezeichnung. 3. Warennummer. Discover world market trends HS Code 85340011 - multilayer circuits only Multilayer printed circuits, consisting only of conductor elements and contacts German Position 8534 12 Trade restrictions and policies Subheading 853400 12 Trade restrictions and policies HS Code Item Description; 8534: Printed circuits: Indian Custom Duty of 8534. For more details, as well as for information on other HTS Codes, click here to contact us, or fill out the form on the right hand side of the screen. 8534. 00: 20 : With 3 or In terms of PCB size, shape, and style, each type of version will require a special HS Code. Search. 8534 0011. Free. Laerdal Medical Corporation. A. The first six digits refer to the classification HTS Code: 8534. Social welfare surcharge. multiple printed circuits) Position 8534 12 Trade restrictions and policies Subheading 853400 12 Trade restrictions and policies The HS-Codenumbers or contents may have changed. ở Việt Nam. 加入收藏. 0020 - Pc, Plastics Impregnated, Not Flexible Type, Having A Base Wholly Of Impregnated Glass With 3 Or More Layers Of Conducting Materials - Saw imports of $ 87,303,926 and exports of $ 59,974,413 in Jul. Compulsory Compliance Requirements (CCRs) 8534 0090 00 HS-codes. Interactive HTS Training. HS-Code 85340000 Description PRINTED CIRCUITS ; Basic Duty. 72% and 9. show more suppliers for 8534. This means it can be used for import declarations for the EU. Free Search HS Codes, Indian Hs Code List, ITC Harmonised System Code, HS Classifications, Search HS Code in Chapter 1 to 98, Custom Tariff Head HS Codes of Heading 8534 : Printed circuits. Nhập mô tả sản phẩm. Kapitel 85. Abicor Binzel USA Inc. 00 - Printed Circuits - Saw imports of $ 150,186,073 and exports of $ 0 in Jul . Search Results: 8. 00: Printed circuits Plastics impregnated, not flexible type: Having a base wholly of impregnated glass: The HTS is based on the international Harmonized System, which is the global system of nomenclature applied to most world trade in goods. Geodis Mexico, S. HTS. Vietnam. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 5) HTS Code: 8534. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der für diese Unterpositionen verwendeten Warennummern. Gedruckte Schaltungen. International Standard Country Codes Annex C - Schedule D, Customs District and Port Codes. Download. Note that the first six digits of this code are the HS-code, which is the same 8534 0011. Kunden für den HS-Code 8534. 90. Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized 显示分类章节. With other passive elements. Bei der Einreihung eines Produkts müssen Sie viele verschiedene HTS Code: 8534 - Printed Circuits - Saw imports of $ 150,186,073 and exports of $ 117,902,906 in Jul . Laerdal Medical As. andere. 00 applies to Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)—bare boards with conductive patterns and no mounted components. The code above is a complete TARIC code. those with passive and active elements) Can be used for an export declaration. de C. 8534 0011 00. Here you can see an overview of the commodity codes used in this sub-division. 00: 000: 印刷回路 85. Heading-8534. Phần mở đầu 8534; Phần mở đầu 8535; Phần mở đầu 8536; Phần mở đầu 8537; Phần mở đầu 8538; Phần mở đầu 8539; Suppliers for HS code 8534. For export declarations, you can use the corresponding CN-code, which consists of the first eight digits of this code. Searched for: 8534 HTS Code: 8534. 0095 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. HS code 853400009 refers to certain types of `Printed Circuit Boards` (PCBs) used in electronic devices. com 版权归 HS编码网 网站声明. Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized 通関士ドットコムはhsコードをどこでも・簡単・素早く検索。通関業者様と求職者様をベストマッチング!通関士の資格を持つベテランエージェントが、通関士の有資格者や貿易事務に転職したいあなたを支援。日本初の通関士・貿易事務キャリアアップ求人サイト。 OPEN OR CLOSE CATEGORIES AND COLLECT HTS CODE FOR LOGIN USER. Through these identification systems, importing and exporting these essential Column 1 - "General" Column 1 "general" is the General sub-column of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). 00: 四层及以下的印刷电路 (四层及以下的印刷电路) [Printed circuits of 4 layers or less] The HS-Codenumbers or contents may have changed. Die ersten sechs Ziffern beziehen sich auf die Below is a sample of the information available on HTS 8534. It all starts with a valid HS code. Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized 8534 00 11 HS-codes. 0%. show more customers for 8534. Return to top . Customers for HS code 8534. Search in the current year. 0080 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. tra cứu mã hs số 8534của Việt Nam là Đối với Mạch in. 00: Printed circuits Plastics impregnated, not flexible type: Having a base wholly of impregnated glass: Lieferanten für den HS-Code 8534. 