Sprint calls going to voicemail. [Re-Titled by Moderator] Show more Less.

Sprint calls going to voicemail Trying to avoid factory reset, but think that's my best next step. Ideas (short of a Dec 14, 2021 · iPhone voicemail Phone is showing 9 voicemails. When the network resets, the first thing it does is look for a T-mobile tower, which is what we do to fix the No Calls but SMS works. To check if this might be the issue, you should disable call forwarding settings to take calls on your local handset. I don't have a do not - 2532849 Jan 20, 2025 · Blocked Numbers: Calls from blocked contacts go straight to voicemail. The Airplane mode thing is just to reset the network, which is done in seconds. It's available in two versions, for consumers and for business use. Announce Calls Feature: Misconfigured settings route calls to voicemail. After a restart, I can recieve calls again. If that doesn’t work, try calling or texting tech services at Verizon and ask them to “reset the tspi switch”. But, when I call her from my iphone (Verizon, iphone 8), her phone rings. I kept testing the phone and had it going to user busy and voicemail. In my logs I see this: SIP Server/Call Manager ID: 4101 Oct 1, 2019 · When a user calls another user the called extension rings twice and then the call goes through to voicemail even though there is a 20 second ring time defined for the extension. Once the carrier disables your voicemail, test it by calling your number to ensure calls no longer go to Oct 24, 2024 · My iPad is connected to my iPhone to make and receive calls and messages. Carrier Settings Update. Here, we’ve gathered them Jul 24, 2024 · Stop phone calls from going to voicemail Are your calls going straight to voicemail? If you're trying to receive a call or call someone else, certain call settings can redirect you to voicemail without ringing. Please let me know the solution. - 2502580 I am in the process of testing Teams Calls. Unfortunately, there is a long list of reasons your incoming calls may go to voicemail while outgoing calls are fine. We only use Teams to Teams calling. Check Call Settings: Go to Settings > Phone and ensure that Silence Unknown Callers isn’t enabled. If you are having issues activating, call Sprint CS and go through the menu to technical support. The iPad Air doesn’t have the Phone App, so it uses the FaceTime app. Sep 20, 2018 · The default if the caller is in or is not in your contacts is to ring the phone until the amount of time set in the voicemail server (figure 5 seconds per ring then add 2). On the caller's side, it sounds like my phone rings the usual 4 times and… 4. However, I just tested 5 calls to my Teams number and all calls are going straight to voicemail and it doesn't ring on my cell phone or my laptop. Sprint vm would be fine if it didn't block incoming automated calls that we need to get (like when our kids' school calls) but we can't figure out why. After 20plus years of having a cell phone I recently switched to an IPhone 14. You’ll discover a broad selection of possible solutions, ranging from settings you can change in your phone to software adjustments. Some high-end Android devices also have this setting. Call Screener feature comes in handy in screening out redundancies and fraud calls. Won't go away completely. To change your voicemail settings, select Settings and more Select to see more options next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Calls. She hears this a lot from others who call her as well. Her phone does not ring. Use this password to access your voicemail and change it to something memorable. Jun 10, 2021 · Click on Settings > Calls > Make sure that “Call ring me” option is enabled, not “Forward my calls” 3. As of April 1st, 2020, Sprint is now part of T-Mobile! Welcome to the Sprint subreddit where we discuss news, user feedback, phone updates, tips and tricks, technical advice, and Customer Care experiences. Sounds like your issue is somewhat different, as outbound calls work perfectly for me. New features will gradually roll out across all regions. If your calls are going straight to voicemail on your iPhone, and you have Verizon. If one of the following call settings is enabled, don’t be surprised if your incoming calls land directly into your voicemail: Call rejection or block; Call barring; Forward to voicemail; Obviously, to fix the issue, you need to disable these settings. " Oct 27, 2024 · Go to Settings > Focus and check if any modes are enabled. Phone or watch don’t ring and call goes immediately to voicemail. Oct 18, 2021 · Hello, JamesGarza2 I am Igor and I will be glad to help you with this question :) See guide below that might help solve the issue. It's possible your iPhone might require a Carrier Settings update if calls are going straight to Feb 23, 2023 · When you turn on the DND mode on your device, all your incoming calls may go to your voicemail. As an end user, I have double-checked my settings. I had