Warband crossbow vs bow. If you're on horseback, you'll want a standard bow.
Warband crossbow vs bow The firing arc for crossbows is also less convenient compared to a bow but you can work around that. The faction simply has much better shooting options (e. i think that for long range and big armies a big bow with you having lots of archery skills would be best, to just fire into their army at a distance, but the repeating crossbow is way better, if you are to take down a little group in melee combat, or do a bounty hunt, so i would recommend you to upgrade all skills needed to use a bow, and then a bit into using a crossbow Bows are faster and even the deadliest bows are usable on horseback, unlike some crossbows. think of the bow like a semi auto rifle and the crossbow as a sniper. Sep 1, 2015 · Normal bows are generally better at long-range and thus gain far more from increased skill levels, where-as you can fairly effectively use a crossbow in things like siege battles with literally no skill over what you start with and still be able to pierce heavier armor. Those who spend the skill points on bows will get so much more experience that they will end up better melee companions than dedicated melee companions, or melee companions who carry crossbows. A guide to the Masterwork War Bow in the Warband cRPG. May 31, 2023 · Thank you for watching! please consider subscribing to my channel to see more skyrim content :DSupport my channel for exclusive perks! https://www. In Warband this would turn into 100 vs let's assume 60 armor aswell. best in slot gear is always situational so it'll depend where you are. i have often seen army lists forgoing shooting with bows and just placing down th. Bows are worth it and frankly I like them better for siege and field battles. A guide to the Masterwork Siege Crossbow in the Warband cRPG. in bannerlord it's everything mentioned above but with the added drawback of terrible drawspeed and therefore very low rate of fire. The crossbows aren't made for sniping, you shouldn't use crossbows like bows. Crossbowmen have significantly slower draw, but better kits. Crossbow quarrels are either as thick or thicker than arrows, depending on the bow/crossbow draw weights. I think historically crossbows were more useful in sieges and against tougher armor. As for sieges, I think a crossbow might be better just because of the higher damage per shot, but a standard bow will still give you more damage per second. Bow vs. fandom. On horseback, bows of all types can be used while only lighter crossbows can be used while mounted. I see it as a bug - but properly fixing it would require rebalancing all of the bows and crossbows in BG2. Mar 27, 2023 · Crossbow vs Bow – Which One is Better in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord? To see which one is better in Bannerlord between the crossbow and bow, we will need to list their advantages and disadvantages: Crossbow. However, the stat scaling is much better for bows in terms of accuracy, and crossbow doesn't get a damage boost at all, so at high skill levels bows really leaves crossbows in the dust. So if you put all your points into int, and support skills take an xbow as you don't need points in. ard Sword does pretty well unless you use a Crossbow then Cross Bow bag of bolts and 2 hander does well. I want to create this thread in order to begin a discussion with all of you in regards to what I feel is one of the most debatable topics in the game, whether archers or crossbowmen are more effective, this is not to say equipping your protagonist with a bow or crossbow, but rather bow archers are any better or worse than crossbowmen. Non-noble archers have bows with 62-66 pierce damage, with arrows of 0-4 pierce damage. In my opinion bows are generally better. Unlike crossbows or thrown weapons, a bow's aiming reticule will begin to enlarge shortly after Crossbows have much higher damage. You can also find an arrow barrel during and siege and have infinite ammo. You want to contribute but need skillpoints on anything else rather than combat skills, YOu get better with crossbows just by using them and they are awesome vs armored foes. Jul 27, 2014 · I want to create this thread in order to begin a discussion with all of you in regards to what I feel is one of the most debatable topics in the game, whether archers or crossbowmen are more effective, this is not to say equipping your protagonist with a bow or crossbow, but rather bow archers are any better or worse than crossbowmen. Another thing, there is literally nothing magical about a long bow. Khergit bows Mar 24, 2017 · Yes it does. Mar 10, 2014 · Crossbows typically do more damage than regular bows, but they fire slower and they require the archer to stop moving and load the stupid thing with his foot. Now, it's finally possible to use while mounted, but it still feels lacking comparing to bow. I have taken down thousands of enemies with a crossbow from horseback myself. Crossbow