Sammy slabbinck interview. Im Gespräch mit einestages erklärt der .
Sammy slabbinck interview Various materials & sizes Custom frames Convenient payment options Order Sammy Slabbinck wall art now! Für die Faulis unter Euch wurde es übersetzt. Zelf noemt de Bruggeling zich grafisch vormgever, maar wereldwijd staat hij te boek als een surrealistische collage- en stop-motionvideokunstenaar die de traditie van zowel René Magritte als Monty Python voortzet. Interview artist Sammy Slabbinck; INT SEQUENCE of shots of Sammy Slabbinck artworks on display in gallery Sammy Slabbinck interview SOT - started by going to garage sales and flea markets mainly Sammy Slabbinck — worx - Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist. John Ghost - For a year they slept . . SAMMY IS A MASTER OF HIS REALM. The jewels will go on sale in Sotheby's Fine Jewels sale on 11 December. Andere keren worden de beelden in een omgekeerde context geplaatst, waarbij moderne idealen naast traditionele Aug 13, 2018 · Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck has been steadily gaining international attention since he started making collages out of old magazines in 2009. View Sammy Slabbinck’s Profile on Saatchi Art. All rights reserved About; Jobs; Blog; Advertise; Developers; Guidelines; Privacy; SmugMug+Flickr. Interview with Gert Martin Hald, creator of the tv show “Married at first sight “ / “ Blind getrouwd “, about the science behind love & matchmaking. Dec 5, 2018 · Dover Street Market commissioned contemporary artist Sammy Slabbinck to create artworks for an exhibition of Sotheby's fine jewels at its Haymarket Store. Today, with more than ten thousand followers on Instagram, Sammy Slabbinck is in fact a collage and stop animation artist to keep an eye on in the upcoming years. The result is a composition that meditates on the past and considers the absurdity of popular culture. schrijf je in op onze sammy slabbinck是一位艺术家。 本词条缺少概述图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来 编辑 吧! Limited edition print of 50 Signed & numbered. Compared to René Magritte and Jacques Prévert among others, his surreal images combine modern ideals with traditional states of mind and often display a wry sense of humor. One of my favourite artists is Sammy Slabbinck, whose work combines modern and vintage elements. Sammy Slabbinck, enjoying mondriaan on a hot day. Combining vintage images with contemporary […] Jan 8, 2017 · Dice que hace arte porque es su adicción. Oder einfach stylishe Bilder für die Wand. Peaked Done. He juxtaposes the traditional with the modern, often experimenting with proportions and exaggeration. This side of his personality comes far away, from his artistic family, like he said in an interview with Installation Magazine: “ I come from a family of artists, so May 10, 2016 · The Neo-Vintage Collages of Sammy Slabbinck 2 15 Share Tweet. Sep 15, 2014 · Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck was born in 1977. Slabbinck noemt zich met tongue in cheek een ‘re-animator’: hij redt beelden uit vaak lang ter ziele gegane vrouwen- of blootbladen, auto- of popmagazines en bezorgt ze een nieuw leven. Using vintage found matieral from magazines Sammy creates hilarious juxtapositions. Los collages y videos de Slabbinck son llamativos porque mantienen una estética sustancialmente irónica y surrealista. Heraus kommen surreale Collagen mit vielseitig interpretierbaren Bedeutungs-Ebenen. + Sammy Slabbinck - Surreality Check - book available now ! + Collaboration with Sancal + Solo show Michael Hoppen Gallery - 3/12/17 - 23/12/17 + Lyric Video for Leonard Cohen - Traveling Light + Campaign for Hermès, France + Lyric Video for Leonard Cohen - You want it darker + Video for Canvas TV / Culture Club - 500 years Thomas More Jul 26, 2013 · Rodeo auf Singvögeln, Badegäste in der Suppe: Mit Fotos aus Zeitschriften der Sechziger schafft der Belgier Sammy Slabbinck aberwitzige Collagen. Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist. Sammy Slabbinck (1977) es un artista de Bruges, Bélgica, tiene 38 años y su color favorito es el verde, aunque no se aprecie como elemento característico de sus obras. Die is zo surrealistisch dat ik er met mijn werk niet tegenop kan. Mangled, contestable Nothing Added, Nothing Removed - Interview by Cat Lachowskyj | LensCulture Splicing and rearranging the subjects depicted in vintage flea market finds, photographer Kensuke Koike reformats discarded memories into intriguing and precise abstract works An in-depth interview with Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck exploring his thoughts on the surreal and humorous collages and vines he creates. home About Contact shop projects