Dark infusion ds3 It's fast, and the WA is pretty good against the Giant Door Shields and Hammers. Dark Clutch Ring + Blindfold Mask for Dark, Fire Clutch Ring for Chaos. Looking at mugenmonkey you only get 25 additional AR for a Longsword at 20/20/40/40 vs 10/10/40/40 (compared to a 76 AR gain going from 10/10/30/30 to 10/10/40/40 with the same weapon) so I would say just go for minimum str/dex to wield the weapons you want to use. Dark is probably on average the best infusion but it takes heavy stat investment 30/30 faith int to make work optimally. I'm having a hard time deciding on an infusion though. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. Back to dex, the warden twinblades are well known for their lightning-fast bleed-inducing moveset. There are a total of 38 Miracles in the game, and some can be unlocked by giving special Key Items called Tomes to certain Merchants. So having split damage is usually not a good The dark damage scales exceptionally well on the Corvian scythe in particular, so it's mostly dark damage. So you can easily make a +10 blessed weapon for example into a +10 chaos weapon with ease once it becomes available. In this Game its faith>magic. Very rare drop from Hollow Soldiers in High Wall of Lothric and Farron Keep (0. If you really want to Go for int/dex. Once you reach 40 STR, start levelling the DEX. Fromsoft puts a lot of small details in their games, so what’s your favorite one from ds3? upvotes Hello DS3 player, I am come to you for a little favour, and I will carry this message to everywhere in DS3 community. Shitty Dark Souls is a community that celebrates the awesomeness, and often shittiness of the game Dark Souls. It features balanced scaling in both Dexterity and Strength, making it an ideal candidate for refined infusion, which further enhances its effectiveness. Heavy when you have at least 25 str and you want to continue leveling up str. and faith and infuse them with a dark gem (assuming this is for pvp). 5%); Rare drop from Hollow Soldiers in Lothric Castle (1%); Rare drop from Large Hollow Soldiers (2. You can acquire a Hollow gem in Farron Keep and you can acquire the coal in Irithyll Dungeon. For a refined build I would def go sharp dagger if fire does not glitch out and do more damage than intended. Aug 26, 2018 @ 4:46pm Originally posted by True For DS3, infusion is almost entirely an offensive tactic. Dark Souls 3 introduced a new upgrade path called Hollow. Obtained from Corvian Storytellers in Road of Sacrifices; Drops from Lothric Thieves in Ringed City DLC. ; Lightning Gem Locations. Ricard's Rapier also has an A/A for both chaos and dark. Personally, im very fond of my dark infused straight sword for pvp but otherwise I advise a little bit of work to make sure you can cast Dark infusion gives you scaling dark damage, Deep infusion gives you fixed dark damage independent from your level. Like the raw infusion is for people that have less than 15 in str and dex (pure mages or clerics) and want some kind of physical weapon with decent stats. Road of Sacrifices: At the Halfway Fortress bonfire where you first meet Anri and Horace go down and drop down from the ledges on the right side, keep going straight along the right wall and enter a doorway in the end. Also, dark infused LS on min reqs at 30/30 does about the damage as a pure phys LS. I answered that the highest damage build for the sellsword twin blades would be a hybrid DEX/faith build because they have good scaling on DEX, and then you supplement that with one of the strongest weapon buffs in the game (Darkmoon Blade) to I've surrendered to the conclusion that ds3 gives you one Chaos Gem per Smoldering Cleric in Smouldering Lake and no more. ; Adds Faith scaling and Lighting Damage to the weapon. ; Deep weapons inflict dark damage, but also lose stat scaling. Warden Twinblades. Advertisement Coins. ; In the Grand Archives, drop down off the rooftop after Blood Gem Usage. The Astora is an extremely powerful ultra greatsword known for its S-scaling in dex – but it’s also incredible for hybrids. Used in Infusion to make lacerating weapons, which inflicts Bleed damage to susceptible foes. Then use DARK Infusion (Dark Gem) - Nerfs Str/Dex scalings, nerfs base damage but adds Intelligence and Faith scalings as well as Dark damage. Infusion is a gameplay mechanic in Dark Souls III. ; Profaned Coal Location. - If demon-like, obsviously is weak to holy and strong vs dark; In DS3 there's lots of metalic armored mobs that are resistant to lightning, all demons are weak to dark, fire creatures that are 3. ; Rare drop from the larger enemies near the Dark - Adds Dark damage to weapon as well as Faith and Intelligence scaling Simple - Gives weapon Magic damage and restores FP while weapon is equipped at a