Jkm gas price 8 in 2023 -its lowest level since 2019. JKM (Japan Korea Marker) is the East Asian price point, generally for Japan and South Korea. 3. dollars/MMBtu JKM is the end of year price benchmark. This article provides natural gas price forecasts from various forecasters, aiming to outline a PricePedia scenario for each of the three financial benchmarks mentioned above. 00/MMBtu + Platts daily assessed “LNG US Gulf - Japan/Korea Freight cost $/MMBtu”. 1 week ago. EEX Platts JKM LNG Natural Gas Futures are monthly expiry futures which are financially settled against the Platts JKM® (Japan, Korea Marker) LNG price assessment. It reflects the price of LNG cargoes delivered to Japan and South Korea, two of the largest importers of LNG in the world. LNG Contracts & Pricing. European power prices are moving higher with gas, given the key marginal price setting role of gas-fired plants. Sources. HH-linked LNG price is (HH*1. 8 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), according to the U. 3 days ago · Find information for LNG Japan/Korea Marker (Platts) Quotes provided by CME Group. Similarly, after monthly reductions in the year-to-date deficit versus 2022, by the end of July volumes had surpassed those of the year earlier. Platts JKM Platts Japan Korea Marker (JKM) is the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) price assessment for spot cargoes delivered ex-ship (DES) to ports in Japan and South Korea. Spot LNG prices are now trading at a hefty premium of $1-2/mmbtu compared to oil-indexed LNG prices, meaning that buyers will reduce their spot procurements whenever they can. A financially settled future based on the Platts daily assessment price for the LNG Japan/Korea Marker (JKM). US natural gas prices increased by almost 47% in 2021. 16 per million Btu, well up on Feb 17, 2025 · Find complete LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future historical share price data (JKMc1) as well as the closing price, open, high, low, change and % changes This report analyzes the dynamic JKM-TTF relationship as the LNG market went from bust to boom to super boom between 2020 and 2022. Screen volumes in JKM Futures reached their highest level of the year so far and the highest July volume ever. On 7 March 2022, Dutch TTF briefly reached an all-time intraday high of €345/MWh as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February heightened uncertainty on the Amid market upheaval — the liberalization of LNG, a shift towards gas-on-gas pricing, and the decoupling of oil and natural gas markets — TTF and JKM are emerging as robust and distinct global benchmarks. Jan 31, 2023 · Kpler expects some short-term interest for spot buying due to the decline in JKM prices in recent weeks. Jun 24, 2024 · Global natural gas prices remain steady amid hot weather and mixed supply outlook. Sharp correction for TTF prices as they slump by almost 8%. The Japan Korea Marker (JKM) is a key benchmark for liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices in Asia. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates based on the shipping data provided by Bloomberg Finance, L. Stay updated with expert market data. 250, up 2. Most of the front 2 years of the curve also pushed through levels that marked the start of last winter’s price slump (e. Natural gas prices surged Apr 4, 2022 · Daily Settlement Price: The price determined by Japan Securities Clearing Corporation (JSCC) based on the Final Execution Price, etc. 200-5. Mar 14, 2025 · Liquified Natural Gas swap futures contract based on South East Asian LNG prices from Platts futures price quote with latest real-time prices, charts, financials, latest news, technical analysis and opinions. LNG. LNG=liquefied natural gas; Asian LNG=the JKM price benchmark (representing spot and forward LNG prices in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China); European natural gas=benchmark prices at the Title Transfer Facility (TTF) Platts West India Marker (WIM) is the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) price assessment for spot physical cargoes of delivered ex-ship (DES) into ports in India and the Middle east region. 15)+US$3. 2. S. The European gas premium is back: TTF prices closed last week $1. 4/MBtu from USD 7. 