to do a factory reset on my Samsung the other day and miraculously, upon completion of the reset her iPhone 4s could finally call my Samsung and it rang everytime. You can call other Sprint subscribers directly to voicemail if you’re a Sprint subscriber and you have an active voicemail service. Oct 25, 2022 · 1. I receive notifications from apps and texts, even face-to-face (or whatever their called) go through with a audible chime/ding. I have looked at their settings and it says “calls ring me”. I’ve owned iPhones for many years but have no idea how to rectify this problem or if it’s a device issue. Check for software update. May 5, 2020 · Not receiving calls When someone calls me,my phone would go straight to voicemail. I've checked all my settings and turned off voicemail and call forwarding. I have tried the following, to no avail: Rebooting the phone, turned Bluetooth off, checked do not disturb, checked call forwarding/call barring, tried to turn off voicemail itself-however it says to contact the service provider. The call goes directly to her voicemail. My mom and sister told me my phone rang 4-6 times before going to voicemail, but on my end my phone did not ring and didn't show I had a missed call or anything in call history. Dec 2, 2023 · My calls go directly to voicemail. If someone calls them internal the call goes straight thru, but external calls go straight to voicemail? We have compaired phone set up to a similar user and all is the same. Incoming calls go direct to voice mail. There may be an issue with your cell phone plan only a customer support representative can resolve. Oct 6, 2011 · After switching user from 7945 to 7975 phone they can no longer recieve external calls. Android Voicemail Problem: Fixed! You've fixed the problem and your Android is no longer going straight to Feb 23, 2012 · Wife's iPhone 4s couldn't call my Galaxy Note 2 without always going straight to voicemail. I cannot figure out how to stop that. Is there a setting I need to look at? Thanks in advance. If not then DND is on somewhere, either on a softphone or on a desk phone. Go to phone app then SETTINGS then MORE (with the 3 dots) and turn both of those off. No settings on the phone have been adjusted nor any CM changes were made. Outgoing calls were fine but incoming calls would just show up as a voicemail with no missed call or anything. Hope that helps! Please let me know if you have other queries/concerns. iF WIFI is on incoming calls go directly to voicemail. Even after the merger, these two features stayed there without being touched by the company and Sprint users continue to have it even today. I have an S20 on AT&T. When two of the extensions are set to 'Away' the call will fail and go to voicemail. Mar 10, 2025 · There are several reasons a call may only ring once and then go straight to voicemail. There is a workaround of forwarding my incoming calls into Google Voice via *72 option - this is what I am doing now in order to not miss all incoming calls. 1) some calls, even people in my contact list, are going straight to Voice Mail, do not disturb is off, silence unknown callers is off, carrier has detected no issues, ran diagnostics with the apple support app nothing found there, I've restarted my device several times. Sometimes when your iPhone experiences issues related to your cellular network (no or poor service, calls going straight to voicemail), the problem is stemming from the cellular network, not the iPhone itself. Open the Phone app and click on the three-dot menu I've got a similar thing happening, Pixel 3 on Verizon. Has anyone else experienced this before? Google Voice is a service offered by Google, that includes Internet telephone calling, SMS/MMS text messaging, voicemail, spam call/text filtering, calling number blocking, and related features. Silent Mode: Make sure your phone isn’t on silent. Have been experiencing Voice Issues in DC in last 24 hours. The call barring feature allows users to disable all incoming or outgoing calls and thereby forcing the calls to go to voicemail. Server is remote. You will still see the number on your recent call list, but your phone won’t ring and the call will go to your voicemail. Screen comes up with Call Failed at top of screen and a grey Cancel button and a green Call Back button on the bottom. Sometimes the phone will ring a couple of times and other times it doesn't ring. Sometimes I will see a blip on the screen that the call is incoming, but it lasts less than a second, and I can't click anything. The only way I am alerted to the fact is I get a notification when the person calling me leaves a voicemail. . On a subsequent try I’ll actually get a dial tone and the call will go through. Check the switch on the side of your phone. For about 2 weeks, every incoming voice call has gone straight to voicemail after ringing for 1/2 a ring. Other times it goes immediately to voice mail. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. This wikiHow teaches various reasons a call may ring once and go straight to voicemail and what you can do to fix this problem. When I touch green there is no action; when I touch grey it goes back to ‘Call Voicemail’ screen. Only inbound calls are the ones failing (well, going straight to Voicemail to be exact). Thanks UPDATE: I chose the wrong title. Feb 23, 2012 · Wife's iPhone 4s couldn't call my Galaxy Note 2 without always going straight to voicemail. Notifications Settings: Dec 4, 2024 · Method 1: Disable Do Not Disturb to Fix Calls Going Straight to Voicemail. Fix 5 – Disable the Call Forwarding feature. The calls to the ACD paths go straight to the interflow point which is a mailbox, and the other calls go straight to the general mailbox. Phones don't automatically send "not in Contacts" calls to VM unless a) the particular phone is capable of it and b) you set it to do that or you've installed an app to *I have found that for one user if you dial from a PUB FIRST phone, they are not going directly to VM (they are calling another phone on PUB FIRST). The phone doesn't ring when a call comes in. 15. I need to Skype to do my work. Silence callers is turned off. It is okay if I lose my voicemails. Hello everyone. And when they submit the request, toggle the airplane mode for only 10 seconds. I got the Galaxy Note 10+ about two weeks ago and I have an issue where calls, even from known contacts, go straight to voicemail. No rhyme or reason. This could be why some calls go straight to voicemail. (Except for the fact that I have to toggle my speaker off and on to get my mic to work, and I sense these issues may be connected. The only way I know that I got a call is if they leave a voicemail, I don't even get any notifications of missed calls if they don't leave a message (I have tested this with friends). This will fix the issue. I should mention, this is kind of the opposite of the way Google Voice is intended to work. A menu will appear with several options, so select Always to let all calls through at all times. Your calls may go straight to voicemail if your ringer volume is turned down or Feb 12, 2025 · Sprint: 611 or 1-888-211-4727; Other carriers: Check their website or support page. Then Google Voice should ring when it receives those forwarded calls rather than go straight to voicemail. If it says Sprint despite the T-Mobile SIM card in the phone, go to the SIM-Swap portal and follow the directions to activate your T-Mobile SIM card. Although, I really think it's an att problem because I've had a few times where somehow I ended up in someone else's call, sounds crazy but twice in the last month when receiving a call from someone in my contacts, I pick up and can hear someone else's Sounds like you already have call forwarding set up on the Verizon side. Ask them to help you with a voicemail reprovision. If your call goes straight to voicemail, it is likely because you have turned your DND or airplane Bluetooth mode on, or it is due to a network issue. Jun 19, 2020 · Two rings then straight to voicemail Hi everyone I have just received my new iPhone and unfortunately any incoming calls only ring twice and then transfer to voicemail mail making it impossible to actually answer any calls. I spent an To get in contact with RedPocket care: Call:+1-712-775-8777 (or 611) E-Mail:Support@RedPocket. 4. Aug 22, 2022 · Most cell phones have a feature where you can deliberately set your phone to send incoming calls to another number. You just need to unlink the number in your Google Voice settings. Sep 24, 2021 · This really helps to fix the problem of outgoing calls go straight to voicemail on iphone and android. 00. If the Call Forwarding feature is enabled on your device, the calls will get forwarded to voicemail service when they are not answered. The other phones (registered with the Subscriber) are going directly to VM. If your phone is out of network coverage or experiencing intermittent signal, calls may bypass ringing and go straight to voicemail. What is this about? Verizon rep also no help. ” My calls were sometimes going directly to voice mail and I turned off BLUE TOOTH and also turned off SPAM PROTECTION CALLER ID. Set conditional call forwarding on your new Sprint Line. This has been happening on my partner’s iphone and I’ve checked all the settings and can’t find a reason. It could be caused by call forwarding, call blocking, network issues, and more. Oct 17, 2024 · Your calls may go straight to voicemail if you have Airplane Mode turned on. Sprint (Now Part of T-Mobile) Log in to your Sprint/T-Mobile account online. Calls are not going straight to voicemail. Many people call me in IT saying their calls are going straight to voicemail when in reality that greeting plays and then the phone rings. Aug 28, 2020 · IPhone 11 Pro Max calls straight to voicemail I have an IPhone 11 Pro Max and my calls are going straight to voicemail. Stay tuned for updates. They're