base rate of 1FP/5 seconds maxing at 0 Elemental infusion will always deal less damage, but it's decent enough and don't require to buff them for their "optimal" damage. Standard Weapons (non-Unique, non-Boss) and standard Shields (likewise) can be. There is a glitch where a Dark-infused Dark Sword could be buffed with Dark Blade, which some dubbed a Dark Dark Dark Sword. Quick heads up the it's actually C,C,A,A, when chaos and Dark infused *tested 2017-8-20. Lothric Knight Sword. or you may find you're into big ass swords and hammers or scythes or cool boss weapons. Why use this when I could just use a dark infusion? Reply Replies (1) 6 +1. Though most think that chaos infusion is bugged, but they have it the wrong way around. Of that, 394 is pure dark damage. Even the infusions that provide buffs will weaken the defensive values of your shield, so keep that in mind. Rare drop from Jailers in Irithyll Dungeon (1%); Irithyll Dungeon on a corpse across the bridge, immediately on the left when going down the stairs, next to 3 For other uses, see Infusion. ; Farron Coal Locations. It's a give and take situation: let a little damage through for some half-decent regen. I would Go for 40 dex maybe 60 int or something. It is a form of weapon reinforcement. Bleed and poison builds do best with something fast, twindaggers, whips, straight swords. 1x at the end of the main road before the altar, near the Church of Yorshka, in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. Go down the narrow set of stairs, before the large open room where you encounter the first giant, Hollow Gem Usage. Astora Greatsword (16/18/0/0) The staple weapon for Dark Souls 3 scaling weapons, the Astora Greatsword has reasonable strength and dexterity requirements and a decent moveset. Used for builds Item infusion is a mechanic that allows you to alter the damage and defensive profiles of your weapons and shields. Related: DARK SOULS™ III. No idea if fire and deep have the same bugs. Refined if you wanna level up both and you have them around 20 each. 1-1. Falchion. Heavy weapons with that infusion on a meta level sl build break 700 ar without needing a buff Dark is great for both because of lower resistances. Taco Cat. Catalysts like your Heretic Staff cannot be Infused. Sage's Coal: Unlocks Infusion with Crystal Gems, Blessed Gems and Id say grab yourself a spare weapon to make dark tondeal with fire resistant bosses, then full on Chaos Zweihander, like the good ol days of Giant Dad lol Reply reply Max-Power-DS3 Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 3 comments Claymore is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Good for keeping in the second hand for dark damage if you're swapping it in and out between a catalyst. So, these two really seem to devalue Crystal infusion greatly. Low level options- infuse these with Raw and use pine resins until you hit Catacombs and retrieve the Carthus Pyromancy Tome. Reviews. 5 in that case. It'll deal more The original question was what infusion would give the most damage, not which weapon will do the most damage with a DEX build. Of note: Both the 2-handed Greatclub and the 1-handed Mace have B scaling across STR and dark or chaos, making them the best to infuse for hammers. Nothing in the game is going to beat a Dark / Chaos infused LKSS, so anything u choose will be lackluster in comparison, aside from weapons with good WA's, maybe. thanks for help. Used in Infusion to create Lighting weapons. You could then add elemental damage Typically, If a weapon is infused with a damage type (fire for example) it can no longer receive buffs (via spell) or have resins applied. At Cathedral of the Deep, Bonfire 2, head up the elevator through the first opened shortcut path (on the right if facing the altar). You need to know what each item does so you are prepared to choose the correct one once you finally get around to Infusing your gear. Deep Infused Weapon CAN'T be buffed by Pine Resins, Pine Bundles, and spells. Profaned Coal Usage. If you want a refined build, the Black Knight Ultra Greatsword would be best. To Infuse a piece of gear, you will need a couple of things. Anonymous. Going this route renders your Dex useless as will be the case with most UGS. Sitting head and shoulders above its competition as one of the best weapons in the entire game, this sword reaches S-scaling on almost any single stat it’s infused with – lightning included. So reinforcing your weapon to +10 will make the raw infusion stronger on its own, but stats won't affect it. That paired with black flame for spacing, and the guard break weapon art have made invasions so much fun. ; Simple weapons also restore FP while the weapon/shield is visible. Turn left and you will After you heavy infuse that Dork Sword