Recent work Interview with Gert Martin Hald, creator of the tv show “Married " Sammy Slabbinck on Instagram: "Illustrations for @demorgen . Jul 10, 2017 · Often witty but at the same time foreboding and dark, Slabbinck's deft hand creates a unique signature that makes each collage unequivocally his own. Regular price €750,00 Sale price €750,00 Sale. At the age of 15 he started to be keen on images and photos of magazines. Sammy Slabbinck maakt dynamische papiercollages, illustraties, video's en prints waarin gevonden beelden worden gecombineerd met hedendaagse compositiestijlen. Slabbinck started collecting vintage magazines and books when he came across them at garage sales. En su trabajo juega con las proporciones, la analogía de forma y contexto, y una acertada propuesta de color, logrando que su arte se vea retro en su forma y moderno en su fondo. check also the worx of Julien Pacaud. Found images are decontextualized and re-appropriated as Slabbinck plays with scale and juxtaposition. He explores nudity, outer space and human behaviour through cut-outs of vintage magazines from the ‘60s and ‘70s, which he finds inspiring and Jan 18, 2017 · Former art gallery owner, Slabbinck decided to close his business on the 2009 and start to work with the thousands of magazines he keeps stacked on the floor of his house. We also have a host of unique or limited edition works available to buy online. Sammy Slabbinck leert je modern en oud fotomateriaal te combineren tot nieuwe tijdloze voorstellingen. Installation Magazine: How has your background impacted your current art practice? Sammy Slabbinck: I never went to art school. To build an entire reality out of pieces and fragments which used to belong to another world is a new mode of art in expressing and creating. Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist who, after twenty years collecting vintage magazines at flea markets in Bruges, began creating surrealist collages. Zopas Mar 6, 2017 · L’incroyable monde de Sammy Slabbinck. home About Contact shop projects Recent work Jun 30, 2017 · "De situatie in de wereld op vandaag is geen partij voor mij. 6 cm One step closer €750. It was the early Nineties Interview artist Sammy Slabbinck; INT SEQUENCE of shots of Sammy Slabbinck artworks on display in gallery Sammy Slabbinck interview SOT - started by going to garage sales and flea markets mainly SAMMY: I started collecting vintage magazines a long time ago being intrigued by the look of the fifties & sixties. S ammy Slabbinck began buying midcentury magazines in his teens. Sammy’s surreal and chopped up collages are interesting, but not in a crap pretentious way, they just look cool and frig about with your brain a bit. Find art for sale at great prices from artists including Paintings, Photography, Sculpture, and Prints by Top Emerging Artists like Sammy Slabbinck. 28 faves. An in-depth interview with Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck exploring his thoughts on the surreal and humorous collages and vines he creates. Im Gespräch mit einestages erklärt der SAMMY SLABBINCK es otro artista que ve en el collage la técnica perfecta para llevar a cabo sus obras. Ontdek open calls. Explore Sammy Slabbinck's discography including top tracks, albums, and reviews. Word uitgedaagd door heel diverse open calls of verspreid je eigen open call hier. Sammy Slabbinck: Fantastic collages made from mid-century issues of Paris Match and Playboy Alex Hawkins, It's Nice that, December 2, 2015 Sammy Slabbinck: a modern Magritte Lucy Davies, Telephoto online, November 30, 2015 Sammy Slabbinck: If Magritte had read womens magazines An in-depth interview with Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck exploring his thoughts on the surreal and humorous collages and vines he creates. Sammy Slabbinck's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 30 USD to 454 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Apr 28, 2015 · Sammy Slabbinck’s Modern Retro Mash-Ups Are The Coolest Thing On The Internet Jan 14, 2025 · 253 likes, 12 comments - sammyslabbinck on January 14, 2025: "“OCULAR” collage on canvas - 80 x 100 cm - for sale - info? —> dm ! #collageart #Surrealism #CollageArtist #ConceptualPhotography #SurrealArtistry #MixedMediaCollage #AbstractVisuals #ArtisticSurrealism #BodyInArt #CreativeSurrealism #ModernCollageArt #FineArtCollage #ImaginativeArt #VisualPoetry". Collage artist Sammy Slabbinck is like a director, placing found imagery from Mid-Century advertisements in a contemporary context. Belgian surrealism has another heir. Son travail s’inspire des peintres surréalistes comme Dali ou Magritte et des collages pop art de David Hockney. 