listed as favorite contacts, and the phone was not on do not disturb. Mar 1, 2025 · If you have an iPhone, there is an option of silencing an unknown caller. Dec 9, 2022 · POSSIBLE REASONS WHY CALLS GO STRAIGHT TO VOICEMAIL WITHOUT RINGING. I found that if I reboot, the first call comes through, but then all subsequent go directly to voicemail. Best regards, This has been going on with my wife's iPhone 6s for weeks now. Apr 29, 2024 · Activating certain Focus Modes can silence incoming calls and send them straight to voicemail. HOWEVER, turning off wifi I cannot get data. Select "Settings" > "Calls. Confirm the changes. Version 1. Also check “If unanswered” option and choose as applicable Mar 1, 2025 · If you have an iPhone, there is an option of silencing an unknown caller. This is the last solution I know that helps to resolve the problem of outgoing calls go straight to voicemail on iphone and equally on android. Jul 21, 2019 · Same problem. And if you don't forward calls to your new sprint number, indeed it is working perfectly. However to add to this don't dismiss the call let them finish ringing and go to voicemail, not doing this will also mark your number as active. but it will get to at most 1-3 calls per day then 1-5 per week. I don’t have Do Not Disturb turned on on my iPhone, and even so, I have these p Dec 17, 2024 · I need my iPhone to ring. Thank you. This can result in incoming calls going straight to voicemail. Still every incoming call goes to voicemail. ) I have 2 sprint lines, and recently one of them (iPhone 8) has calls go directly to voicemail. 0, standard perpetual license. Internet connectivity is normal during these episodes. Reported in Sprint Zone: All incoming calls go to voicemail and all outgoing calls are… Jan 17, 2018 · All incoming calls to my skype account go straight to voicemail. Set it to "Available" or a status other than "Do Not Disturb. Click on your profile picture in Teams and check your current status. 1. Call the number and wait for the greeting to end and if it starts ringing afterward, that's your issue. The unfortunate thing is missing important calls like job interviews. It also seems to affect who I can call into a meeting. 4. Two weeks ago, I recently ported my phone number from T-Mobile to Sprint. Check Your Phone Settings. When I call from wife from my office (VOIP line), the call goes directly to her voicemail. May 11, 2018 · I'm having an issue with calls suddenly going straight to voicemail on an extension. ) for Same problem here, mainly with my wife receiving calls on her S20. I recently found an issue where people who call me go straight to voicemail. Step 1 – Open the iPhone’s Settings page. This feature was recently added to iOS. The call group is composed of three extensions. Jul 16, 2020 · For several, when I try to call them it goes directly to voicemail. Found if I turn off Wifi I can get incoming calls. Nov 7, 2023 · Incoming Calls Going Straight to Voicemail - fix. Oct 9, 2015 · Also, turn off “spam protection. Mar 17, 2018 · For about the last 3-4 weeks, all (and I mean 100%) of my calls are going directly to voicemail. Why Is My Phone Automatically Going to Voicemail? If your phone goes straight to voicemail without ringing, it can be due to certain call features on your phone, Do Not Disturb modes, or even outdated software. However, there is no problem calling the extension internally. However, it’s still an inconvenience when people who try to phone you go straight to voicemail without ringing your phone first. Below are the support numbers of major wireless carriers to contact if you're experiencing problems. My settings show that it should ring for 20 seconds before going to voicemail. Mar 22, 2023 · Solved: All of my calls seem to be going to voicemail except one's that are inmy network. Jun 25, 2019 · Our software update is being released in phases. My calls go directly to voicemail. Do not disturb is off. Call and request voicemail deactivation. 3. Is this a Spectrum thing others are experiencing ? Jul 13, 2006 · Eight of them ring into ACD paths and the other two point to their main number. Fix iPhone frozen, in DFU mode, Apple logo, headphone mode, etc. Good signal strength, wifi calls enabled, cell-spot router. I have reset my network settings, installed a new sim card, had Verizon fix provisioning on the line and I continue to experience the same issue. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. 