Hunting with cva optima pistol. Browse our CVA Pistols on BudsGunShop.
Hunting with cva optima pistol 00 Jan 12, 2016 · Realtree's Guns And Camo blogger, Adam Millard, takes a late-season doe with the CVA Optima V2 Muzzleloader. Easy to clean. Welcome to Buds Gun Shop, our site is intended for individuals of at least 18 years of age. 30-06 Marlin 336CS . I know each gun is different but I would like to hear what people use and what kind of groupings they get and at what range. With the Optima, the thumb hole is a scope only set up but the non thumbhole optima can use open sights. The Traditions Vortek Pistol has a maximum powder limit of 70 grains by VOLUME. Jan 19, 2025 · Literally half of the deer I have taken in the last ten years have fallen to the CVA Optima pistol and I generally take the three deer I am allowed. This year I have decided to try my luck with a muzzleloader. The Optima™ Pistol has more quality features than any other muzzleloading pistol in its price range. We're keeping this one! Nov 13, 2011 · My overall thought of my first CVA, and muzzleloading pistol is cosmetically it could use some work, but it is mechanically sound, and a hoot to shoot. They recommend up to 100 grains of powder by VOLUME. Founded in 1971 as “Connecticut Valley Arms,” CVA is well known for the quality, workmanship, reliability, and accuracy of their Spanish-made guns. Although it has the same name as previous Optima muzzleloaders and the stock and barrel are essentially the same, the new Optima V2 borrows its action and trigger designs from the “top-of-the-line” Accura V2 series. Comes in the original box with owners manual and wrenches for the sight rail. I got it late last yr. I have tried to stabilize them with bipods, confederate slings, arm rests, etc. Reply. it shoots better than my buddies encore, or maybe i just shoot better than him Black Powder - Range report - CVA Optima pistol with Nikon variable scope - This week, I finally upgraded my CVA Optima's scope to a Nikon Force XR 2. Loose powder is much cheaper than the pellets and I like the flexibility to fine tune my loads. Jul 23, 2015 · If you are considering a black powder rifle for deer hunting, then I highly recommend the Optima V2. CVA Optima V2 Gears Rating Jun 1, 2013 · I had a chance to shoot my Optima . Nice gun. I'm waiting for the scope to show up and then I'll post. Sportsmans. ] New Reply Range conditions were rough. Possibly high buck as well. Jan 29, 2015 · Deer and Small Game Hunting and Trail Cams. 430SWC in a knight sabot, Upper Right is Hornady 240gr. Rimfire Central is a forum community dedicated to . Dec 9, 2011 · Black Powder - CVA Optima Pistol - Hurray my new toy has arrived! No pictures yet. cleaning it every 2 shots for accuracy. We already knew the Bushnell would hold up to the recoil, as it was used on our tests of the CVA Accura V2 in 2011. 44 magnum and a . Nov 19, 2009 · I just got a CVA Optima and was trying to decide what bullets/grain size i should buy. 50cal pistol today for the first time. So i'm thinking about upgrading 1. By supporting the front and rear of the gun, it's the only thing that helps with this problem. ee/8z Dec 5, 2020 · Decided to try something different this year and bought a CVA optima V2 to try it for elk hunting this year. com: The Internet's Gun Store. Shoots very well. 25" groups of 5 shots and 2" at 100 yards. The first load is tuff to get seated, but the second is next to impossible. Doc White Javelina forearm, curly maple, with rearward-facing, stubby pistol grip 4. The Optima V2 uses the same trigger-guard actuation Dec 1, 2015 · eekjellander, I am wondering if setting up a muzzleloading pistol as has been done here with the CVA optima V2 pistol by adding the adaptable rifle stock makes it legal for hunting deer with in states like Ohio that does not permit deer hunting with muzzleloading pistols? Oct 12, 2017 · Hey all, this is my first post on here. But aside from muzzleloading season, I haven't carried a long gun for almost 10 years. Another lesson learned with the BH 209. Jun 6, 2011 · The story behind this week’s Field Gun – a CVA Optima Pro – involves two whitetails, neither of which I killed. 44 cal, XTP bullet. TC Omega 50 Cal. Meeting the demands for muzzle-loaders during extended primitive hunting seasons, CVA has redefined the industry with innovative designs and cutting-edge materials. I use this same bullet in my pistol with less powder and it also shoots very well. That 300 Barnes may be a tad long for a sabot with a 1:28 twist but you'd need to shoot it to know. Find quality products, unbeatable prices, and expert customer service at your go-to online source for all things firearms. i have a simmons 3x9 scope on it too. Jul 28, 2020 · My experience with 209 powder and Optima pistol has been that optimum accuracy with several bullets/sabots [for which the gun was developed to use] has seen the best accuracy, 1" at 50 yards, somewhere between 80 and 90 grains by volume with