7,525 views. Polaroid collage Eric Vanuytven Meer lezen. Jun 23, 2015 · Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist who appropriates photographic elements and reinterprets them to create his collages. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Surreality Check Sammy Slabbinck by Sammy Slabbinck (2017, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Illustrations for various newspapers, magazines & brands. Learn all about Sammy Slabbinck on AllMusic. Temi Coker maakt experimentele composities en collages. Sammy Slabbinck has been featured in articles for Forbes Sammy Slabbinck maakt dynamische papiercollages, illustraties, video's en prints waarin gevonden beelden worden gecombineerd met hedendaagse compositiestijlen. Other times, the images are placed in a reverse context, juxtaposing modern ideals with traditional states of mind. Selecting printed images from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, he adds contemporary elements with humour and Sammy Slabbinck Deze surrealistische collage-artiest (1977) maakt zijn hedendaagse versie van de collage kunst met beeldmateriaal uit de jaren '50 en '60. Peaked Dec 4, 2017 · Sammy Slabbinck is a cut-and-paste veteran. ABOUT Sammy Slabbinck was born in Belgium 1977. Aug 26, 2015 · Belgium-based collage artist Sammy Slabbinck has made a name for himself repurposing images from vintage magazines and transforming them into bold and beautifully bizarre compositions. info kunstenaar. Surrealism has another heir. com/Imass Bigcartel shop- Limited editions Portfolio Sammy Slabbinck renders dynamic collage prints, combining vintage photographs Dec 14, 2017 · Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck talks us through his creative process, what makes a great collage and his new exhibition at Michael Hoppen Gallery in London Using humour as a visual tool, Sammy Slabbinck choreographs compositions that meditate on the absurdity of popular consumerist culture, both past and present. Sammy creates dynamic surrealist contemporary collages. Since 2018 the record price for this artist at auction is 454 USD for Cityscape, sold at Carlo Bonte Auction in 2022. His eye for muted tones and surreal compositions make his work engaging and memorable. " Past clients have included Humo Magazine, Blue Q, Editions Alto and Urban Graphics. May 19, 2016 · Collage art by Sammy Slabbinck. Using humour as a visual tool he choreographs compositions, meditating on the past while revealing the absurdity of popular culture. May 27, 2016 · Collage artist Sammy Slabbinck collaborates with LoveIsMyReligion for a collection of ecological T-shirts and tank tops. Bringing together old found photos with paper and prints and even some digital additions, he wins a gold star for the best cutting and pasting we’ve probably ever seen. The Belgium-based artist is widely celebrated for his use of the hands-on technique with which he creates surreal colleges from found vintage photographs – and his latest exhibition, entitled Surreality Check at Michael Hoppen Gallery, is a showcase of his skilful compositions. Sammy Slabbinck Exhibitions: SAMMY SLABBINCK, RE-ANIMATOR, 3 Dec 2019 - 25 Jan 2020; Photo London 2019, Somerset House • Booth C1, 16 - 19 May 2019; SAMMY SLABBINCK, Surreality Check, 1 - 22 Dec 2017 Sammy Slabbinck renders dynamic collage prints & original paper collages, combining found imagery with contemporary compositional styles. Mar 20, 2016 · Sammy Slabbinck renders dynamic collage prints & original paper collages, combining found imagery with contemporary compositional styles. 2 comments. 1 × 29. Friskily distorting proportion and cultural context, he likes to play around with different styles and proportions with the aim of creating powerful yet simple visual works. His eye for muted tones and surreal compositions makes his work "engaging, memorable and sometimes humorous. Aug 26, 2015 · These collage artworks from Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck sure have us in a tizz. Check out more collage goodness (with a slightly retro tinge) on Sammy’s website. He has produced collage pieces for numerous clients around the world, including Fast Company, Installation magazine, and On the Dot. Found magazine images are decontextualized and re-appropriated as Slabbinck 96 likes, 3 comments - michaelhoppengallery on December 5, 2018: "Big, big congratulations to Sammy Slabbinck and huge thank you to Dover Street Market and Sotheby" Michael Hoppen on Instagram: "Big, big congratulations to Sammy Slabbinck and huge thank you to Dover Street Market and Sotheby’s Jewellery for this amazing collaboration! . sammy slabbinck Slabbinck started making collages out of old magazines, his work started to gain recognition in 2009. Sammy Slabbinck - Facebook society6. In 2009 vond hij zichzelf opnieuw uit en sindsdien maakt hij surrealistische collages. Sammy Slabbinck (born 1977, Belgium) creates dynamic surrealist contemporary collages from vintage photographs. Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck fuses random elements of old and new images and techniques to compose a middle earth of the then and now. Limited edition giclee print of 50Signed & numbered. Lisa Carner maakt gelikte en in het oog springende affiches voor Hollywood-films met een in beeldbewerking verkregen magische lichtbehandeling. Armed with a contemporary compositional style, he cuts up images of muted tones from vintage photographs, and then reorganizes them in order to play with proportions and scale. In this video he shares why he chose Dec 2, 2015 · Since closing his modern art gallery in 2009, Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck has been using his extensive collection of mid-century magazines to create surreal collages. 00 Interview artist Sammy Slabbinck; INT SEQUENCE of shots of Sammy Slabbinck artworks on display in gallery Sammy Slabbinck interview SOT - started by going to garage sales and flea markets mainly Jul 26, 2013 · Rodeo auf Singvögeln, Badegäste in der Suppe: Mit Fotos aus Zeitschriften der Sechziger schafft der Belgier Sammy Slabbinck aberwitzige Collagen. Sammy Slabbinck's new book looks back on some of his best collages. With cut-outs from vintage issues of Playboy and Paris Match, Sammy Slabbinck composes his absurd universes with poetical harmony. Uploaded on March 8, 2013 Taken on March 8, 2013 Sammy Slabbinck By: Sammy Slabbinck. Apr 28, 2015 · Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgium born artist who likes to muck about with our concepts of the old and the new. size 50 x 70 cm4 cm white border for framing320 gr Smooth Matt aquarel paperunframed Discover the thoughts and inspiration behind the captivating and thought-provoking collages and vines created by Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck. " Een boude uitspraak van Sammy Slabbinck. size : 50 x 50 cm4 cm white border for framingGiclée print , Aquarel paper , 285 gms. 54K Followers, 802 Following, 1,535 Posts - Sammy Slabbinck (@sammyslabbinck) on Instagram: "Collage artist / Belgium" Sammy Slabbinck (born 1977), creates dynamic surrealist-contemporary collages. He first started collecting the publications four or five years ago, when his work as vintage furniture trader had him scouring yard sales and antique shops. Found magazine images are decontextualized and re-appropriated as Slabbinck plays with scale and juxtaposition. L’artiste belge Sammy Slabbinck, découpe et combine des photos des 50’s, 60’s et 70’s pour créer des collages à l’esthétique néo-vintage d’une force poignante. De beelden worden in stukken geknipt en herverdeeld, waarbij wordt gespeeld met overdrijving, schaal en verhoudingen. 00 €750. We spoke to Sammy to find out more about his work and inspiration. Later on I set up my own postcard Company & started using these found images to create my first collages. Later on he decides to cut the collected magazines into pieces, redistributing them and putting them into collages with old photographs. " - Leonard Cohen . His eye May 10, 2016 · The Neo-Vintage Collages of Sammy Slabbinck 2 15 Share Tweet. Im Gespräch mit einestages erklärt der Künstler, was an alten Bildern so unwiderstehlich ist - und warum er moderne Magazine nicht erträgt. Jun 12, 2013 · As a child the artist Sammy Slabbinck is so fascinated by magazines from the 60s and 70s that he begins collecting them and basically everything with a certain vintage chic. Browse our selection of paintings, prints, and sculptures by the artist, and find art you love. The images are cut up into pieces and redistributed, playing with exaggeration and proportions. #illustration #collageart #love #couplegoals #couplelove Interview artist Sammy Slabbinck; INT SEQUENCE of shots of Sammy Slabbinck artworks on display in gallery Sammy Slabbinck interview SOT - started by going to garage sales and flea markets mainly "YOU HAVE FOUND A GEM, MY SON. Van 9 september tot 1 oktober Lees de biografie (met videos) van: Sammy, Frank, Stan Bekijk de beschikbare werken van: Sammy, Frank, Stan Het leek er ooit van te moeten komen: na een kunstenaarspraktijk van meer dan vijftig jaar, stelt schilder Frank Slabbinck (°1942, Brugge), die weldra zijn 81 jarige verjaardag viert; zij aan zij met zonen Sammy Slabbinck en Stan Slabbinck een selectie Sammy Slabbinck studeerde kunstgeschiedenis aan de UGent, werkte in een galerie en