
Vb6 shell command line arguments. exe /cmd ", argument .

Vb6 shell command line arguments 1st piece of code I've tried: strCommand = """c:\ the following code is part from my VB6 program. Shell") Set objCmdExec = objshell. Apr 21, 2005 · When you pass something from the Command Line to the VB app (compiled), the arguments that are passed get stored into Command$. So it comes down to either determining what argument processing mktorrent. It works fine when I open the command window and manually type the command in however. Apr 29, 2021 · Nop, sorry. NET. EXE 3 0 Sep 21, 2007 · the command from the arguments AFTER the quotes: ““CProgram FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5. Shell strPath & deDB. 0 is run, the shell command is executed. CodeBank - TwinBASIC; Universal Windows Platform and Modern Sep 12, 2011 · There are lots of command line programs that do not come in an equivalent DLL usable from VB6, or in some cases no "free" DLL when I have a customer who insists on using someting free. exe 04212005 myName then you can get these arguments by parsing the command$ variable May 25, 2020 · I want to create a small vb6 helper app that I call from my main vb6 app and pass a string to it with the command line arguments. The main application will read command line arguments and checks whether user is authenticated or not. Call your Shell command in this form with the appropriate Shell PID = Shell( <<Put Shell Arguments Here>> ) And finally, paste the following IMMEDIATELY after the PID=Shell Sep 23, 2021 · Update: Still unsure why the VBA Shell function has difficulty with this, and the CMD Prompt interface doesn't. net program in which I call the Shell function. OpenText(Application. Jan 31, 2012 · I have 2 EXEs in VB 6. Visual Basic . exe -reinitialise or program. Run from VBS. EXE1 : Shell(PathName\EXE2,0) Now all I want is to pass a string type variable to EXE2 which I wish to receive in that EXE2. ConnectionString & " " & "HCA", vbNormalFocus The shell command works fine in Windows XP - however we suspect that it is not working in Windows 7. text") Do Until Apr 8, 2005 · Quick Navigation Visual Basic 6 and Earlier Top. :_(– Jun 6, 2018 · with no avail; I added them in the hope the shell execute would force the parameters as command line parameters. getInputStream(); which requires that I get output from stdout of the original shell. Sorry but your terminology is confused. cmd Similarly, you can run… Feb 25, 2014 · You can use this 100% works but it will only show you the results. If it fails, try it with the command shell. Lets call them MainVB6. I am using the following syntax: cmdline = "C:\Program Files\1\common\php\php. Dec 23, 2003 · The Command() function returns the command line parameters in a string. Doing that for a command line program (from here on simply called CmdApp) that takes a bunch of parameters and switches on the command line and then does its job and exit is very easy to do. You can use this variable to get the Command Line Arguments passed by the user e. String Required. May 7, 2010 · Based on Andrew Lessard's answer, here's a function to run a command and return the output as a string - Public Function ShellRun(sCmd As String) As String 'Run a shell command, returning the output as a string Dim oShell As Object Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript. Oct 4, 2012 · I am working on a script that will utilize the built in capabilities of Windows to unzip a supplied . For instance, if our program's name was Test, and we wanted to pass a Command Line Argument called 'smiley', this is what the Command Line would look like Jul 12, 2022 · Shell (pathname, [ windowstyle ]) The Shell function syntax has these named arguments: Required; Variant (String). Start method instead. Oct 8, 2012 · In C# Console Application, Main method has a string() argument, but in VB. It is also possible to write formless VB6 programs or WSH scripts that can be run as background worker processes but require some back and forth communication. See here for an example, and here for the documentation. a command line argument) from a VB 6. Shell "cmd. Jul 25, 2012 · Dim startInfo As ProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() startInfo. Command Line Argument in VB. text") Shell("cmd. Jul 14, 2017 · I have a VB. jcis, I couldn't get that ShellExecute to work in the same way that Shell worked. Already tried all these options. NET executable but it seems to fail to pass the shell parameters to the executable's arg Nov 3, 2014 · Set args = Wscript. Shell"). Here is the code I can run in command line and it works but when doing it from the VB it gets screwed up. 6 to handle it as a named argument. Convert TextBox string to parameters. Please use the windows api function ShellExecute () in which one parameter can be passed like an option inm DOS commandline program. Site Areas; Settings; Private Messages; Subscriptions; Who's Online; Search Forums; Forums Home; Forums; Visual Basic. Related: HowTo: Arguments - Command Line arguments. Exec - Execute command, returning an object. . However, if I assign the Command$ function to a string: Dim s as string s = Command$ Oct 1, 2019 · What worked for me (at the advice of Olaf Schmidt in this thread) was to use an unmodified version of vb6. This example uses the LongFileName function to expand a file's name and path. How do I have to Sep 28, 2019 · At present, I'm attempting to create an image file from the file contents of a floppy disk/diskette and the program I'm using - called ubeedisk - to achieve that requires incorporating the executable as part of a long command line, comprising hyphens, equals signs, switches and parameters, into the Windows XP Command Processor. DLL's don't "accept" command line arguments. CreateNoWindow = Process_Hide ' Show or hide the process Window My_Process_Info. exe /c" & TextBox1. CodeBank - TwinBASIC; Universal Windows Platform and Modern Mar 27, 2024 · VB6/ExifTool command line March 27, 2024, 08:21:54 AM Last Edit : March 27, 2024, 11:17:47 AM by StarGeek Reason : Edited to correct formatting I would be very grateful if anycan help me with a problem which has ben tormenting me for days. 6. NET application. My exe is "readfile. CodeBank - VB. exe (that works perfectly with warning message) Could you help me? Nov 25, 2023 · Often developers may need to run a VB. WriteLine("C:\sdk\platform-tools") pr. ReadAll() ' Need to use MsgBox() since WScript. Jun 11, 2014 · Order Level WindowText ClassName HWnd ParentHWnd ProcessID ParentProcessID ThreadID ModuleNameHWin EXENameProcess 1 0 «No Window Text 0» msvb_lib_tooltips 133318 133318 1648 3876 1944 C:\Windows\system32\MSCOMCTL. exe and HelperVB6. my problem is , when VB run the line: Shell strCommand, 1 its also open the CMD window for 2-4 seconds (CMD popup window) Dec 6, 2012 · The /k is what I needed. exe, which i created using C++. g; If the user writes something like this myapp. exe uses or, as you're trying to pass a filename, using "MSDOS" 8. To pass command-line arguments, we typically define main() with two arguments: the first argument is the Nov 11, 2010 · how o write vb code which can except parameter at runtime. CreateNoWindow = True proc. exe" & txtFileBande. it should take the file name parameter and perform the action One problem with the example Get long file names for command line arguments is that it expands only the file names not their paths. How to show shell results in vb. How can we use Shell to run a command-line program that performs some other action? This is a practical way of using Shell. net - Stack Overflow has a good example of executing the python script from . Echo arg Next From a command prompt, run the script like this: CSCRIPT MyScript. SpecialFolder. Exec(sCmd) Set oOutput = oExec. exe"). C:\\Program Files\\Test\\foobar. However there are a number of relatively common standards that you've tried. I tried setting command line parameters in the Make tab of the exe for testing, but still nothing. May 11, 2007 · I am stuck with Shell command. vbs December 500 [demo. The answer is 'Yes', and in this article, I'll show you how to use them. I would like to get the text output that is produced from this code in a file. Jul 10, 2013 · I'm trying to run a program (with argument /config) using Shell. exe" 'That's the name of your executable startInfo. Arguments = "your argument line" startInfo. exe" This launches the program but I'm unsure on how to pass in a parameter. 7z. Project runs but nothing happens. exe /cmd ", argument . " dialog, or in the properties of a shortcut), you often find that the program allows you to type something extra after the program name, which affects what the program does when it starts. I am trying to figure out what command line parameters got passed into the application. Thanks 4x2y. Text, 1 Run = Shell (Var$, vbNormalFocus) Run = Shell ("mspaint. e. cscript. net. The issue is that the pipe command > "C:\Users\Dev\log. exe demo. UseShellExecute = False proc. CodeBank - Visual Basic 6 and earlier; TwinBASIC. exe") it works. appref-ms" If System. AlarmSummaryUtility 10 TP=1;PT=4 "W h:m:s:F:p" /export Feb 10, 2003 · Use the SHELL command to launch the EXE. Text + ">123. Arguments(2) “Always remember that your calmness under fire is your best defense in any argument or discussion” ~ Robert Greene. Jan 10, 2012 · The Shell command expects a file name, so command line extensions won't work. Parameters. Just call it like: Shell("c:\SomePath\MyEXE. 