
Shadow glaives vs nox bow. And leave my glaives as my range weapon.

Shadow glaives vs nox bow Make sure it’s the first ability in your revolution bar and keep using the knives Weapon tiers are usually pretty straight forward, so the Tier 80 zaryte bow is automatically better than the tier 75 armadyl crossbows. Then make another 70M, sell the Nox and buy Ascensions. For your brother- get him to 82 attack/str/mage and get limitless staff of air, masutas spear, shadow glaives. I would suggest Shadow Glaives all the way until As a counter opinion, 2h range with a bow benefits from two things - greater dazing shot and special arrows. My gut is telling me to just suck it up and grind up for a Scythe, as the DRL means I can easily do Twins and Helwyr (even if my times are currently sloooooooooow). For weapons i used the terrasaur maul, inquisitors staff and shadow glaives. Personally can't recommend chaotics since you can upgrade again to Shadow Glaives at 85 ranges. The Zaryte bow is an enchanted Zarosian shortbow that requires 80 Ranged to wield. Also, for bosses like Araxxor and Nex, ruby bak bolts aren't that effective and thus a nox bow is good. Any and all help in making this decision is greatly appreciated. Up until now I’ve been using glaives. Kills are much faster if you have full adrenaline at the beginning and can use deaths swiftness. You're probably better off saving for a nox bow. Yh you can use them with a nox bow, they’ll just have their damage capped at t90 because that’s how high the bow can go. Dragonbane bolts are extremely effective at QBD. Thank you! The damage will be the same, but you'll have more accuracy with shadow glaives, giving higher dps. I'm maxed combat, 96 herb/ 99 summ if that matters as well. Worth pointing out if money is tight a main hand ascension crossbow with off hand shadow glaive (or ideally, if you have the dung tokens, chaotic crossbow) is an option that is a similar price to a nox bow and better damage with the same accuracy. Take a high defense group pvm boss like Angel of Death. Take a ranged geared setup is fine, you can substitute a nox bow if you don’t have one with shadow glaives. You might feel slightly behind the 8-ball, but it's better than upgrading your armour and being left with no money, and still doing the same damage. 25% = 2029. Typically people only use ammo when they swap targets, and I know on oldschool you lose a bolt/arrow at a rate of 1/5 attacks. The fighter version is the best fighter, with a huge wealth pool and a damage modifier of 0. This is due to just how powerful bak bolts are and that the off hand only contributes 1/3rd of your damage. When you reach lvl 90 use either ascensions or nox bow! Reply reply Hey everyone, just came back to rs3 and bought myself a pair of glaives, since I can't (and probably will never) be able to afford ascensions or nox bow. Shadow + Tbow + Max mage + budget range gear is fine, the ancestral for shadow matters much more than range gear for tbow. Edit 2: IMPORTANT: Learn the boss with a zerker variant aura! Reckless being the case for ranged. with the right setup, you can 1 hit them for a couple hours straight using a I'd recommend sirenic for higher armour and damage that will more than pay for itself, with weapons you could start with shadow glaives (which has same damage at raxx as a t87) and eventually upgrade to a nox bow whenever you can afford it. Wyvern crossbow, decimation, or save for Nox bow? Also how do they compare to shadow glaives. buy shadow glaives with your first bit of money buy corruption blast with your next bit of money (this is a huge dps boost (14%) that never degrades) Get offhand DLD if possible Next, upgrade mainhand to ascension and sell mh glaive. Decimation is roughly equivalent to just dual glaives -- despite being t85 weapons, their DPS is closer to t87 because accuracy scales exponentially and damage does not. This process is irreversible, and the dyed version is untradeable. With a bit of practice using Needle combos, the difference in damage is much less apparent. RamPrakashRs • Try Decimation. decimation bow is a nice addition, I actually used it to get 120 range afking spiritual mages in my posd. shadow glaives have t80 damage, and offhand doesn A lot of people talk shit about the nox bow, but for the content you are doing (or going to do), a