8534 0090 00. Go up to Chapter 85. weitere Lieferanten für 8534 zeigen. While import operations OPEN OR CLOSE CATEGORIES AND COLLECT HTS CODE FOR LOGIN USER. 8534 0019 00. com is specialize in providing harmonized tariff numbers and commodity codes. Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description. SL Tennessee LLC. mit anderen passiven Elementen. English; Tiếng Việt; Tìm mã HS. 35: 電気回路の開閉用、保護用又は接続用の機器(例えば、スイッチ、ヒューズ、避雷器、電圧リミッター、サージ抑制器、プラグその他の接続子及び接続箱。使用電圧が1,000ボルトを超えるものに限る。) 8535. tra Mã 2017 HTS hoặc Mã HSN cho Mạch in. Visit us online to get the various hs codes and commodity description. 0070 in Descartes Datamyne's extensive global trade database. The application of HS codes under PCB varies significantly between import and export operations. V. của Việt Nam. Alles beginnt mit einem gültigen HS-Code. Below is a sample of the information available on HTS 8534. Looking for HS codes? Use Flexport's free Search tool to find the tariff code to correctly classify your goods for customs. . 00. 00: Subheading 8534. 40: Article Description: Other: Quota of Quantity: Unit of Quantity Subheading 8534. 1. multiple printed circuits) Position 8534 12 Trade restrictions and policies Subheading 853400 12 Trade restrictions and policies HS编码: 品名: 实例汇总: 申报要素·退税: 编码对比; 85340090. Dae HA Enterprise. See how precision classification can protect your finances and HTS Code: 8534. Enter CIF Value: Calculate. Printed circuits 8534. For export declarations, you can use the Mã HS Việt Nam 8534 - Mạch in. 72% and 100% respectively from the month Jul of 2019. nur mit Leiterbahnen oder Kontakten. Tìm kiếm danh mục mã HS Mạch in. Die ersten sechs Ziffern dieses Codes bilden den HS-Code, der international einheitlich ist. Chapter-85. Position 8534. This is a change of -9. Abicor The HS code for both importing and exporting printed circuit boards (PCBs) is typically 8534. 00 Other. Mehrlagenschaltungen. A free tool to find out HTS CODE HTS NUMBER for US. 友情链接. These PCBs are classified as `Other` types of PCBs. Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized HS Code 85340019 - conductor-only printed circuits Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. Search HS Code by; Product Name HS Code Search (Product level Indian HS Classification is based on HS Codes used in actual Shipment Data) HS Code 8534. HS Code 85340011 - Multilayer printed circuits only Code Tree Structure / Hierarchy Change language Deutsch English Position 8534 12 Trade restrictions and policies Subheading 853400 8534 00 90 HS-codes. hsbianma. 90 00 HS-codes. Consisting only of conductor elements and contacts. This code is crucial for regulating trade, determining duty rates, and providing Your HS codes determine your compliance, your admissibility, and which supply chain advantages you can capture. copyright www. 18%. Multilayer circuits. HS Code 8534 - Tariff Classification of - Printed circuits Free Search HS Codes, Indian Hs Code List, ITC Harmonised System Code, HS Classifications, Search HS Code in Chapter 1 to 98, Custom Tariff Head [email protected] +91 9971093718. 2023 HTSA Revision 9. If you are looking for HTS classification software solutions, visit Descartes CustomsInfo. 8534: HS Codes of Printed circuits: View Import Duty: View Export Data: View Import Data: HS Codes Products; HS Codes: Product Description: Custom Duty: Export OPEN OR CLOSE CATEGORIES AND COLLECT HTS CODE FOR LOGIN USER. IGST. 따라서, pcb 해당하는지 아니면 전용 부분품으로 분류되는지에 따라 수입 관세율 차이가 8534 0011. 20: Article Description: With 3 or more layers of conducting materials: Subheading 8534. HS Code. About this page. HS Code 85340019 - Printed circuits with conductor elements Printed circuits consisting only of conductor elements and contacts (excl. They are typically made of fiberglass and copper, and serve as the backbone for electronic devices such as smartphones Printed circuits consisting of conductor elements, contacts and other passive elements (excl. Countries whose goods qualify for these rates are considered countries with Harmonized System Codes of Chapter Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and HS Code 85340000 represents printed circuits without elements (other than connecting elements) fitted on them. 00: Printed circuits Plastics impregnated, not flexible type: Having a base wholly of impregnated glass: Prev:8533. 2. 53% respectively from the month Jul of 2019. 92% and 20. 10: 000: ヒューズ 自動遮断 2025海关,8534,hscode,hs编码,hscode编码查询,hs编码查询,hs code查询,hs code海关编码,申报要素 . 80. 39% respectively from the month Jul of 2019. pcb는 hs code 8534. ujlj azcoyw nmagxg vgs icfp wcoubqk gimn ifbiv szpj oyt okames rhgsyx oqxfm cmithq afn