experiment with other weapons you find too. Dark and Chaos infusions hit the first soft cap at 30 so you'll start seeing diminishing returns. Irithyll Dungeon, in a room adjacent to the one with the 6 jailers, who are walking in a circle, right before the shortcut (). The enemy has 25% resistance on physical and 50% dark damage. If you're good at avoiding damage, u could also boost the Dark / Chaos damage your weapon dishes out. Although you might want to consider a slightly worse Keep a chaos infused dagger to switch to for reposts if you want to go meta and then dark infuse your main hand. 4. To cast Miracles, you must wield Talismans or Chimes. r/darksouls3. More than decent. Say your sword is doing 100 phys damage. I think it is intended to be that way so that when you reach that point in the game you get a decent boost in damage A dark infusion, Dark Weapon is the way to go against Giant Lord. 8-1. Don’t let that It's called the "Dark" sword! The dark infusion is the only way to go. Its quick swings and spammy playstyle compliment this amazingly, too! As the perfect infusion for the jack-of-all-trades player, refined infusions increase a weapon’s scalings in both strength and dex!. Deep Gem Usage. Submit. Returning from our top hollow weapons list, the morning star is a fantastic weapon for all luck/bleed builds. I am leaning towards raw, but I am not 100 percent sure what I want to do with it. Wikis. For this subject in Dark Souls III, see Infusion (Dark Souls III). In Anor Londo, on the corpse of the Giant Blacksmith. ) And it will do better than any normal infusion on most people even at high levels. Its not the "best" weapon by any means. You dark infuse anything with good scaling (exile, astora, etc. Lightning Gem Usage. For PvP most players will play much more passively and/or start popping red moss the minute they know what you're about. ds3, and elden ring, weapon buffs are a flat addition of elemental damage to what a weapon is already doing. #13. Used for Deep weapon Infusion. Dark Sword Location in Dark Souls 3. Reply Replies (1) 41 +1. 17 Mar 2024 03:18 . ; Dark weapons inflict dark damage, and scale with Faith and Intelligence. Reply reply Max-Power-DS3 • First off, Drakeblood is a pretty weird weapon. - Got zero farming smoldering ghru's (non clerics) for two hours (did get two fire gems) - Left to go find other Reason he said that is because dark damage is bugged for ripostes/backstabs when using the hornet ring, so it does less damage than it should. ; Blood Gem Locations. ; Notes. Most weapons get B though. Any suggestions appreciated. True, I think it's actually 32/31 or 31/32 oddly enough, but you do still want the 40/40 for Pyromancy. Once they have caught up to vigor, level vigor with them. Interestingly, it does not become the "Dark Dark Sword" (as you would expect from any other weapon) but rather Both LKS's will be my primary PvE weapons, and swapped out according to which element performs better in any given situation. Hitting A-scaling in strength and with nearly 300 base damage, the playstyle for the great club is simple:. Scythes have a passive ability to hit past shields, and dark damage is effective at hitting through shields as well. I still need to perform infusions for: Raw. You Infuse with Crystal after getting the Coal that unlocks the ability to use Crystal Infusion, giving it to Andre the blacksmith at Miracles in Dark Souls 3 are a type of Magic that typically deal Lightning damage or provide healing and buffs to the player. that said, each build works better with certain kinds of infusion. 3. 00% LKSS does amazing with almost any infusion you give it: It gets S scaling in dex when sharp, B/B when refined, S scaling in int when crystal and simple infused, A/A in faith and int when dark and chaos infused, S scaling in faith when both blessed and lightning infused and it even gets an A scaling in strength when heavy infused. That’s what I do with my sl60 with the claymore. Used for Raw weapon Infusion; Raw weapons have higher base damage but no stat scaling . ; 1x obtained trading the Xanthous Crown with Pickle Pee. ; Also adds Faith scaling to innate lightning damage in weapons (Dragonslayer's Axe, Drakeblood Greatsword and Lothric Knight Greatsword) and Intelligence scaling to the DEEP Infusion (Deep Gem) - Removes Str/Dex scalings, slightly nerfs base damage but adds Dark damage. News. This thing’s scalings are seriously nuts – hitting S on any single stat and a gorgeous A/A Well, that's obvious. Great Club. Unlocks Infusion with Lightning Gems, Simple Gems and Chaos Gems. It's just that trying to go in optimally in every fight is generally not worth the bother. Example: you have a Raw and a Deep weapon which both deal, say, 100 damage total. Trivia. ; Hollow Gem Locations. *edit for high str build you'd most likely graduate to a bigger badder UGS Reply reply Go 30/30 in int. Like their Faith counter part, the blessed infusion, simple is mainly a support infusion meant regen focus when you are of combat. Give to Andre to allow the use of Heavy Gem, Sharp Gem and Poison Gem infusions. Dark Infused Weapon CAN'T be buffed by Pine Resins, Pine Bundles, and spells. And was it viable? Not really. For PVP you're actually better off just using Carthus Flame Arc on a Raw weapon. Player note 1 . Raw Gem Locations. Astora Greatsword. 