1. Please follow the code below. Arguments = Process_Arguments ' Process arguments My_Process_Info. A & B → execute command A, then execute command B. I search AD using the first command line argument which is a username. What I am trying to do is to run a Perl script and have it's output directed back to the VB application. Jan 28, 2014 · I need to execute the below command in command prompt using vb6, quser /server:machinename So my code is, mycommand = "quser / server: & strString" 'where strstring will be my machine name. The command line argument would be the same as you put in the debug section in the properties. exe Shell "c:\test. Shell") Set objExec = WshShell. adb help writes output into STDERR. Command-line arguments are the values given after the name of the program in the command-line shell of Operating Systems. Only problem is that it wont run when I start it from vb6. Basically, the /c tells the command processor "here comes a command and, when its finished executing, close the DOS shell it is running in" whereas the /k also tells the command processor that a command follows, but it instructs it to leave the DOS session running. 2) You can add a test line in front of your main function call which supplies an array of arguments (or create a unit test which does the same thing), or set sys. You would need to parse command variable explicitly. However I'm having an exit code = 87 (cannot find the file specified). How-to: VBScript command line arguments Positional arguments. exec(thecommand) getCommandOutput = objCmdExec Aug 28, 2011 · I have a windows forms based application made by another programmer and I need to add a few command line switches to it's primary output exe so that I can pass arguments like: program. Mar 8, 2013 · If you want to receive command line parameters: command line passed to vn6 application is captured by a global string variable called "command" NOTE: That variable will contain entire command line, not in array like in case of C. CALL Shell "C:\prjIconAutoSync. vbs") “Tell the truth and run” ~ Yugoslavian proverb. Jul 22, 2012 · Thanks Nilpo, all my Googling didn't come up with the correct syntax for passing a command and arguments. cmd or . If you drag a file onto an executable program written in VB, or use Explorer's SentTo command to send files to it, that program can use the Command$ statement to get a space-separated list of the files that were dragged. UseShellExecute = true 'Needed to open a command window Process. UseShellExecute = False ' Don't use system Nov 23, 2014 · Put a break in your program on the shell( line and then see what's in command. Post it here. I have a target file path that is structured like example below. Using the Shell function, we specify a target executable and any command-line arguments needed. NET, the Main method doesn't contain the argument, if I set command line arguments, how to retrieve them? In C#, if I right click the project and select Properties, set command line arguments in debug item, I can use args[0], args[1] and so on to achive my arguments. 5) command line program from within a VBScript file which does two main things: Connects to an Active Directory that is on the same domain as the server the script is hosted to retrieve an attribute value. ***Now to run this program automatically from command line, please create the batch file as below and save as yourname. Sep 29, 2021 · I am trying to run a command line in vb6 and it won't work because of a " character in the command. g. Sep 28, 2019 · At present, I'm attempting to create an image file from the file contents of a floppy disk/diskette and the program I'm using - called ubeedisk - to achieve that requires incorporating the executable as part of a long command line, comprising hyphens, equals signs, switches and parameters, into the Windows XP Command Processor. So i tried the command via Shell, still same problem. RedirectStandardOutput = True pr = Process. Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String ()) For Each arg As String In args This is the only tutorial on whole YouTube on how to use the command line arguments for your VB. google. When i run it without any arguments i. StdOut 'handle Private Declare Function CreatePipe Lib "kernel32" ( _ phReadPipe As Long, _ phWritePipe As Long, _ lpPipeAttributes As Any, _ ByVal nSize As Long) As Long 'Used to read the the pipe filled by the process create 'with the CretaProcessA function Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal hFile As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String Jun 20, 2020 · I have dll file which accept Connectionstring as a command line parameter. The main purpose of the Shell function is to launch external applications from within VBA code. Now this program takes 3 Arguments in Main (i. I have a program That I am trying to launch with the shell command. exe" and if i want to give file name rom command line the command to be executed will be. Dim sArgs() As String. I add some code to introduce, if you are interested Jan 5, 2012 · the following code is part from my VB6 program. Diagnostics. Both WshNamed and WshUnnamed are subsets of Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript. Apr 8, 2008 · When you run a program from a command line (like in "Command Prompt", or the "Start" -> "Run. Jul 23, 2016 · Quick Navigation Visual Basic 6 and Earlier Top. File. 7-Zip Command-Line WScript. And in this situation, the program usually must accept command-line arguments. I'd like to return a single boolean (or even just a bit) back to the VBA caller letting it know whether or not the call was successful. You can use this variable to get the Command Line Arguments passed by the user. This . ex. StreamReader read = File. Syntax Shell(pathname[,windowstyle]) Arguments Nov 7, 2019 · There are two common ways to read command line arguments in VB. Apr 10, 2017 · Here are a couple of ways that I can think of: 1) You can call your "main" function directly on the IDLE console with arguments if you want. bat file and then shell that file (this seems like it might be the easiest approach). How can I achieve the same? Thanks in advance Apr 20, 2005 · When you pass something from the Command Line to the VB app (compiled), the arguments that are passed get stored into Command$. Jun 4, 2019 · I want to quietly execute CMD commands within my GUI app to run CMD external app with specified parameters from textbox. A | B → execute command A, and redirect all it's output into the input of command B. May 11, 2007 · Hi I am new to VB6 programming. Path & "\ModMag2008. exe -sync. ' Function getCommandOutput(theCommand) Dim objShell, objCmdExec Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript. Jan 10, 2025 · We can also give command-line arguments in C. Jan 15, 2016 · This shows the scenarios where you want to call an exe file and pass an argument to it using shell command. Thanks to Patrice Goyer. NET program as a command-line utility. Dim iLoop As Integer. 6 places all the command-line arguments that match one of these syntaxes into the WshNamed collection. For applications developed with Visual Basic Public Function Shell( _ ByVal Pathname As String, _ Optional ByVal Style As AppWinStyle = AppWinStyle. exe I don't need to wait for HelperVB6. 2) Create your commands in a . argv directly. I can run the following command from a command prompt successfully, but can't get it working with a VB script. You need there for a command line parser. For example, the following code loops through the command line arguments and print them on the console. What is wrong with the line above that can not be executed via VB6 shell function? Mar 31, 2017 · Having a hard time with this one. OCX VB6. StartupPath & "\123. exe property. Dec 11, 2011 · For example, you normally pass parameters by simply calling your EXE and providing the parameters at the same time. DCA files for the Designers (. vbs how to get result from a command line command. 