The short of it is that Bow seems superior overall. For the player, Crossbows may be the better choice if you're not looking to put many points into weapon skills because of the higher base damage and accuracy. What would you say is more useful? In Warband, I'd say bow, by quite a bit. The long bow is a decent weapon in warband, mired only because it has a slower fire rate than other bows and its inability to properly use on horseback. For the first 500 or so days in my game, I always ra Regular Bow is weaker, however it has higher fire rate and enchanted bow is second strongest weapon in game. Crossbows have their place, but I find often that seige crossbows are overkill when a longbow would do the same job at a faster rate. Jun 12, 2012 · A Guide with tips and tricks to Crossbows in M&B Warband, and how Horse Crossbowmanship Kinda sux, I hope you guys EnjoyRemember to press the like button and I play a primarily dwarven warband with Enchanters or Sigilists and I personally use crossbows because they're thematically appropriate for dwarves and most of the dwarf models have crossbows anyway. In terms of accuracy, the crossbow often has the advantage due to its inherent stability. For those who wish to deepen their knowledge and master the art of archery, we recommend consulting this guide to different types of bows. Advantages: High Damage; High Accuracy; Crossbow Troops are Better in Melee; Disadvantages: Long Reload Speed at Low Levels May 1, 2019 · The Masterwork Hunting Crossbow isn't all that great. As it is now, bows that don't have free ammo are severely underpowered, and that's not how things should be. It's just a bow. Crossbows vs Compound Bows A Guide for Beginners Compound bow, Bows Crossbow Vs Bow Warband crossbows are widely available throughout the game and are decent alternatives to bows, which usually require more patience. Kill close up until your bow skills level over 150, the variance on the shots means you can't get a very accurate aim as the arrows can go anywhere within a certain lateral shot radius, combined with the short focus time on the reticule, makes it hard to Apr 19, 2012 · For Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Crossbow and Power Draw?". if you couldn't recollect arrows after firing them, it would be crossbow, but since you don't lose arrows for using more, insect bow. I'm trying to decide if I want to use bows or xbows. Archers don't even have to be that good. also it's easier to repair the insect bow, as it just takes some web fiber, but the crow crossbow takes a feather piece, along with other items that aren't always enjoyable to get. On the other, crossbows are buffed by several engineering perks (I'll be using engineering on my main character), are easier to Nov 5, 2013 · The difference between bows and crossbows is how many skill points you are willing to spend. Honestly though, you don’t need to invest skill points into the bow stat and all you have to do to increase damage is buy better crossbows and bolts along with increasing the archery profici Palworld 3 Shot Bow Vs Crossbow Mount And Blade Warband Crossbow Vs Bow Crossbows don't get bonuses from skills, but in some ways that makes them a useful backup weapon, as you can be good with them without. What would you say is more useful? Mar 9, 2014 · With enough proficiency, some points in horse archery, and practice you can still sometimes one shot enemies with head shots even with a light crossbow on horseback. Those how have done archery with a powerful bow should understand the feeling - after you have exerted yourself into drawing a bow that is almost more powerful that you can handle, there are a few They did not. EDIT 2: For those interested, the monster magic level would need to be 103 or lower for range strength between T Bow and Zaryte Crossbow to be equivalent. On one hand, bows are the meta for most players, they can easily out dps a crossbow at even lower levels, have more ammo, can be refilled in sieges, will one shot pretty much everything at max level, and shoot fast. Ranged Weapons are the alternative to hand-to-hand combat. Bows are better than Crossbows, but does that still hold true for the Light Crossbow of Speed that grants an extra attack per round? Compare it to either the Composite Long Bow+1 (3 damage/2 thac0), or the Long Bow of Marksmanship (2 damage/3 thac0), which are the best bows in the game. Oct 9, 2020 · Prior to update 1. Crossbowmen are slower but also more accurate. Apr 5, 2020 · It depends. I'm a crossbow man now. Crossbows also hit really, really hard, easily murdering shield-troops. Best Regards JemyM: Wed Jul 09, 2003 8:03 am Feb 22, 2018 · Light crossbow : can pull the string with just one hand Damage : = a bow, but more steadilyNope. The Masterwork Light Crossbow is a much better choice for the player, because it is the strongest crossbow that can be reloaded on horseback. They are very useful in most situations, but are difficult to handle effectively against