0 coins. Infusing with bleed essentially adds a weakness to your style without any significant damage gains to balance it out. Infusion I know I may be on record saying that poison sucks hard in DS3, but in the name of fun I thought I’d give a poison run a go. Infusing a weapon can be performed by talking with Blacksmith Andre and change the attributes of a weapon. ; Deep Gem Locations. Crystal seems like i remember this being great for sharp but dark is good too. If you don't want to bother with buffing, infused it with blessed as it gives more AR than lightning and Which unforgivably had its dex requirement increased in DS3. Only use fire or deep if you have really low strength and dex, since they remove the scaling. Might fun one that you like better and has a useful weapon art and more moves then r1 like a very handy r2 poke. Reinforced with Titanite. You will need to have the specific Gem for the Infusion, some Souls to pay for the cost of the Infusion, and a weapon that allows for Infusion. In short, the Heavy infusion gives you the most damage when 2-handing as your Str is multiplied by 1. The falchion is a classic intelligence choice, thanks to the enchanted falchion found back in DS1. 2nd played DS3 around 2 months after I beat Dark Gem Usage. Disgusting. While every infusion is useful to some capacity, there are easily As one of the two infusions made for intelligence/faith hybrids (the other being chaos), dark is favored for PvP, as most player-obtainable armors have high fire resistance. This list is a recomendation based on scaling, minimal stat investment, or the possible synergies of the infusion with the damage, weapon art or special effects the weapon might have, and it is not an indicator of it being the 'best' infusion for the weapons listed. For example, infusing a Infusing your weapons is a big deal in Dark Souls. Equip farming gear, and simply kill all slaves as you head down the steps to the graveyard, through the very dark stable, and out Note: Dark Sword, Lothric Knight Sword, and Painting Guardian's Curved Sword scale B/B when dark or chaos infused. It simply is not a ‘top X’ list without the Lothric knight sword. Your friend likes that sword and you may too. To farm the gems, go to the Church of Yorshka bonfire. 2. Does this scale with a weapon infused with lighting gem ? Reply Replies (1) 3 +1. Another new mechanic introduced in DS3 is character hollowing. I also use a lightening infused dragonslayer axe on my dark build just for Midir as he is resistant to both dark and fire. Dark scales with whichever of your stats is lower: Faith or Intelligence, With this said, infusion is a weak type of elemental damage addition. Buffing with a resin or a spell will give you higher damage. Used for Simple Infusion. Give to Andre to allow the use of Dark Gem, Blood Gem and Hollow Gem infusions. . 29 Jul 2017 20:04 . It improves damage, increases scaling, and overall enables your builds to kill the big bad guys you come up against. But I did find that it’s more effective than I thought, and requires very little investments in terms of stats!. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming There won't be many levels left to put into int/fai, so a dark infusion is probably not the right choice here. Doesn't scale with the Dark bonus from Caitha's Chime, because DS3 really was reluctant about dark Claymore works great with just about any infusion except refined, blessed, poison and bleed. In Irithyll Dungeon, inside a cell on the lower levels, guarded by several Wretches. The +X stays no matter what. If you’re going heavy use something that deals extremely high damage already, Lothric knight Gs, great maces, warhammers, if it looks to big for any person to be able Here's the link to the guide I got these from if you're interested in checking out the values yourself. Morning Star. With the recent patch, it's arguably better to infuse slower weapons than buffing them. It shines with STR builds (heavy infusion) and FTH/INT builds (dark or chaos infusions). Except for a couple of Bosses. You can use this system to enhance a weapon's Strength scaling, allow it to deal fire damage, or remove all of its scaling for a big boost to the weapon's base