7. Related:. Something like this: Var$ = "filename. Jul 14, 2001 · You can run another application by using the Shell statement. I used shell command in the VB in order to execute the pscp. 2. So you need something like: Dim proc As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("cmd. vbs 1 2 A B "Arg with spaces" Will give results like this: 1 2 A B Arg with spaces Mar 22, 2014 · When second command comes to execute, It have been known as a part of "D:\thepath\unzip. Oct 10, 2017 · I think your command is okay Even I created a . exe, and not a pipe to the output. Shell") objShell. Mar 4, 2016 · execute = ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6. exe C:\Program Files\1\common\rpt\spc. How to run a Command Prompt command with Visual Basic code? 0. Equivalent Windows CMD command: Parameters - Command Line Parameters. Just pass a parameter to SHELL command it would be the same as if u lauch Apr 20, 2005 · When you pass something from the Command Line to the VB app (compiled), the arguments that are passed get stored into Command$. here is a sample source code 'Store command line arguments in this array. The shell does run the . EXE"" still same cmd output. Feb 10, 2003 · How do I call an exe which acts on a parameter (eg. exe”” my-database > D:targetfile" If you are using a . exe for command line compiling - so no manifest, no appcompat shims, etc and then call that version (as an admin) when compiling from the command line. Here: This command line compresses all the text files on the C volume into a file called files. 4. Now, I wanted to pass information in encrypted format from licensing application to main application through command line parameters. There are a couple of options: 1) Start cmd. getRuntime(). Any help would be appreciated. If ur EXE is standard EXE then u can not control the exe being launched but if it is ActiveX exe then u can control the exe through passing parameter. Name of the program to execute, together with any required arguments and command-line switches. Visual Basic remains in Oct 14, 2014 · I've done some research. ShellExecute - Run an application in the Windows Shell. instead of a /c for the command processor argument. May 5, 2020 · /cmd or /c argument Puts argument in the Command Line Arguments field in the Make tab of the Project Properties dialog box. Exists(sPath) Then System. However, this is not the return value of the executed code so I don't really know how to. Arguments. In that case, separate the command (the first parameter) from its arguments (the second parameter): Oct 6, 2005 · To write a graphical user interface, or GUI, around a command line program is probably something every VB programmer at some point have had the need to do. vbs] strMonth = WScript. It is a command line smtp client called Jan 21, 2009 · Here is my call and VB code. FileName = Process_Name ' Process filename My_Process_Info. ' ' Capture the results of a command line execution and ' return them to the caller. So I call the HelperVB6. jpg" 'I've already tried: Shell Var$, vbNormalFocus Shell "mspaint. Command-line arguments are handled by the main() function of a C program. DSR) are not in the same directory as the . Calling a script with unnamed arguments is a simple method of passing values into a VBScript, those values can then be picked up within the script by reading the properties of WScript. NET application including the arguments. /mdi or /sdi Changes the Visual Basic environment to either Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI) mode. FileName = "javaw. php doesn't seem to execute Mar 14, 2017 · Get the output of a shell Command in VB. – simon at rcl. exec( getVersion ); InputStream s = p. Name of the program to execute and any required arguments or command-line switches; may include directory or folder and drive. I have also tried this in VB: 2nd VB Method Dim sPath As String = Environment. 0 program? How do I get the return value? -Regards, Arunabha. May 14, 2013 · Call Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6. Apr 22, 2012 · EDIT: For the multiple command on one line the key are the & | && and || command connectors. The SHELL command itself return a value which is the handle of the EXE being opened. net to debug VB6 binaries - debuging is not too convenient - but it is not necessary to modify original application: Debugging VB6 binaries in Visual Example 2. I am stuck with Shell command. exe with process. I am pretty new to vbscript so some of the syntax stumps me a little. This can be useful for automating tasks that require the use of other programs, such as data extraction, report generation, or file manipulation. exe" & mycommand The problem is it is executing in command prompt with the double quotes. Jan 25, 2009 · When you use command line arguments to compile a Microsoft Visual Basic project that contains WebClass designers, you may encounter errors. 0binmysqldump. exe argument1 argument2") but it does not work. My eventual goal is to run the vbscript from Java. If e. EXE /r " & App. Echo() is sent to hidden console window MsgBox strOutput Of course, if your script expects command-line parameters, those would need to be forwarded when relaunching your script as well. exe with Shellexecute and pass the parameters in command line arguments. Apr 29, 2022 · Shell. 