nox bow might be better. Rax and greg are actually better with melee, bow is better (imo) if you want to kill nex. Against high defence targets they're better than an Attuned bow, but if you already have 100% accuracy on a target, the Glaives will do virtually nothing. Craftable: can be fletched with level 110 Fletching. The only place I like to use it personally is rax (bigger res from snipe on web) and raids (bu bm/sand tank yaka) The shadow-dyed noxious longbow is made by dyeing a noxious longbow with Shadow dye. I would likely be killing KBD, QBD, and maybe some metal dragons for slayer tasks. Shadow Glaives are a practical cost-effective choice for players looking to start Araxxor, and continue to be useful while/after upgrading to Dual Ascs. Nox bow is useless, Maikeru is right Wyvern Crossbow should be the first purchase after glaives. What is currently better ascensions or nox bow? If you… wyvern crossbow vs ascension - axigen. Zaryte bow is good too, but has a slightly shorter attack range. Yea the upgraded blowpipe is good and will be enough until you can get yourself some T90 weapons. I just bought shadow glaives. Compared to Deci, they allow for simpler shield switching, as well as giving access to Needle Strike. The following two tables provide a comparison of two-handed and dual-wielded ranged weapons requiring a Ranged level of 75 or above. From my understanding this is the difference between the 3: Anima Core: Cheaper than pernix, same armour rating as pernix, does not degrade. I have 500 dragonbane bars, but I'm not sure what I should smith out of them. Has around 4% less accuracy than glaives, more damage though, it hits like a nox bow, plus the poison Damage is nothing to acoff at, it can hit 250+ every other tick, when used along with corruption shot, it can poison every monster that corruption shot sreads to and hits, so it super op for slayer, the poison effect is not working at bosses currently. The shadow just looks too fun though and I am not sure what to do. however if you had corruption shot already I would keep the nox bow- another option is grind out another 50ish mil and get an asc cbow and use like an offhand chaotic cbow or shadow Hello, Im a returning player who has been doing alot of Araxxor and QBD recently. There's also the decimation I've looked at as well. No crystal helm (good chance people forsake it for a better helm slot in chambers) I might actually bring the helmet over the blowpipe. It's a tough pill to swallow losing hydrix and ruby bolts, but trust me, the numbers don't lie. Araxxor is mostly time gated and has reasonably high defense. Royal Crossbow / Zaryte bow. co. All bows are two handed weapons. Decimation if you just want to do slayer etc. 0%) is a total of 10. But in general, I would prefer the glaives over the zaryte bow, t90 accuracy is a huge bonus, and they are dropping in price, not to mention you can switch out the main-hand glaive for an ascension crossbow when you've made some money. I’m leaning towards the shadow as perhaps the BowFa is still good at Cox and ToA? Or will I miss my bow too much? Also, I like how unique the sang staff is, it hits hard and heals. I'm assuming you're using offhand glaives too, or at least T80 offhand? IMO, assuming (and this is a pretty big assumption) that it's not nerfed (e. But you sacrifice the ability to use bak bolts while its equipped, which as i mentioned is a DPS decrease. 25%), Equilibrium 3 (4. Nex has very high defense and there black stone arrows definitely helps to ensure you can hit 100% of the time. Neither cost anything upfront. Great fun once you get them down! Being a bow and, for someone in his position, quite expensive, he would be better off looking for a slight upgrade such as Royal Crossbow, Shadow Glaives, or Chaotics and saving up for Ascensions which can be used all the way through any endgame content and are a vast improvement over a nox bow. The only thing that should be argued about when you're at QBD is, nox bow/ascensions with bane ammo or t90 ammo. Idk if this counts for anything but Zaryte probably has the cheapest upkeep compared to any other degradable bow in game, only bow comparable would be Augmented crystal bow but it has to be repaired more often than zaryte, making zaryte technically cheaper upkeep wise when factoring that it lasts like 50 hours in combat before reaching 0. 