bullets/sabots between 200 and 300 grains. Sep 4, 2011 · Go with the Optima for you Colorado gun, TC doesnt recommend full bore projectiles in their rifles. Cva makes some firing pin bushing metal shims to set the bushing a hair forward. Optima V2 pistol 2. Had a lot of ignition problems. We offer the largest selection of Pistols and our everyday low prices making shopping easy. When ever I take him out for the gun seasons, I'm only going to use the 50 cal. 95 is very reasonable. Recovered this bullet out of the second one after a hard quartering away shot. 451 or . I use the Truglow ghost ring rear and truglo globe front sight on my Optima. Thanks. For the past seven years I have used a Thompson Center Impact. Join Date: Mar 2010. Typical Buck . I'm gonna try and take a deer with it. A very accurate and deadly combo. Shop a vast selection of firearms, ammunition, and shooting accessories from top brands. showed accuracy is not an issue. Both real black powder and Pyrodex. don't claim to be the wizard i mentioned in my original post but quess what ,the cva opitima is back together with a nice 2 1/2 pull . I am wondering what the best powder bullet combination would be for this weapon. May 18, 2015 · Black Powder - CVA Optima V2 Pistol Target - Got lucky today, the wife's dentist cancelled an I was somewhat caught up so decided to head to the range while it was still cool outside. But I was thinking for CVA Optima V2 . I have a wolf and an oprima pistol and wouldn't trade them for any other muzzle loader on the market. Also very heavy and difficult to clean. 50 Cal. Then i got online and looked up firing pin bushing for cva and found a wealth of info about setting the bushing out a hair to get complete primer ignition going into barrel. Oct 18, 2004 · Black Powder - CVA Optima Hard Loading - Any tips to get this gun to load easier? I shoot 245 powerbelts with 2 tripple7's. Feb 16, 2023 · If you are looking to take muzzleloader hunting to the next level then you will want to check out the CVA Optima V2 Pistol! Today, we are talking with CVA's Director of Media Relations, Chad Schearer, and we are discussing the CVA Optima V2 Pistol. Jan 7, 2013 · Muzzleloading Guns - CVA Optima Pistol - Pistol has been shot about 50 times so it's basically brand new. In a pinch, you can stretch it to 100 yards, if you have a good rest and a lot of practice at that distance with a pistol. I'll be using it primarily for deer hunting including backpack hunting. The CVA Optima™ V2 Pistol Package comes with Vortex™ Crossfire Red Dot Sight and durable Muzzle-Loaders soft case, custom made for the CVA Optima™ V2 Pistol. Mar 19, 2012 · My optima i shot 100grains of blackhorn 209 powder and 250grain precision rifle qt sabots. Jul 18, 2022 · Shooting my new CVA Optima V2 at 100 and 150 yards with a nice review at the end! Enjoy! Dec 1, 2022 · Have a CVA Optima V2 pistol. With a focus on performance, precision First, I wanted to do a preliminary sight in with the 460 at 25 yards. The CVA Optima V2 was introduced at the 2013 SHOT Show in Las Vegas. As a note if you Purchase a CVA muzzleloader and intend to shoot Powder, you will need to buy the Blackhorn breech plug, it is for shooting Powder propellants. com and it has been one of our most popular muzzleloaders for many Jul 24, 2018 · Black Powder - First range report with the CVA Optima V2 pistol - Finally have a day off and some free time to be able to take the new Optima pistol out to the range to get it dialed in and do a little load testing. Plus, the Optima was a great companion to my Optima V2 pistol. Whats your guys opinion for bullet choices? Right now I have the . Does the CVA Optima V2 have a good trigger? Trigger preference is very subjective. I’m struggling with the sights that came with it. There is no need for the 209 breech plug unless using BH 209 powder. 7 pounds of total weight. Has a nice handle/weight to it. I killed 2 deer then. Any info will help. So, Jim mounted a Bushnell 3-9×40 Sportsman scope on the Optima. 452 300g XTP Mag for my rifle. If anyone shoots this gun and could point me in the right direction, that would be great. However, the Optima V2 has a very light and crisp trigger, which is what most hunters prefer in a deer rifle. It carries a red dot with a 2mm dot. to get something that is Aug 24, 2016 · I have 2 . Does anybody have any experience with either of these or how much 209 works with either load? Jan 9, 2013 · We had a Konus pistol scope on order for two months, but due to backorders, it never arrived. The pistol grip is erganomically friendly, at least on the V1. Never shot one before and did some research and decided on this one. 4. Mar 25, 2013 · The CVA Optima V2 . CVA Pistols. The CVA Optima V2 comes with a 14-inch stainless steel barrel, a no-tools-required quick-release breech plug (makes cleaning this gun very easy), a scope rail and it weighs in at a tidy 3. I like to weigh my loads for consistency. 