3 format for the path which will have no spaces. e xe foo bar") Command will return the string "foo bar" (without quotes). Start(proc) pr. For those of you not familiar with the concept, programming languages, such as C and C++, allow you to execute a compiled Mar 4, 2014 · This is not proper use of the Shell Method:. This example uses the 7-Zip executable program, which performs compression and decompression. On the Macintosh, you can use the MacID function to specify an application's signature instead of its name. 6 places all the other command-line arguments into the WshUnnamed collection. Text, 1) Apr 8, 2013 · You can use a hack to clear the command line parameters in memory after the application has started, by writing to the address returned from GetCommandLineW(), but that won't stop anything reading it in the mean time, or anything that hooks the process creation. Shell ("c:\myapplication. exe /G What I need to do is be able to execute this file using VBA's shell() command. You can also call any program in the windows directory, such as regsvr32, notepad, and explorer Aug 19, 2009 · I'm attempting to execute a . Jul 4, 2020 · I'm wanting to launch a program and pass in a command line argument from a key press. Shortcut. php " & WorkOrderNo taskId = Shell(cmdline, vbNormalFocus) There seems to be an issue with the space between Program Files because the PHP command spc. my problem is , when VB run the line: Shell strCommand, 1 its also open the CMD window for 2-4 seconds (CMD popup window) Jun 12, 2013 · Sometimes we do required to run program automatically without user intervention. You can use the function Command. So, if you normally call your program like such. CAUSE When you use the command line argument /MAKE to compile the application, if the associated . First, you can override the Main method with an array of strings, which are command line arguments. I want to run a EXE with command line arguments i. exe -command Restart-Service [service name]" Set WshShell = WScript. Arguments For Each arg In args Wscript. '// this code calls c: est. see: Working with Command Line Switches 2/ Use Visual studio. The following code checks the folder where chrome. net - execute python script from vb. exe and enter a specific command like Restart-Service. Oct 27, 2012 · Windows does not provide a common way of keeping arguments with spaces as single arguments. exe 04212005 myName then you can get these arguments by parsing the command$ variable Aug 10, 2004 · If I have really understood, you want to add some command line parameters to you application in the way that this (your application) reacts on these parameters. C:\test. cscript - Run a VB Script . Adding 'cmd' in the call makes the command line window open WITHOUT anything, adding cmd /c just 'open-close' the command line window without doing anything. vbs file Arguments - Passing arguments to a script. Shell") 'run command Dim oExec As Object Dim oOutput As Object Set oExec = oShell. Aug 1, 2010 · As you may see in the Above Code i am trying to run a program called File_copy_program. exe to finish. VB /cmd cmdlineargs. Public Shared Function Shell (PathName As String, []) As Integer. Jul 14, 2001 · Shows you how to open another application using the Shell function, and use the ShellExecute API to open a file with its default viewer. I have found some docs online but all seem to be in C# and are for command line only programs. In the following command line example, cmdlineargs represents the argument information returned by the Command function. program name, source file, target file). exe filename. Feb 26, 2025 · VBA Shell Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments Purpose. By specifying a string array argument to Main, the program will automatically receive arguments. exe") Dim pr As Process proc. Start("C:\temp\test. txt" is being treated as an argument to the executable C:\Users\Dev\Scripts\Script. DSR files, you may encounter errors Apr 13, 2010 · I have a VB6 app. Echo "The third argument is", WScript. Start(startInfo) Jul 12, 2012 · Something like start powershell. From CMD: Change directory to C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ See also Giving a bash script the option to accepts flags, like a command? for an elaborate, ad hoc, long and short option parser. I will have cmd. I thought something similar to this could work: strCommand = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1. Programs) + "\Microsoft\ChallengeHandler. MinimizedFocus, _ Optional ByVal Wait As Boolean = False, _ Optional ByVal Timeout As Integer = -1 _) As Integer Parameters Pathname Required. Mar 3, 2014 · Try it without the command shell. exe dice" VB CODE Sub Main() Dim aryargs MsgBox Command If Command <> "" Then aryargs = Split(Command, ",") mServer = aryargs(0) End if End Sub A message box displays, but it's empty. When used, this must be the last switch on the command line. Sep 26, 2022 · When Visual Basic is launched from the command line, any portion of the command line that follows /cmd is passed to the program as the command-line argument. zip file. NET program. If I type in ? Command$ into the Immediate window, it prints out the command line params fine. StdOut. p = Runtime. Net version of Visual Basic, you should use the Process. exe residing and calling www. Nov 17, 2020 · I'm calling a VB6 program (from command line with an argument) with Shell from the VBA. Cnct_AMS. NET (3. 0. PathName Type: System. e. Same, if I place Command$ into the Watch window. IO. bat file and placed the commands in this file But it does not execute commands after the adb shell, and it only stays in the adb shell This is an adb. text '----- Dim read As System. CreateObject("WScript. somewhat like: Execute a VB6 Program with Command Line Arguments I frequently receive queries from readers asking if Visual Basic supports Command Line Arguments. 0\powershell. Apr 8, 2013 · Hey there everyone, I am back again with another stumper that I can't seem to figure out. KeyCode = Keys. exe in my directory, so I suppose that I will be able to pass only arguments of CMD-only app instead of cd desktop cd folder/onlycmdapp. com, from there (assuming you installed chrome) by passing url as argument: Aug 30, 2015 · Dim strOutput strOutput = CreateObject("WScript. exe renamed to vb6_compile. Exec(strCommand) Apr 22, 2013 · Try Dim My_Process As New Process() Dim My_Process_Info As New ProcessStartInfo() My_Process_Info. GetFolderPath(Environment. It does not attempt to handle option arguments attached to short options, nor long options with = separating option name from option value (in both cases, it simply assumes that the option value is in the next argument). exe with the flags and arguments. run("cscript C:\scripts\demo. You may have an object in your DLL that needs a connection string, but having the DLL pick it up from the command line isn't a good idea (it's possible to do so, just unusual). exe", vbNormalFocus. F7 Then Process. Process Jul 27, 2022 · I would like to know if there is a way to pass a variable to the vb6 Shell command. Another application can be run from a VB. StandardInput May 28, 2012 · If authentication is successful, this application calls main application with authentication information. Passing parameters in Shell command in VB 6. net: 'create 1 textbox1 'create 1 button1 'create 1 richtextbox1 'in the start up directory of this program make a file could 123. StandardInput. EXE 1 calls the other EXE2 through shell command. exe" but when I'm trying to execute the same line above via windows Command Prompt, there is no problem. May 6, 2002 · A command-line argument must follow one of these formats for WSH 5. readfile. Item(0) Nov 19, 2013 · When VB 6. Apr 14, 2017 · Passing parameters in Shell command in VB 6. Can someone tell me how I can pass a consol command with spaces in it ? Change dir is no option, I have to put some more directories in the command. net; Visual Basic 6 and Earlier. Once I did that command line compiling worked normally. RedirectStandardInput = True proc. WSH 5. In that case, you can put code in your program to accept command line arguments. Passing the Command Line Argument is pretty easy---you just type the name of your executable at the Run Menu, followed by a space, followed by the Command Line Argument. exe /test /inet /copy You would simply set the command-line arguments to /test /inet /copy in the VB6 IDE Sep 10, 2020 · I am using the VB6 Shell command to run a program. EXE 2 0 «No Window Text 0» msvb_lib_tooltips 133316 133318 1648 3876 1944 C:\Windows\system32\MSCOMCTL. start and pass the parameters (I have not tested this, so am unsure if it will work. Nov 20, 2014 · This Python - Command Line Arguments was a good tutorial on processing incoming arguments in a python script. Exec("tasklist. String. tupcbuip xqijv pged qsnsprzb kjaa logmd ljaszd cbaka cmnl xgla omhoz iugg jhmwcpt ekpgd vmcjw