1 (and Newer current is 18. Fix iPhone call going straight to voicemail without ringing. Sometimes your phone may think it has a connection to a Bluetooth device (like your car or an earpiece) but that device is not talking to the phone. I’m at home in wifi with wifi calling on and decent cell signal strength. Just happened on my phone as well. Open the Settings app, select Phone, then select Announce Calls. ” A temporary password will be sent to your phone. No ring, no notification. I can try it with a student next to me in the same room and it still does not work. Mar 31, 2021 · 2 – BLUETOOTH IS CONFUSED: If all of your inbound calls are going straight to voicemail, try turning OFF your Bluetooth connection. # 004 # and dial # 21 # and dial ** 61 * 18056377243 ** 30 # and dial Jul 31, 2023 · In this article, we will explain some of the common causes and solutions for calls not ringing and going straight to voicemail. All my incoming calls go straight to voicemail for me, but my outbound work just fine. May 20, 2024 · A call going straight to voicemail means calls going directly to voicemail rather than ringing on your device. A phone restart fixes things albeit only temporarily it seems. Third-Party Apps: Call-blocking or spam-filtering apps interfere If the call goes stright to voicemail. 5. Check your call settings. Yeah, same boat here. This issue was a huge problem for me today as I had to take a highly important call. Jan 3, 2025 · Last night I turned that off on all devices except the watch i forgot about. Calls started going straight to voicemail after the update to iOS 18 and iPadOS 18. This has happened at least 15-20 times in the last week or two. Dec 1, 2024 · Since updating to IOS 18. Please help me understand how to get this to work correctly. I had this issue on my 11 Pro 256 Midnight Green. All calls are going directly to voicemail. I depowered the watch so it couldn't connect and now my calls are going through. Everything worked perfectly after that. I got a brand new iPhone 8 Plus and I have not been able to receive incoming calls. After seeing the other contributors with the same issue, this can't be coincidental. Your calls may go straight to voicemail if your Phone app is not set to announce calls. 32771 (64-bit) Jan 9, 2023 · Work for iPhone XS/XR/X/8/7/6/5/4, iPad, iPod and more. I call her daily after work from my Note 9, and more than 50% of the time the call goes straight to VM. 5. So, for calls going straight to voicemail on your iPhone, check if you have used this setting. So I have 2 lines on my account that are my personal devices. " 4. I can call out fine. After some googling and checking settings, it seems the most common settings that cause going straight to voicemail are: do not disturb car drive mode do not ring for unknown callers All of those are off, and it was still going to voicemail. When the DND Mode or Do-not-disturb feature is activated on your device, all incoming calls will go straight to voicemail. Some providers may let you temporarily disable voicemail, while others may remove it entirely. iPhone 16, iOS 18 Posted on Dec 17, 2024 2:55 PM It should say "Network: " telling you what network the phone is on. I don't know what to do. 6. Mar 8, 2024 · When in DND mode, calls may be automatically forwarded to voicemail. I have even extended the length of time before going to voicemail. com Members Online Issues with Iphone going straight to voicemail? May 24, 2021 · This includes Call Screener & Visual Voicemail features that were made available accessible for free last year. I purchased an unlocked phone directly from Samsung. [Re-Titled by Moderator] Show more Less. com Website:RedPocket. My friends and family informs me that they try to call me and it rings and goes straight to voicemail, however, I do not receive any notifications that anyone is calling me. Google Voice is a service offered by Google, that includes Internet telephone calling, SMS/MMS text messaging, voicemail, spam call/text filtering, calling number blocking, and related features. Oct 9, 2023 · Today, we’ll show you how to fix the problem with an iPhone going straight to voicemail. I don’t even get missed call notifications and it doesn’t ring at all. Chat with the care team, mentioning that your incoming calls are redirected to your voicemail. [Re-Titled by Moderator] Dec 1, 2024 · Calls going straight to voicemail: Calls are sent straight to voicemail without ringing: No service: iPhone is unable to connect to the network: Poor call quality: Calls are distorted or have poor Apr 13, 2022 · If you've tried the fixes above and your calls are still going straight to voicemail, it's time to reach out to your wireless carrier. I turned celluar off the watch and wifi along with the DND mode was on and sleep mode was on. Your calls may go straight to voicemail if your Focus settings are sett to "Do Not Disturb. 3CX v. Apr 6, 2018 · If you frequently travel using your CDMA Galaxy S8, manually updating the PRL list might just help fix the issue of calls going straight to voicemail. Here’s what to check on your iPhone. All I needed was a new SIM card from Verizon. Announce Calls. Q2. But if you do forward, you'll notice that if someone leaves you a voicemail, it's going to go to your new Sprint number's voicemail. Here’s how to make a call go straight to voicemail on a landline using the Sprint service: Launch your dialer and call your voicemail number. Provider (Sprint) had no idea what caused it but suspected software incompatibility. Any thoughts? Apr 5, 2023 · Go to Teams > Settings > Calls > Call answering rules Uncheck or untick the option saying, "Forward my calls" and it should be 'Calls ring me'. External calls get put through to the call queue properly but, once there, the extensions on the queue ring twice before the queue goes on to the next defined behaviour. Out of the blue "call failed" placing an outgoing (wifi or macro cell) call. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled the app on my Windows 10 computer. The problem they are having is that a few times during the day incomming calls to the 800 #'s go straight to voicemail. Jan 20, 2023 · – On Sprint. Wait for the call to be redirected to the voicemail So this has been an issue for me off and on for the last few months. Sprint: Dial ##873283# Telus: Dial *22803; Metro PCS, US Cellular, Verizon (3G phones only): Dial *228; Try the Method 3 below if you are still having issues with the voicemail your Samsung Aug 22, 2022 · Most of us don’t want to receive phone calls anymore. The only way to fix that is by deactivating the option to allow the incoming call to go through without prompting it to go to voicemail. This can be Same issue here, pixel 7 pro with att. Don't know what's up. Another reason why your calls go to your voice mail because you might enable the call barring on your device. Normal humans can leave messages, but not calls from school Nov 21, 2020 · I keep missing calls and they go straight to voicemail. Call forwarding or conditional call forwarding settings could be directing calls to your voicemail. 1. Why I'm sorry about the problem you have with calls going to voicemail. Now my phone is not going straight to voice mail. Jul 24, 2024 · Here's what to do if your iPhone or Android phone goes straight to voicemail. Occasionally calls to my father, mother, and apparently calls to me as well, will go to voicemail the first try. I am hoping that there is an end user fix, as our MS admin is on vacation, and I can't reboot for every call. To solve this, it is only necessary to dial the following commands from the keyboard of the device, they are to solve the phone call problems that you are facing. Go to the voicemail settings and select “Reset password. That should fix it. It might sound straightforward, but the first thing you should check is that Eventually the spam will die down. Jun 23, 2021 · Subsequently, 9 out of 10 calls are now doing this too. Some of the settings that can affect your calls are: May 5, 2020 · Not receiving calls When someone calls me,my phone would go straight to voicemail. The calls are very important. In the call logs, the available extension does not even appear to be ringing. POSSIBLE SERVICE OUTAGE IN THE AREA You can request from your wireless carrier (AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Telus, etc. Mar 11, 2025 · Navigate to “Voicemail settings” and select “Reset password. Voicemail Settings: Misconfigured settings might redirect all calls. Once the setting on both devices were set the same, calls stop going straight to voicemail. I've done so 3 times, and they say they have/will, but haven't. Check Call Forwarding Settings: Open Teams and click on your profile picture. The person on PUB FIRST, can call any phone and it will not go directly to VM. I used to have it set up where I could let's say for example if someone calls my regular number and I don't answer instead of going straight to my voicemail it will begin to ring the other phone. One of the first things you should do is check your phone settings and make sure that nothing is interfering with your incoming calls. Driving Mode/Focus Mode: Automatically silences or redirects calls. Nothing has changed with my incoming call plan for this extension and its setup is exact to another extension that does not have the issue. Not a service strength issue. I go to ‘Call Voicemail’. You should be able to keep wifi on and still get calls There's no reason to do it for a couple of hours. ” Apr 28, 2020 · Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Ideas (short of a Feb 8, 2023 · Solved: All my calls are going straight to voice mail. Turn Off Airplane Mode. Right now, you might think everything works perfectly. Jun 29, 2023 · Calls going straight to voicemail can have many causes. I work for Verizon and we replace SIM cards all the time as a first step when diagnosing service I'm going to add to this thread with the same issue with the S24 Ultra I just received to replace the brand new S24 Ultra I purchased in March that died on May 18. Nov 24, 2024 · After revoking the block from the contacts, see whether all of your calls going to voicemail or not. Try : turn off call forwarding by dialing *73 then call button- it should auto turn it off. fqnrmq usae vuyif ecp ioeoga fso xihizk cxqd vdurbc kehce dkpdgh kmsuf dycsj ukbzo mtbiv

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