damage. Creating the strongest builds in Da Infusion is a gameplay mechanic in Dark Souls III. ; Simple Gem Locations. If I do infuse it I want to know what the best option is. The table includes all the infusions and their description in a sequence: No Name Except, the Dark infusion is a lot more viable due to So, to answer your question: a raw infusion is best off when you: A) Are early game enough that it provides a higher base AR than the weapon strength + scaling. Farron Coal Usage. Guides Infusing degrades Strength scaling, ds3 players will call Luck a 'useless stat' and then cry about being 'forced to There are 6 to be found in DS3, At the +10 Dark infusion upgrade, the Murky Hand Scythe obtains 68 physical attack, 102 dark attack, and acquires scaling with all main stats; D-tier in I am at the point where I can complete the Master of Infusions achievement and was wondering what others do for their weapon/infusion pairs. Dropped by: Darkwraith [FK] 8. Reply reply r-4-k • Infusions in DS3 can be divided as stat-dependent and stat independent. but to answer your question fire is the most common weakness among enemies in ds3. Stat independent infusions (raw, deep, fire) remove all stat-scaling from weapon and make game calculate damage basing only on I’ve always found that on pyro builds a dark infused Astora Greatsword is very handy. It's a monster Here's a quick explanation on why Dark Infusions became a standard for duel builds, and some other thoughts about infusionsThis is the easiest way to farm Correct, but you can just go from one infusion to another like in Dark Souls 2. Used for builds where you put points only to defensive stats. It is actually pretty good if you want to use a high cost spell like Crystal Soul spear for high priority targets, and just have a simple weapon offhand to regen the Focus used while you fight weaker enemies with a If you had 40 in all stats, you could infuse it with sharp to get the most AR one handed, albeit marginally, or refined for the most AR two handed. Corvian Great Scythe, Astora Greatsword, Murakumo, Carthus Greatsword, and Winged Spear all get A scaling with both Dark and Chaos. Dark infused weapons will do a tiny bit more damage than chaos infused weapons on crits without hornet ring though. If you want to be able to buff: dex probably does more damage than strength, but leveling strength helps your defenses more than leveling dex does. In this case, your physical build is the better option While chaos/dark infusion does get some scaling from str/dex, the majority of your AR comes from int/fth. It gets S scaling when sharp (dex), lightning (faith), and crystal (intelligence) infused. I have: Hollow Caestus, Blood Morning Star, Heavy Spiked Mace, Refined Lothric Sword, Dark Lothric Long Spear, and a Simple Llewellyn Shield. Hi i just started pvp ds3 and i saw that a lot of ds3 YouTubers use this infusion. 5%); Drops from a Crystal Lizard, on the roof with the as for just damage, you've passed the point where the fire gem is good for that, since split damage is so fucking bad in ds3 Reply reply branchingfactor Dark Sword DS3 Notes and Tips: Can be Infused and Buffed. Bonk ‘em. Raw Gem Usage. Related Dark Souls Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming forward back. I was all ready to include this for the memes and put it at position 5, but upon investigation it actually has A/A scaling when chaos infused, which is really I've been playing ds3 again since a long time ago and I've started a file using a faith build. A Dark Claymore, on minimal stats and 30 INT/FTH, gets 585AR 2 handed. Luck can actually be used to make a overpowered build as you spam the fuck out of it and then use anri's straight sword with an item infusion like the aforementioned bundles and get a huge amounts of damage specificalyy tailored to the boss you're facing. Sharp. The dagger will be for hornet fishing in PvP and possibly Best DS3 Infusions. B) Do not plan to level the stats required for scaling, such as a Mage or pyromancer who does not want points in strength or dexterity. In order to infuse your weapon with Hollow, you need a Hollow Gem as well as the Profaned Coal. If you're just building for the weapon then sure, but for dark sorceries with the Izalith Staff and Miracles with Sunless/Crystal Chime and Pyromcies of all varieties you still want 40/40. When blood infused at +10, the morning star has a great 65 bleed auxilary and C-scaling in strength! Needless to say, this is great for hybrids. Notes. I didn't mean I was going to infuse Astora SS to Crystal — after all I've chosen it for highest base damage to use it with Raw infusion specifically. For PVE you should preferably have one of each (chaos and dark) in case of resistances. Check with the blacksmith every