enemies that manage to get in close - this means short-ranged melee weapons are still a good idea even if you want to specialize in archery. youtube. That's twice as much as compared to bannerlord. For a starting character - yes. At high levels, though, a good player archer can always tip the balance their way just due to sheer RoF (there have been characters on whom I usually brought a bow and May 31, 2023 · Thank you for watching! please consider subscribing to my channel to see more skyrim content :DSupport my channel for exclusive perks! https://www. I typically don't use archers, because I use a blitzkrieg tactic with lots of Swadian Knights and archers would just make that difficult, but they are invaluable for seiges. Reloading a crossbow takes longer so they turn around for that and the shield on their back protects them while doing it. Meaning crossbow would do 70% more damage. Crossbows can be effective right from the start of the game with no skill points invested at all. But early game bow is a struggle and even more if its on horseback. co Imperial Palatine Guard Archers VS Imperial Sergeant Crossbows. Ranged loadout: Throwing vs. Most weapons are governed by your Weapon Proficiencies, the player's ability to use specific weapons, which may be personally increased when you level up, and will also automatically improve through use. I don't care what anyone says, archers beat crossbows in siege battles. For Minas Tirith the discussion seems to often argue against taking the standard Warrior with a bow upgrade. If you try to train crossbow you'll see. only a vaegir marksman virgin uses a longbow. It's pretty easy to one shot enemies even when you're at lv 1. Sep 27, 2016 · For Mount & Blade: Warband on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Crossbow and Power Draw?". The crossbow is the weapon of the strategist, the general character. As a lot of people have said, crossbows are much slower, but can do much more damage. If any ranged weapons run out of ammunition in the field, players may pick up dropped quivers. Aug 31, 2009 · This is a video demonstrating the speed of a longbow and crossbow + its abilities in distance damage. However, achieving accuracy with a bow, although more demanding, offers a unique satisfaction. Still would love to have an confirmation about the bow speed thou. The main advantage is that crossbows are better vs shields, and the downside of having to be stationary for reloading is offset if you're on horseback. For both, it is a matter of player skill and the equipment being used on both sides. At low skill levels (in bow or crossbow), crossbows are better: better accuracy, more damage, easier to aim/use. They are cheaper and can have larger supplies of ammunition than other ranged alternatives but their accuracy and damage suffer with low proficiency - with high proficiency, however, bows surpass other types of ranged weaponry by providing rapid, long-range fire. Small tipps. 5. See full list on mountandblade. I don't dwell on the statistics as much as the theme I'm going for. You need to put at least 5-7 points into power draw (which also means putting attribute points into strength) in order to make a bow equally powerful. Mechanically, barring preferring a longbow for its skills or a magic weapon, crossbows are overall better than bows. Meaning a 100 dmg crossbow hits for 62 damage and bow for 47. Find out who wins!Join my discord too! https://discord. (I am still making that tutorial, this just happened to Other than bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons, Warband features the the hidden Flintlock Pistol which cannot be seen in the game without cheating or editing the game code. there was a big change recently with the addition of the new t95 arrows and hexhunter bow/stalker ring buffs, so you will probably get a few different answers. crossbows question, looking strictly at the bonuses received, I (and the game) tend to favor crossbows. Which gives us 39 armor reduction. bows are both worse and better than in warband. Statistically speaking, it does more damage than some other bow variants (because of its need for many points in power draw) over longer ranges but is rather ineffective at close ranges due to it being a slower bow to draw. Bows also have a higher rate of fire, and the ammo is more common in seige defense. Xbows are much better. Against very heavily armored troops, a lot of arrows will basically bounce off of them painlessly, but crossbows can still do major damage. So crossbow hits 61 vs 36. I prefer crossbows over bows, but they have their pros and cons, with that said you shouldn't use a crossbow to snipe, and you shouldn't use a bow in a PvP situation, because you can only fire 1-2 times before needing to dodge, so you'll need more damage, naturally. In a siege situation, crossbows are undoubtedly the better choice; given they don't need to move, have a bank of infantry holding the only access point to them and crenellations