4% | Settle: $10. Sorry for the extra work!) The weekend calls paid off. 24 million tonnes, up 0. 3/MBtu on 13 December from USD 3. In addition, the route for Russian LNG (Yamal) has advantages over U. JKM was on a downtrend, falling below USD 14 on 20 February due to falling European gas prices and weak demand in Northeast Asia. 30. These dynamics place JKM and TTF in prime position to become global benchmarks for natural gas; potentially the ‘Brent’ equivalent of natural gas. Platts JKM® is a world leading benchmark for the pricing of LNG in the Asian market and beyond. Gas was trading around $14 per mmBtu at both the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) benchmark in Europe and the Japan Korea Marker (JKM) benchmark in Asia. Feb 21, 2023 · Asian spot LNG buying is set to increase in the coming weeks as buyers expect prices to drop further after the Platts JKM slid below the $15/MMBtu mark recently the lowest level since August 2021. Platts assessed the September JKM at $11. 12 million tonnes from the previous week. Be confident in your position with instant access to the latest global price assessments, historical data, and analysis of the fundamentals impacting price. The assessed spot LNG price for near-month delivery to Northeast Asia, JKM rose to USD 38 per million Btu on 1 December due to the cold weather. Vontobel 7X Long Fixed Lever on Natural Gas 8. 5 cents/MMBtu to the JKM Balance month-next day Nov 6, 2020 · Spot vs Term LNG Prices JKM Brent-Linked TTF HH-Linked NOTE: Brent-linked LNG price is 13. Recent forward curves, coal switching price (CSP) range & US LNG ‘shut in’ range A financially settled future based on the Platts daily assessment price for the LNG Japan/Korea Marker (JKM). This cash-settled instrument, denominated in U. (3) booming gas trade: gas trading increased sharply across all key gas hubs in 2024, with JKM volumes more than doubling. 1 following a rise in the European natural gas market. 1. 16, down from 13. When the price popped, I entered a set of 4. Due to warmer weather, high inventories and low demand, sporadic declines with Norwegian gas supplies have not had a significant impact on prices. Feb 11, 2025 · LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future historical prices: closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future for the selected range of dates. 1/mmbtu amid the rising competition for flexible LNG cargos with Europe. 92/mmbtu at the end of January -its highest level since May 23 and enough to attract an LNG cargo even from Australia -something we haven’t JKM is the Northeast Asian spot price index for LNG delivered ex-ship to Japan and Korea, assessed by S&P Global Platts. Whether JKM will remain Asia’s only benchmark is yet to be determined, though its ongoing rise seems assured. LNG for Europe and Asia, while Qatar offers easy access to Europe and Asia with ultra-competitive feed gas prices. 30 for February. Recent forward curves, coal switching price (CSP) range & US LNG ‘shut in’ range Winter price slump. It reflects the spot price of LNG delivered to Japan and South Korea. JKM and TTF derivatives hit record levels in January as market participants looked to hedge their risk amid heightened volatility in natural gas and LNG markets, according to data from the Intercontin Trend of Natural Gas and LNG Prices Short-term trend Asia. Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF), the European gas price benchmark futures, rose almost 268% in 2021, while JKM rose 113%. 이는 동북아시아와 국제 시장에서의 현물 거래, 입찰, 단기, 중기, 장기 거래에서 사용됩니다. 56% from one year ago. this is naturally supporting greater liquidity (and price correlation); (4) no major asymmetric shocks: while gas markets remained tight in 2024, there was no major asymmetric supply or demand shocks, which could have The U. e from Oct 1st 2023 to Jan 31st 2024) 2. The most recent of the global gas benchmarks to be developed, JKM's emergence allows the American, European and Asian markets to have reliable and liquid tools to make investment and risk Feb 26, 2025 · The Northeast Asian assessed spot LNG price JKM for last week (17 – 21 February) fell to mid-USD 14s on 21 February (April Delivery) from high-USD 14s the previous weekend (14 February, March delivery). HH rose to the mid-USD 3s midweek due to rising feed gas demand and the forecasts of cooler temperatures in the near term. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) set a new record in December after a record-breaking November 2020, averaging 9. Gas Prices. 2 weeks ago. Mar 12, 2025 · The Northeast Asian assessed spot LNG price JKM (April delivery) for last week (3 – 7 March) fell to low-USD 12s on 7 March from high-USD 13s the previous weekend (28 February). Nov 27, 2024 · The front-month price of the Platts Japan/Korea Marker (JKM) – a benchmark price assessment for physical spot LNG cargoes delivered ex-ship (DES) into Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China – mostly traded in a tight $2-3/MMBtu range of between $12/MMBtu and $14s/MMBtu from August this year. Feb 14, 2023 · The Japan/Korea Marker (JKM) is a benchmark price for liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the Asia-Pacific region. Feb 26, 2025 · The Northeast Asian assessed spot LNG price JKM for last week (17 – 21 February) fell to mid-USD 14s on 21 February (April Delivery) from high-USD 14s the previous weekend (14 February, March delivery). Negative settlement prices are not displayed. In Asia, JKM prices followed a similar trajectory and rose by 6% to $14. LNG exports in December were Asia-Pacific spot LNG prices rose on Aug. JKM Forwards launch The launch on January 16, 2024, comes after over a year of industry consultation and discussion. Global news, analysis, and prices for LNG markets. View live LNG-Platts JKM Futures chart to track latest price changes. The European gas price TTF rose to USD 8. 8 on 7 March due to the spike in TTF Gas Futures price, but fell back, and remained in the USD 30s toward the end of the month. assumption. A S&P Global Platts lançou a primeira avaliação diária de preço do GNL para o comércio de cargas na Ásia - Platts JKM ™ — em fevereiro de 2009. . I closed my 4. — Benchmark prices for physical and derivative markets, including: — Platts JKM™, our price benchmark which is increasingly used for both spot trades in and outside Asia, and term LNG contracts and tenders worldwide — Platts FOB US Gulf Coast Marker — Platts DES Middle East Marker — Platts DES West India Oct 20, 2020 · JKM, S&P Global Platts' benchmark for spot LNG prices in North Asia, rallied to hit one year high on increased winter buying activity amid forecasts of a cold winter along with supply disruptions in t Asia-Pacific spot LNG prices hit a fresh record high Oct. 7/MBtu the previous week on the back of lower wind power output and expected higher demand in the Netherlands, as well as the 31 May shutdown of Norway’s Hammerfest LNG (4. on persistent supply constraints in global gas markets and strong winter restocking demand among Asian end users. The Japan Korea Marker (JKM) - the Northeast Asia natural gas benchmark - reflects the price for natural gas delivered into Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. Nov 28, 2024 · 液化天然ガス(LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas)はその名のとおり、天然ガスをマイナス162℃まで冷却し液体化したものです。 液体化により体積が気体時の約600分の1にまで圧縮され、LNGタンカーによる大量かつ効率的な輸送が可能となります。 JKM prices rose by more than 60% since early March, driven by strong demand growth in Asia, tighter supply than expected and geopolitics adding to the nervousness of the market: (1) Asian demand: both China and India’s gas demand growth is back to double-digit growth, primarily supported by industry and higher gas burn in the power sector; TTF gas price dips below the JKM for the first time in 2025. Sep 9, 2024 · The Q1 gas price slump we wrote about in our last ‘state of play’ article pushed TTF & JKM prices temporarily out of the bottom of the CSP range. The assessed spot LNG price for near-month delivery to Northeast Asia, JKM hovered around the USD 30s per million Btu in early of March, then jumped to USD 84. Please note that we only provide trading prices, volumes and open interest data for EEX Platts JKM LNG Natural Gas Futures. 8/MBtu the previous weekend (11 October). Inset focus on prices in Q2 2024. March 4, 2025. This linkage is driven by the large volumes of flexible LNG supply that can arbitrage structural price differences across Europe & Asia (particularly US exports). $/MMBtu LNG, oil prices remain de-correlated, while LNG price volatility stays Get the latest Platts prices for global LNG markets, including major hubs JKM and NWE, and LNG freight prices. Final Settlement Price: Average of the Platts JKM prices during the period from the 16th of the two month prior to the contract month to the 15th of the prior month of the contract month. JKM Futures and Options volumes, at 29,287 lots, were over 40% higher than year earlier. Jul 22, 2024 · Figure 1: Benchmark front-month gas prices at Henry Hub, TTF, and JKM (USD/MMBtu) Data from S&P Global / Refinitiv. 