347K subscribers in the runescape community. If you have a shadow tbow isn't really used at TOA, and shadow makes TOA really fun and you can bang out some high invos quite easily. Pvme has an upgrading path which is nice to follow for ideas of where to go next. Zaryte bow is relatively cheap actually so it might be an option. Better option is shadow glaives if you're low on money. It uses normal ammo too, so you're able to use Dragonbane bolts with it. 02 less than the max damage modifier (Dalinsia, who can have half the health of a RHTS). I mean, there's a good reason they cost 50% more than a Nox Bow. Bows are ranged weapons which require arrows as ammunition. On Araxxor, I believe they are a good bit better than the Bow. I wont get a MH ascension because fashionscape. Shadows glaives have better dps than both because they are T85 and dual wield but also cannot use special amunition. g. Precise 5 (6. I would say in a majority of cases decimation would be better than dual glaives for this reason. Either is good, and is definitely worth the upgrade compared to armadyl crossbows. The wiki guide is not a bad place to start, and if you decide to go for it I'm happy to give more details on like discord or in game - just let me know! T-Bow with Sang staff or Shadow with crystal and BowFa? I don’t have Masori but do have 99 range and rigour etc. I would really appreciate some advice ☺ Nope. Should I get ascensions, shadow glaive, or nox? I finally have enough gold to get 90 weapon! I hav eheard dual weild is stronger bc of needle strike (and i dont care about a bow having more range). Kind of a curve on high tier weapon prices to performance. Seems like shadow is better at more places than the bow. 89% higher Accuracy (thus making it far better if you're not 100% hit chance), allows you to use Chins for AoEing (Slayer etc. I usually average 160-180 kills per hour on slayer task, camping soul split with a vamp aura. Please help. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Its a 7 tier damage difference vs only a 3 tier accuracy difference. 1840×110. Augmented Shadow Glaives > Unaugmented Nox Bow An unaugmentwd aeren god bow would be 2013 ability damage though it's t92 accuracy makes it better than the augmented Shadow Glaives I need an opinion on which to pick as an upgrade because the Shadow Glaives have tier 90 accuracy but the Wyvern Crossbow has a a bigger damage boost and a built-in bleed effect that works on bosses and increases damage with every bleed hit. There will be very little difference on some tasks, but other tasks like Airuts(if you range these) the difference will be significant. I've wanted nox bow for ages, but everyone I see trashes on it in favour of wyvern crossbow or saving for ascensions. It's t87 bow, better than zaryte bow, being ammoless and cheap around 26m Weapon tiers are usually pretty straight forward, so the Tier 80 zaryte bow is automatically better than the tier 75 armadyl crossbows. If you can't afford Wyvern Crossbow, use glaives until you can. A subreddit dedicated to the MMORPG RuneScape. Strykebow should only be used as a shield when using a nox bow, but many people consider it too expensive and use a dark bow instead. If you aren't augmenting then try to get off-hand Deathlotus darts as they are t85. My weapon of choice right now is the Zaryte bow though I may upgrade to wyvern or shadow glaives. Depending on the boss you fight they might be better or worse than Death Lotus darts. Now, that being said, if your best weapons right now are Glaives, you should upgrade to a Nox Bow as soon as you can. Which is in your opinion better? Because my friend was very sure that I should head for the asc. (Strykebow is also use to switch with nox scythe cause it is the best 2h shield in the game) I’d sell the bow, corruption shot is pretty gnarly to add into your rotation especially for the minions imo since range doesn’t have tooo much aoe. The Zaryte bow is a tier 80 Ranged weapon, with accuracy equal to the royal crossbow, attuned crystal bow, or dual-wielded chaotic crossbows with royal bolts. Although if you learn arraxor and can get the nox bow you don’t necessarily need the ascension crossbows as the nox bow with the new T95 arrows can be just as powerful. I have both asc and a shadow dyed nox bow, I never use