to help defend their position, they can unload with impunity. For combat beast companions, it's a no-brainer. Bows are the standard ranged weapon. Against lightly armored troops, bows should be better because of their higher rate of fire. Crossbows are slower but more powerful and bows are faster but much weaker. Used to love bows but I tried a crossbow build and it was great. In my experience bows waste their ammo too fast, with lower accuracy than equally skilled crossbow troops. insect bow because it's more damage per second, and is faster firing. There are physics based reasons for this, but thats the short version. Dual hand crossbows are especially ridiculous, since they receive the damage bonus in the off hand without requiring the dual weapon specialization. And as for the bows vs. That being the case, the most you can hope for is the same number of shots. The X factor for throwing is that it has that 1 hit KO potential, and makes for a sweet impact. Bow When it comes down to the old debate between crossbows or bows, I can only speak from personal experience. This If you're on horseback, you'll want a standard bow. At 10-15 feet, hell yea, a bow with a strong draw is going to do damage. Citadel Guard or Rangers) and therefore points should be spent elsewhere. Regular crossbow has little more dmg than regular bow but it has shit enchantments and unless you will start using tipped arrows (on Java it's not worth the trouble) or overpowered fireworks you are on mercy of every enchanted bow owner on the server. They still have to follow the rules of physics. Crossbows should be an uneffective weapon for unskilled users, and slings should be only effective at the highest tiers. Right now a headshot kills most enemies in one shot, needs 2 for lords and high level troops, and 2 body shots for a low level enemy, 3-4 for a higher one. I'm playing as a mainly archer specialist using a regular warbow, at what point is it worth it investing the extra skill points into powerdraw to use the masterwork war bow? I think it does 30 base damage vs the 25 of a regular bow. The rate of fire is usually much higher for bows and the power at higher levels of PD are also much better. In a tournament it's more like six to eight (or more). The bow has range and speed making them superior against lightly armoured enemies, like lower ranks on the battle-field. Mar 30, 2010 · For Mount & Blade: Warband on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Crossbow and Power Draw?". Dec 8, 2006 · Bows and crossbows only affect archer offence for the player (horse archers use bows). Warsword conquest, archers vs crossbow vs guns? There are so many options for which weapon to use and I don't really know their effective differences, and even with that, which factions have the better of ranged units, thanks. Axes, swords Crossbows/Bows apply to the same rules. I had a couple of xbow companions, but only for shits mainly. It is typically explained as a set of pros and cons. Aug 5, 2014 · Crossbow vs. gg/anDdQXj9ht00:00 Round 103:17 Round 2 Jan 21, 2017 · In Warband and Viking Conquest, both arrows and crossbow bolts can damage and destroy shields. At low levels, a bow is slightly harder to use, but much more available (as equipment, in terms of numbers of bows and arrows available). Besides, with bows you can also 'divide' the damage, since you can fire towards multiple opponents. Medieval crossbows that could be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with one hand usually have about 15 pound pulls, and store about one tenth of the energy of a war bow. Love my Noldor bow, but think Crossbows might be better for on-mass. Depending on the bow in question, it can be even more accurate than a Which is better? I mean, I'd say bows because they're fast and at a certain point when I have really high skill, they pretty much one shot everything. They shoot more in a straight line so are easily blocked by infantry in front of them. Apr 13, 2017 · It's good but might want go mounted I find that a mounted archer with a good Bow 1 large thing of arrows a 2 hander Sword and a Bast. I have been doing cox with my friend, and I am wondering how full crystal armour with a crystal bow fares against olm/ muttadiles / shamans / mystics etc compared to using Karils top and bottom, neitiznot face guard dragon crossbow and dragon ruby bolts (e). For an end-game character - bows should still be better since xbow damage is unaffected by anything but its raw damage + bolts damage and you can never get to the point of one-shoting anyone (anyone in the head, most enemies even in the chest or other parts). With a handful of Bret. A tiny little horn recurve bow, with a 150 pound draw fires arrows with EXACTLY the same force as a giant 6 foot long long bow with 150 Mar 10, 2014 · For Mount & Blade: Warband on the Android, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Crossbow and Power Draw?". For one, bow has more arrows per stack (23 minimal