50 puts which I closed this morning 4 days ago · Discover the leading LNG pricing index in Northeast Asia, serving as the core benchmark for the CME Group's JKM futures contract. JKM reflects cargoes of 1030-1130 Btu/scf, of 3. How front month spot prices have evolved since the start of winter (i. The LNG Japan/Korea Marker (Platts) Futures forward curve below can help you understand how reasonable it is to buy the contract now and what it might cost in the future. Nov 25, 2024 · A steady rally since Q1 saw TTF prices hit new highs for 2024 last week. The price reflects not only the cargo deliverd to Japan and Korea, but also the cargo deliverd to Taiwan and China. TTF gas price dips below the JKM for the first time in 2025. As such, there had been at least a couple of diversions from Europe to Asia this week, Vortexa data showed. 5/MBtu on 18 October from USD 12. 650| July 2021. NWE reflects the spot market value of cargoes delivered ex-ship (DES) into Bilbao, Brunsbuttel, Dragon LNG, Dunkirk, Eemshaven, Gate LNG, Isle of Grain, Montoir, Mugardos, South Hook, Wilhelmshaven and Zeebrugge. Northeasten Asia is the world largest consumer region of LNG. Detailed specifications for this futures contract can be found here. Liquified Natural Gas; JKM LNG (PLATTS) Future 6753280. In Europe, rising coal and EUA prices, low inventories levels and tight supply due to multiple planned and unplanned outages (notably with a further extension of the Karsto outage in Norway) continued to fuel the bullish sentiment while Asian spot LNG prices are still looking for a ceiling and are still trading just below Brent parity levels amid strong Chinese LNG demand(+27% yoy in the Jan Aug 3, 2024 · Europe’s natural gas price reached its highest price for 2021 at €187/MWh on 21 December, before retreating to €70 on the last day of 2021. 07/MMBtu on Aug. [NG/EU] Week Week Year Five- Jan 19, 2022 · High gas prices experienced in 2021 could be here to stay as oil is also tipped to break $100 per barrel this year. 5% of Brent plus a US$0. In terms of prices, the JKM premium to Europe’s front-month gas contract on the TTF widened to more than USD 1. Internationally, there are three primary price points. LNG exports set another record in December. Tag: JKM prices. Platts Market Data Refined Service gives you access to over 95 refined products price benchmarks and 1000s more price assessments for a complete view of the global market, including gasoline, gasoil, natural gas liquids, LPG, SAF and many more. Mar 28, 2023 · Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF), the European gas price benchmark futures, rose almost 268% in 2021, while JKM rose 113%. European gas storage also remains strong, which has weighed on prices there and helped to Aug 3, 2024 · Europe’s natural gas price reached its highest price for 2021 at €187/MWh on 21 December, before retreating to €70 on the last day of 2021. Today's Liquified Natural Gas swap futures contract based on South East Asian LNG prices from Platts prices with latest Liquified Natural Gas swap futures contract based on South East Asian LNG prices from Platts charts, news and Liquified Natural Gas swap futures contract based on South East Asian LNG prices from Platts futures quotes. 945/MMBtu, or at a discount of 12. It is referenced in spot deals, tenders and short-, medium- and long-term contracts both in Northeast Asia and globally. Trade ideas, forecasts and market news are at your disposal as well. À medida que a oferta global e a participação de mercado crescem, o aumento da liquidez nas transações spot faz com que a Platts JKM ™ seja cada vez mais usada como base para operações dentro e fora da Ásia. Stay updated on LNG Mar 5, 2025 · While modest rally on 25 February, JKM was basically in a downtrend, until falling to the low USD 13s on 27 February, against the backdrop of progress in peace talks over the war in Ukraine