startte er uiteindelijk zelf een. H is surreal images combine modern ideals with traditional states of mind and often display a mocking sense of humour. You want some surrealness on your wall ? Send me an email ! home About Contact shop projects Recent work Oct 22, 2020 · De Belgische kunstenaar Sammy Slabbinck (Brugge-1977) knipt en plakt oude beelden tot licht surrealistische collages vol wrange humor en sluwe observaties. In this sense, Sammy is a collector of images who tries to create a timeless atmosphere by combining photography and illustrations of different times and from very diverse sources, to create narratives with a touch of irony and criticism. Rodeo auf Singvögeln, Badegäste in der Suppe: Mit Fotos aus Zeitschriften der Sechziger schafft der Belgier Sammy Slabbinck aberwitzige Collagen. Discover the thoughts and inspiration behind the captivating and thought-provoking collages and vines created by Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck. Find and save ideas about sammy slabbinck on Pinterest. He then began creating collages because, to him, they represented a feeling of complete freedom with no strings attached. His compositions are distinctive in the way they play with colour, exploring the muted tones - The first monograph of Sammy Slabbinck: the artist who designed the last album cover for Leonard Cohen, who has been featured in The New Yorker, and who works for multiple international brands- With a preface by Adam Cohen, son of Leonard Cohen Using humor as a visual tool, Sammy Slabbinck choreographs compositions that meditate on the absurdity of popular consumerist culture, both past and Jan 29, 2014 · Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck creates surreal collages and illustrations that somewhat unexpectedly combine vintage photographs with contemporary compositional styles. Der Belgier Sammy Slabbinck kombiniert Zeitungsschnipsel aus Vintage-Magazinen mit Analog-Bildern und Foto-Elementen der heutigen Zeit. Sammy Slabbinck. Using humor as a visual tool, Sammy Slabbinck choreographs compositions that meditate on the a… Sammy Slabbinck (born 1977) is a Belgian artist who specializes in dynamic collage prints and original paper collages. I did […] From classical sculptures making out in bed to a group of people swimming inside a traditional Portuguese can of sardines, the works of Sammy Slabbinck transport you to surreal, absurd places. Het resultaat is tegelijk geestig en onheilspellend. Explore Sammy Slabbinck's 351 photos on Flickr! Explore Sammy Slabbinck's 351 photos on Flickr! Nothing Removed - Interview by Cat Lachowskyj | LensCulture. Sammy Slabbinck renders dynamic collage prints, combining vintage photographs with contemporary compositional styles. Im Gespräch mit einestages erklärt der Jun 29, 2014 · Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist who creates surrealist-inspired collages on paper and print. Selecting printed images from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, he adds contemporary elements with humour and Nov 29, 2015 · Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck raids old copies of Paris Match to make works that tease - and terrify. Interview artist Sammy Slabbinck; INT SEQUENCE of shots of Sammy Slabbinck artworks on display in gallery Sammy Slabbinck interview SOT - started by going to garage sales and flea markets mainly Apr 28, 2015 · Sammy Slabbinck’s Modern Retro Mash-Ups Are The Coolest Thing On The Internet Discover and purchase Sammy Slabbinck’s artworks, available for sale. Often witty but at the same time foreboding and dark, Slabbinck's deft hand creates a unique Sammy Slabbinck. His work has appeared in exhibitions at the Verbeke Foundation, Galerie PINSART, and the Chicago Urban Art Society. unframed An in-depth interview with Belgian artist Sammy Slabbinck exploring his thoughts on the surreal and humorous collages and vines he creates. . Dec 1, 2015 · Sammy Slabbinck (born 1977, Belgium) creates dynamic surrealist contemporary collage reminiscent of the great Jacques Prévert. Sammy Slabbinck Exhibitions: SAMMY SLABBINCK, RE-ANIMATOR, 3 Dec 2019 - 25 Jan 2020; Photo London 2019, Somerset House • Booth C1, 16 - 19 May 2019; SAMMY SLABBINCK, Surreality Check, 1 - 22 Dec 2017 Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. In conjunction with his collage works, Slabbinck has an impressive portfolio of typographic works. From Michael Hoppen Gallery, Sammy Slabbinck, The Kiss Revisited (2019), Unique collage of found photographs, 42. His dynamic contemporary collages are reminiscent of the great surrealist Jacques Prevert. yzarrybsermemhuynwhlcmfeuewfegdnobdzhqtxkdqkoodybshropztnodmnbuevdzfkngx