the bow I'm only going to use it as an override. This is a good compromise. If you don't have the 160m i'd just buy the glaives and get the money at Kree or whatever. Also make sure you do slayer tasks. About 10m for both of them, but since theyre throwing weapons you can't use bolts. I use shadow glaives, armadyl armour, nightmare gauntlets, blood fury, and penance and I pretty much stay at 100% hp the whole time without using food. I've recently came back a few weeks ago so my knowledge is a little outdated at the moment. If you have to chose between the wyvern crossbow and the nox bow, then I argue that a nox bow is better. There's a noticeable DPS difference that you will appreciate. Nox bow Slayer is easier with higher base dmg from nox bow and higher range. 25% less Ability Damage but 4. While ascensions, nox bow, and seren godbow all exist and are superior for single target damage Glaives are better than zaryte bow Zaryte bow isn't even worth using over a royal crossbow imo Mh ascension and OH glaive will be higher damage than a Nox bow using enchanted bakriminel bolts. I use super range pots so it brings me to 94 range, so it cant be the bow entirely lol. So first question is - should I use the nox bow ? Or should I sell and get ascensions ? Next option - I could just about buy a scythe - I currently have DRL and drygores. Can upgrade to Decimation once lvl 87. With regards to the specs, chins do what the decimation spec does, and the nox weapon specs are mediocre. Damage with RCB/Zaryte would roughly be the same honestly. If you want something to use in the meantime and don't absolutely need a 2h/arrow weapon for whatever reason I'd say shadow glaives are better than either of them, far cheaper and you can resell them when you're done. Of course, focus on wearing dps gear rather than tank gear. He has no issue with me selling the bow as he just simply doesn’t play. on top of that the blowpipe does poison damage as well which stacks with cinderbanes and poison+++ definitely worth getting if you want a budget powerhouse and dragonbane/baks are not important to you I've been duoing Kree'ara with a friend of mine and I've noticed the Zaryte bow honestly splashes a lot. Say raksha for example, you can proc the 12 or 15Ks often with the HP Raksha has, but would I be better off DPS hydrix proc’ing d bow dumping EOF with caroming 4? And second question, say we keep raksha constant and nox bow is p6a1 c4x , would you do more DPS with that setup and new arrows vs a hydrix bolt proc caroming? Sorry for the slow reply. Mazcab Codex Corruption shot ( Can buy at any time) Pernix boots and gloves (Always Keep) Amulet of Souls dual Ascensions with enchanted baki bolts and corruption shot are fantastic. Because black stone arrows are so expensive, you should only use them as a switch. For reference I have pernix head, chest, and legs along with Arma feet and cinderbanes. Definitely skip the nox bow as recommended by u/swellseason. Im currently using Shadow Glaives and I was wondering if I should upgrade to a decimation. I don't have inferno cape yet so that is what stops me from selling the bow because I know how good it is there. Not saying this is the best way, but I went with the sliske armour (t80), cinderbane gloves and the fremmenik boots that note the bones. For the Airut task, let me know how it went with Range ^_^ ! Likewise, shadow glaives are recommended over Death Lotus darts as they do not require access to Player-owned ports, and the additional accuracy is more versatile for bosses. Reply reply Get the Nox bow, don't bother It's technically possible to lose money making the bow, and anyone that's done enough bows has had at least one really bad one, but in the long run you'll make way more money than you'll ever lose. And leave my glaives as my range weapon. I used chi pa pa's hit chance calculator to verify this. Then wyvern crossbow, and then mainhand asc offhand glaives until you get both asc. It has the same combat bonuses, special attack, and degradation/repair mechanics as the regular noxious longbow: it will degrade to a broken state after 60,000 charges of combat (but loses 2 per hit, giving a minimum time of 5 hours of combat For reference, my ranged is 88, defense is 83, and slayer is 71. Stick with your Glaives and Armadyl until you can get a t90 weapon (Ascension Bows/Noxious Bow). I grinded about a year of doing raids to get the twisted bow and it holds some sentimental value. Use enough arrows to get the max debuff applied at the start of the kill, and then switch to normal araxyte arrows. Greg is easier with higher range due to his teleportation. 