arrows comparing to 18 or 20), faster firing speed, and higher damage. On the other hand, a recruit will be hurt roughly equally by a bow or crossbow, but the bow can shoot much faster. Be more like the chad rhodok sharpshooter, use a crossbow. Any Crossbows can hit inside their stated range (aim at something beyond your target) but you can only do it if something is on the right line. Bows: Fast rate of fire, gets less accurate if left without firing and hard to learn. A blog on the History of Computer Games, written by the cRPG veteran, Lilura1 Lilura1 cRPG: Masterwork Siege Crossbow, Warband It seems to be almost consense, that you should always bring a few bows. I prefer the status effects of Bows (sleep, stop, charm), but Crossbows have Crimson Hail (Fire AOE finisher) and endgame there is a crossbow with fire affinity. May 19, 2018 · Archers have faster draw and lighter kits. A blog on the History of Computer Games, written by the cRPG veteran, Lilura1 Computer Game History: Masterwork War Bow, Warband Hello fellow scape enjoyers, I had a question for all you irl wizards out there. Or smaller crossbows that are one handed like a pistol that can be equipped with shield Always prefer crossbows but know bows in the late game are better due to the increase of damage per level while crossbow only gets damage increase as the last perk and not per level, if they got more damage per level than maybe it would be on par with bow Bows are much stronger late game if you can get your hands on a Noble Bow/Longbow, you can one shot most troops and take down siege defences on your own. There is a sweet spot for damage, modeling how far you have drawn the bow. The only good thing about it is that it has no strength requirement, so I always give it to Ymira if I find one. 3 crossbow wasn't a valid weapon when compared to bow, for a mounted character at least. Sep 1, 2014 · Avoid moving if you're wnating to snipe ie stop your horse, even with a high level of horse archer skill you'll take penalties for movement. g. They are not stacked - the best available bow/crossbow is used for any given county, and the bonuses received from that one apply. Other than bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons, Warband features the the hidden Flintlock Pistol which Mar 2, 2015 · The crossbow is slower but has more penetrating power than arrows, making them superior against well armoured enemies. Dec 19, 2023 · Bow vs Crossbow. in warband, low bow skill would just mean bad accuracy and no damage bonusses. if your bow skill is low then bows are horrifically bad to use. Community patch + Noble Long Bow = best loadout in my opinion. I can't think of a situation where a crossbow would be more beneficial while riding. Jul 5, 2017 · crossbows: Low rate of fire, can be ready to fire all time and easy to learn. That said, there's also the problem that currently many crossbow troops have only 1 stack of 20 bolts, while bowmen often have 2 stacks of arrows. Feb 4, 2018 · As for your mod, it is better than Original Viking Conquest in many ways, but if you want to rebalance ranged weapon for historical accuracy, you will not end up with crossbows and slings on top of bows. com Bows are the standard ranged weapon. co Jan 21, 2017 · In Warband and Viking Conquest, both arrows and crossbow bolts can damage and destroy shields. They cover all kinds off attacks to bash, stab, and cut your opponent. Ascensions with ruby/hydrix bolts and needle strike are still better than bows in most cases. Weapons can come in a variety of different forms, each with their own styles, benefits, and disadvantages. The Zaryte Crossbow would have added damage based on random procs of the bolt, since either way you're probably going to use the Zaryte Crossbow special attack when available, crossbow or T Bow. Before the reticle has narrowed all the way, you are considered to not have full drawn it and stabilized it. If the bug were blindly "fixed" by removing that extra damage, the auto-ammo bows would be just as underpowered as everything else. You can get 2-hit kills with a basic crossbow with 0 skill easily enough. On the battlefield, a typical enemy shield can take three or four hits before breaking with my bow. While crossbows have 85-100 pierce damage, bolts 0-1 pierce damage. Depending on the bow in question, it can be even more accurate than a Oct 9, 2020 · Prior to update 1. Crossbows do have a higher dmg and are supposed to pierce heavy armor. Once you get some skill ranks, IMO bows become better for the player: faster firing, great damage, etc. Meaning crossbow does 32% more damage. I know that with bows you can get some insane withering arrow rain but what about guns and xbows? Are they just heavy armor piercing for stuff like high level cav and the super monsters? Also, what is the best faction overall? My vote goes to Bretonnia because of how strong cav is in Warband. cjj wcdge fffxn rzxm oixu vjelo mbs grvyc znoy bzgegjb qkhre pjoxp wnhz tuanufct ibgf