level up and crunch the numbers and figure out when a refined infusion is better than your heavy infusion. The Murky Hand Scythe has innate dark damage making the most of a Dark infusion. Here is a summary table for the best Infusions in Dark Souls 3. ; Requires the Profaned Coal to begin infusing. Infusion becomes available through Steady Hand McDuff in The Lost Bastille after giving him the Dull Ember found in Iron Keep. 22 Feb 2024 07:54 . Whereas /r/DarkSouls is a community around Dark Souls that is more discussion oriented in nature, /r/ShittyDarkSouls is about playful, and charming comics that mock and/or poke fun at Dark Souls. I'd consider a physical infusion (heavy, sharp, refined or hollow) and then buff your sword with carthus rouge. This was done on a 40 in all stats character comparing the non infused versus the infused scaling dmg. Experiment friend. Finaly beat the main game (32hrs, 2nd played DS3 around 2 months after I Simple Gem Usage. Chaos/dark on a pyro build is definitely not weak. So for those of you looking to add a bit of poison to your builds, be it for PvP or long boss fights, I’ll be going What weapon is best for infusion ds3? The Lothric Knigh Sword has the highest Dark infusion scaling of any weapon. ; Near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire, there is a hole in the wall, with a corpse holding a Hollow Gem. Home. The fan-favorite great club is the undisputed king of caveman-styled strength gameplay. For spears there's a lot of weirdness. The Claymore is a weapon that has been a staple in the Souls series due to its reliability, versatility, and impressive damage output. It's very easy to get in the DLC2. It also scales fairly well with lightning and magic infusions and does decently well with DEX too, though the Flamberge does more damage on a DEX build (also its So I am trying to decide whether or not to infuse my zweihander. well with a bunch of infusions. Winged Spear gets the A/A level with dark, but not chaos for some reason. Dark Infusion actually does more if you DO NOT use the hornet ring. And for situations when I don't have time / FP / spell slots for buffs I have Crystal Sage Rapier. Infusion is a game mechanic in Dark Souls II that allows the player to modify damage types, scaling, and damage reduction for weapons, shields, staves, and sacred chimes. Andre's Dialogue upon giving him the Profaned Coal: 2. Rare drop from Irithyllian Slaves (1%). It also increases the damage bonus from items like, charcoal pine bundle, lighting resin and the rest. For pve, it doesnt really matter. For Infuse Raw at first, then infuse heavy once you find the coal Alternate levelling END and STR. With Raw weapon you will deal 100×0,75=75 damage, while Deep will deal 50×0,75+50×0,5=62,5 damage. Sharp Gem is an ore in Dark Souls 3. ; Simple weapons deal Magic Damage which scales with Intelligence. When dark or chaos infused it scales A/A in int/faith. It deals more damage to enemies with low Dark Resistance than Raw Infusion, less damage to enemies with To keep things simple Sharp gems shine when you have at least 25 dex and you want to continue leveling up dex. Go for the sharp sellswords,sharp lothric knight straight sword or the scimitar (Gets an a scaling for faith,int and dex) once chaos/dark infused or Just have it Sharp Gets an s scaling for dex. And it’s still a great option – sporting a simple moveset of fast swings and a multi-hit weapon skill to really rack the magic damage on. Used in Hollow Infusion. While they might not have the highest innate bleed (sitting at 35 with a hollow infusion), this can be quickly Most weapons get a damage boost from your attack stats (strength, dex, int and faith) but elemental infusions remove that bonus damage and replaces it with a large flat chunk of elemental damage that does not change with your stats. Sharp Gem location, effects, lore, notes and tips for Dark Souls 3. They primarily scale with the Faith stat. Profaned Coal: Unlocks Infusion with Dark Gems, Blood Gems and Hollow Gems. Used for Infusion to create Dark weapons. Evidence: - (425 item discovery) - Got only one from farming Smoldering Cleric near Old King's Ante Chamber for 2 hours. To this end, the vast majority of weapons in DS3 can be made viable for a ‘quality’ playstyle, and I simply cannot overstate the sheer number of options available to a good ol’ 40/40 build. Shitty Dark Souls is a community that celebrates the awesomeness, and often shittiness Important note 1: resistances in DS3 work separately. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Heavy infusion if you focus on strength, sharp if you focus on dex, and refined if you have equal strength and dex. ; Requires Profaned Coal. khuyoxjtendaeoobesbtljwtkxxnblxouxzzcoulhsncrglcrjrotebvemvauiwxjwbxlge