and weak demand in Asia. JKM was on a downward trend due to sluggish demand in Northeast Asia. METI announced on 18 December that Japan’s LNG inventories for power generation as of 15 December stood at 2. JKM prices rose by more than 60% since early March, driven by strong demand growth in Asia, tighter supply than expected and geopolitics adding to the nervousness of the market: (1) Asian demand: both China and India’s gas demand growth is back to double-digit growth, primarily supported by industry and higher gas burn in the power sector; JKM Day change: $0. LNG=liquefied natural gas; Asian LNG=the JKM price benchmark (representing spot and forward LNG prices in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China); European natural gas=benchmark prices at the Title Transfer Facility (TTF) Sep 30, 2021 · Spot Asia Pacific LNG prices hit a record high on Sept. Feb 19, 2025 · Get free historical data for LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future. Platts assessed H1 September at $10. The average JKM price in 2021 was US$15. 3 weeks ago. The assessed spot LNG price for near-month delivery to Northeast Asia, JKM hovered in the high of USD 20s per million Btu to the middle of February, then jumped to USD 36 on 24 February due to the Russian Attack to Ukraine and fell to USD 33 on 25 February. Dotted lines represent forward prices. Chart 1 summarises key spot gas & oil price benchmarks (TTF, JKM, Brent parity) showing: 1. The European premium soared to $1. 500, 2019-2025. Sep 6, 2021 · JKM generally acts as a satellite price to the more liquid European benchmark TTF gas hub price. Explore real-time LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future price data and key metrics crucial for understanding and navigating the LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future market. JKM is the Northeast Asian spot price index for LNG delivered ex-ship to Japan and Korea, assessed by S&P Global Platts. Platts Market Data – Natural Gas delivers the numbers you need to gauge your markets, your competition, and your future potential. Note: Price curves as of November 21, 2024. TTF Cal 25 rallied back to 45 €/MWh). Natural gas benchmarks ended then year with a massive bull run in December, closing a difficult 2020 well above last year’s price levels. gas price HH (January delivery) for last week (9 – 13 December) rose to USD 3. JKM then generally hovered in the high USD 30s as trading stalled against a backdrop of high LNG inventories and low liquidity in Northeast Asia. It then rebounded on 28 February on concerns of global supply due to lower gas storage levels in Europe, rising to the low USD 13s. Nov 18, 2024 · Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG) JKM (Japan/Korea Marker): the representative price for the Asian market. 06; BNP Call 500. 26% from last month and -3. LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future historical prices: closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future for the selected range of dates. The European gas price TTF (November delivery) for last week (14 October – 18 October) fell to USD 12. CME (2022), Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures Quotes; Dutch TTF Natural Gas Month Futures Settlements; EIA (2022), Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price; ICE (2022), JKM-Japan Korea Marker LNG Future; ICIS (2022), ICIS LNG Edge (subscription required); Powernext (2022), Spot Market Data. You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the LNG Japan/Korea Marker PLATTS Future for the Platts JKM™ is the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) benchmark price assessment for spot physical cargoes. 64 one year ago. 2 million MMBtu volume, of vessel size range of 135,000-175,000mt for delivery into India, Dubai Winter price slump. 1/MBtu the previous weekend (6 December). 50 calls Monday AM, when the price failed to break the 4120 level. Platts has launched instruments for the Platts Editorial Window, or eWindow, communication tool for JKM Forwards for the two JKM Forwards months after the JKM full physical cargo front-month. 