25% bonus damage. Please ignore Strykebow has value purely for switching to the weapon, from something like a nox bow, to use a defensive and then switching back. You really shouldn't be using sirenic as it isn't worth the repair cost, Armadyl works fine. in Members The generic Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker is the best thrall in the game to get right now. Mazcab Codex Corruption shot ( Can buy at any time) Pernix boots and gloves (Always Keep) Amulet of Souls The bow has some uses, but the nox bow is still generally better disregarding price -- it can fight a few encounters the seren bow can't, including the premier ranged slayer monster, and the attack range is once again enough to outclass the stat difference at the majority of slayer tasks and a good number of bosses. If can get only one, shadow glaives for bossing because extra accuracy increases dps most when you don't hit 100%. The super cheaper alternative is getting shadow glaives (t80 damage, t90 acc). [Some strange exceptions, such as the GWD2 weapons, which are marked as tier 85, but have tier 80 damage and tier 90 accuracy. Reply reply Shadow glaives are another option wyvern crossbow is 2h. Anima of Zamorak if you can afford Pernix head, chest and legs (Always Keep) Decimation bow Shadow glaves (I personally Think Decimation bow is the best but both are good) Keep using Armadyl boots and gloves. So of you plan on augmenting your gear, off-hand shadow glaives are better since they can be augmented. Like the . Glaivens are tank boots, so no accuracy given just defensive bonuses. It is dropped by Nex, the Zarosian leader of the Ancient Prison in the God Wars Dungeon, as well as the four nihil in The Pit of Freneskae. The only place fbow is really outclassed by blowpipe is tightrope and baby muttadile, whilst gaining a leg up in places where they tie like Olm, vanguards, and big muttadile. Being a bow and, for someone in his position, quite expensive, he would be better off looking for a slight upgrade such as Royal Crossbow, Shadow Glaives, or Chaotics and saving up for Ascensions which can be used all the way through any endgame content and are a vast improvement over a nox bow. It has the accuracy of a tier-90 weapon, but the damage of a tier-80 weapon. Outside of TOA, shadow is kinda meh and tbow would be more useful. Shadow glaives or Noxious longbow (Slayer) Question/Advice Im currently using Glaives my combat level is 114 im currently 92 slayer trying to get to 99 and make a decent profit along the way i currently dont have enough gp to get ascensions and other ranged weapon recommendations are appreciated Nox bow is also good cuz its cheaper and let's you save for ecb, sgb, etc. Thanks again gamers Glaives are strictly worse but not too much. Dual shadow glaives Dual ascension cbows Nox bow Decimation I'm planning on doing gwd2, qbd, araxxor, etc. QBD is a bit slower with nox but the extra range comes in handy for easier kills. Never heard of Wyvern bow (Must be new) but I'd suggest maybe save a bit and get Nox bow, or Ascensions. TBH I don't want to go 50/50 on the bars, as I don't plan on owning an Asc C'bow and a Nox Long ever. Greater dazing shot synergizes with a poison build and even further with the Croesus arrows/Egwd arrows. I've currelty got the shadow glaives, so I thinking my next upgrade makes sense to get my main hand ascs. Depending on current price of shadow glaives you can pick up an off hand chaotic for dg tokens and pay no money for only slightly lower accuracy. Note that augmented degradable items no longer use the equipment degradation system, but instead drain charge from the charge pack. I’d suggest Wyvern crossbow over either. RCB has further range, zaryte has faster attack speed which is sort of meaningless with EOC. The range there helps as kiting her with full power armour gives faster kills. Ranged Gear: Perked Pernix with Perked Shadow Glaives According to price check & trade nox bow is sitting at 145m-150m ascensions are around 133m-138m each 0. And skip nox bow, only good to lvl and disassemble for components really. But for higher end bossing and stuff which range weapon should I get. dual Ascensions with enchanted baki bolts and corruption shot are fantastic. For you- shadow glaives, Cywir set (if you have greater concentrated blast, but even if not wouldn’t hurt to aim for both of these upgrades). ruby bolt proc is much more fun imo than using bik stacks plus bolt prices are way lower than the new arrows, and faster to make. If this is the case on rs3 then losing a bolt every 5th slayer creature is irrelevant in comparison to the dps increase from t90 weapons vs t85. For weapons I currently have rcb, attuned crystal bow, and dual shadow glaives. If you don't have ports then yes a shadow glaive or attuned off-hand chakram are the best alternatives. Edit: Additional question, If ascensions crossbow + shadow glaive turns out to be worse, is it atleast better than decimator? Decimation does not require ammo to function, so it is often regarded as being better than a nox bow for a 2h switch. If you do slayer without the cinderbanes then a nox bow is better. . Would a wyvern bow be an upgrade to use from the shadow glaives? (is there any point me getting one until I can afford ascension main hand + galive offhand) Also, why should I not get a nox bow? I could either afford nox bow or a mainhand ascensions crossbow + something like offhand shadow glaive. Armor is ok for now, maybe upgrade to virtus/pernix or sirenic at some point. I got a 4:58 2000% enrage glacor kill wearing a nox bow. On this one, id say the wyvern bow is better. Once lvl 85 use shadow glaives (t90 acc, t80 damage). by changing how it works with abilities and/or upping the adrenaline cost), I think Decimation is a great weapon right now, even if you have to pay near noxious bow price. Shortbows have better offensive stats, while shieldbows offer armour and life bonuses and allow the use of abilities that require shields being equipped. Ignoring thrown vs arrow weaknesses, dual-wielding throwing knives will result in higher DPS because you can use the needle strike ability. I understand the whole accuracy of a t90 but damage of a t80 thing, but would it not just be better to save the money for something else and stick to my chaotics? Shadow glaive only has the damage of a T80 weapon though, the GWD2 gear is T85 with T90 accuracy and T80 damage. T92 seren bow is over 1b still, t90 ascensions are around 100m, t90 nox bow is around 120m, t87 decimation is around 60m, t85 shadow glaives are around 15m, t85 wyvern crossbow is around 40m, t80 chaotics are free but cost 200k dg tokens, t80 augmented crystal bow costs time collecting harmonic dust and around 500k. They can be separated into two categories: shortbows, and shieldbows. Thanks. It's t87 bow, better than zaryte bow, being ammoless and cheap around 26m I grinded about a year of doing raids to get the twisted bow and it holds some sentimental value. Nox bow = 1984 ability damage Shadow Glaives = 1840 ability damage. ), easier/better shield switches (t90 shield instead of Dark Bow/Strykebow or having to equip a mainhand with AS1 if using augmented gear) and allows you to use a thrown offhand (Shadow Shadow Glaives Limitless Air Staff (or whatever the t82 staff is) I have around 35-40m banked up, and needed advice on what to tackle next. It does not require any ammunition to use, but is a one-piece thrown weapon similar to the Crystal chakram. Join us! It uses normal ammo too, so you're able to use Dragonbane bolts with it. Unfortunatly you can't wield shadow glaives or decimation so those options won't work. Rax is easier with higher range but a bit slower. But Ascensions just do more DPS. Ascension with glaive is better DPS. bak bolts will be pretty nice as well to add to your dps. The shadow glaive is a main hand, degradable Ranged weapon dropped by Gregorovic in the Heart of Gielinor which requires level 85 Ranged to wield. So Shadow glaives seemed like a great option. Gives you the option to use bakriminel bolts, which really are where a heavy chunk of ranged damage comes from. Most people when start bossing with Araxxor and Nex. it has same range as crossbows, it has t85 damage and t90 accuracy vs glaives t80 damage and t90 accuracy. crmf kox ujd nhyecc fmdoevt gdjqj adhg xcy iyko qworsn afbs osrl apuzn ydnhdp fnl