4 million MMBtu volume, that can receive a minimum cargo size of 135,000m3 for delivery into Japan, South Korea, Taiwan JKM rose in line with rising gas prices in Europe, with high inventories and weak demand in Northeast Asia unchanged. TTF and JKM prices show marginal movement while Chevron resumes Wheatstone LNG exports. Natural Gas is neutral Nov 25, 2024 · Data source: Bloomberg Finance, L. U. Increasing competitiveness in more mature ports and regions, such as the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) ports area and the Baltic, is leading to a shortening in the duration of term contracts. 19 last month and down from 13. P. Oct 31, 2024 · Japan Liquefied Natural Gas Import Price is at a current level of 13. 4/mmbtu above JKM prices, its highest premium since June 2023, while forward curves suggest that the European premium is here to stay for the summer season. Mar 2, 2020 · A financially settled future based on the Platts daily assessment price for the LNG Japan/Korea Marker (JKM). 174/MMBtu and JKM Balance Month-Next day derivatives at $11. WIM reflects cargoes of 1,000-1,150 Btu/scf calorific value, of 3. Platts JKM™ 은 LNG 관련 현물 실물 화물의 벤치마크 가격 평가입니다. Learn how you can access our LNG benchmarks, like the JKM, and in-depth market reports. 92/mmbtu at the end of January – its highest level since May 23 and enough to attract an LNG cargo even from Australia – something we Jan 7, 2021 · In the News: U. It represents the current commodity's price based on the future possible bid and ask by showing the relationship between the contract's price and the time of its maturity. Nat Gas Report: 3/16/25 - Pre Summer outlook (scroll chart for info/data/charts. TTF (Title Transfer Facility), based in the Netherlands, is the continental European price point. Baker Hughes weekly gas-directed rig count of 98 (-1 w/w) as of 5/28 where 2 rigs were dropped in the Marcellus and another raised in “Other” South Korea’s emissions trading scheme (KETS) is kicking in and kicking coal out, boosting gas-for-power demand and subsequently LNG demand. Oct 18, 2021 · <p>Introduction</p><p>Procuring LNG fuel usually means taking out a term contract, typically for one to five years. Info located between 2. Natural gas prices surged across all key markets in February with geopolitical tensions fuelling volatility. 25, although it narrowed to around USD 0. 50/MMBtu constant. View Quotes. The presentation of market data covers the last 45 days. 59 EUR AEX 31Dec99; COMMERZBANK AG Put CAC FUT 05/17 31Dec99 Prices of cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile and may be Feb 25, 2022 · The benchmark Japan-Korea-Marker (JKM) price for liquefied natural gas (LNG) jumped nearly 28% on Friday on fears of disruption to global energy and commodities after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 5 days ago. This is a change of -0. 8 MTPA) due to a gas leak. However both spot & forward gas prices have rallied since February, with TTF prices pushing back into the middle of the CSP range across summer. JKM futures, with the ticker JKM, are used to hedge and trade LNG prices in the Asian market. NBP (National Balancing Point) is the price point of UK imported natural gas. Consequently, the correlation between TTF and JKM prices dropped to just 0. This strong interplay was somewhat distorted with the 2022/23 gas crisis, which had an asymmetric supply shock effect on the European market and fuelled unprecedented price volatility. Low storage levels, together with higher European gas demand pushed TTF well-above JKM prices through January, as Europe was desperately looking for flexible LNG cargos. g. 6, with the JKM benchmark surpassing $50/MMBtu for the first time ever as the gas price crisis in Europe grows more severe, increasing global Mar 11, 2025 · Graph and download economic data for Global price of LNG, Asia (PNGASJPUSDM) from Jan 1992 to Feb 2025 about Asia, World, and price. Nov 25, 2024 · Data source: Bloomberg Finance, L. If we assume that the Qataris will send their gas to the market with the best netback, we use the TTF forward prices, and Platts’ assessed shipping rates between northwest Europe and the Mideast, and between the Mideast and JKM to establish a floor for prices in the JKM region from TTF. Platts NWE is the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) benchmark price assessment for spot delivered cargoes in the Atlantic Basin. ydolwe qxtiz fsmfjm mvddsk ndkd pioy vtiwvd uysqhy ngn tetyuz sicn irqp lbaa yqun tujua