44cal Dec 3, 2014 · Black Powder - CVA optima v2 pistol - I got a new toy. Love the gun. I still love archery season though. After discontinuing production for a couple of years, CVA and Muzzle-Loaders. Sep 26, 2016 · Once that was accomplished, I set up a handgun that I've been itching to shoot - my new CVA Optima V2 pistol: Although the Optima can handle powder charges from 50 to 100 grains, I decided to start with 80 grains of Blackhorn 209 under a saboted 240 grain XTP. Jan 9, 2024 · Steve Petersen--Correctional Officer, Retired Military AD1(AW) USN (ACT) 12/07/1997-10/02/2011, TSgt USAFR 10/03/2011—01/07/2018, Master Hunter and uncontested owner of the first deer killed off the Grady County WMA (OK)-2011 (Verified by Rex Umber WMA biologist) Kids who hunt and fish, don't steal and deal Jun 14, 2017 · Guns - For Sale: CVA Optima V2 Pistol w/Accessories - Hey Guys, I have for sale a near new CVA Optima V2 Blackpowder Pistol. All in the boiler room. 44cal/. 30-30 Beretta A300 Outlander 12 ga. The temperature was 90 F with high humidity so the real feel was over 100 f. My dad tried everything like you have and nevery could get his to shoot accurarely. Probably most accurate I owned. My rifle load is 77gr by weight of blackhorn 209. catsbackr Well-Known Member. 7K views 9 replies 7 participants last post by collierdeerhunter Apr 25, 2023 Dec 28, 2021 · When the Optima V2 pistol was first released, it got stellar reviews, including this thorough and glowing write-up from Dr. That leaves me 2. Sighted in Optima pistol today and am shooting less than 1" groups at 70 yards. This hand cannon packs a wallop with the . 500 S&W's, one 4 inch one 8 inch. My I'm about to pick up my first muzzle loader and I've narrowed it down to the CVA Optima V2 or CVA Accura MR-X. I tried several boolet combo's: Upper Left is Speer 240gr. muzzle-loaders. The pistol comes with a trigger-actuated break-action, making it easy to open. I have Scout pistol with a scope and an Optima pistol with a red dot. 5-8x28mm - my preferred scope on all of my other hunting handguns: Between the heat and a drone flight I had to make, it was late in the afternoon by the time I got Oct 19, 2004 · CVA Optima Load/Bullet Choice. to get a better rifle maybe capable of shooting up to 200yrds and a little further 2. com have teamed up to bring this pistol line back to market. Jul 4, 2012 · Stiles I will give it a try all of the upcoming gun seasons this fall. Question: can I use this powder in the Optima Pistol or do I need Pyrodex P? Sep 26, 2022 · Cva scout v2 pistol Jump to Latest 5. I ran out of Remington primers and had some CCI. I finally got a deer with it last year to prove I could and now I'm ready to move on to the next challenge which will most likely be a flintlock so I'm Find Deals on hunting "tools and supplies" here: https://alnk. Swab the bore every few shots (or boresnake it) while sighting in. My only grip was the need to carry a 7/16" tool to remove the breech plug. I hope you get it figured Jan 3, 2023 · On Friday I took delivery of an CVA Optima V2 with scope package. Feb 3, 2010 · Although I do not own a CVA pistol I do have a couple of BP specialty hunting pistols. Very well made. This unique inline muzzleloader pistol is only available through Muzzle-Loaders. PA conical/unlu May 12, 2022 · I’m new to hunting with a muzzleloader and recently got a CVA optima. 50 cal, 1:28 twist, stainless steel with QR breech plug. Renowned for impeccable craftsmanship and precision, CVA is unparalleled in its commitment to delivering unrivaled performance and consistent accuracy. The Optima Elite is a new configuration in both barrel and reciever and is designed to handle the capabilities of CF rounds in addition to ML and shotgun. Then The CVA Optima™ V2 Pistol Package comes with Vortex™ Crossfire Red Dot Sight and durable Muzzle-Loaders soft case, custom made for the CVA Optima™ View full details Original price $519. I have been carrying it during rifle season. Haven't got a powder or bullet selected yet. Originally 100$ on sale for 49$, plus 15$ for the rings. Shop CVA pistols for sale at Hinterland Outfitters featuring popular models like the Optima V2, Scout, and more. I only shoot loose powders. The other one was made out of some stiff, stiff whatever and just getting the pistol completely holstered was a joke and removing it was so noisy that it could have gotten heard in a school for the deaf. 22 rimfire enthusiasts. Oct 8, 2012 · Currently I shoot one of the old CVA Appollo muzzleloaders, we have converted it to the 209 primer, but it can only handle up to 100grns of triple 7. I did my research Dec 11, 2017 · In this video Ray takes up the challenge of hunting deer with the CVA Optima V2 . He eventually bought an optima and loves it. However, the crud ring can be a pain while sighting in. Dec 12, 2007 · Not a problem for hunting once the gun is sighted in. The Optima comes with or without the Palmsaver forearm and extra room in the barrel to allow for the ram-rod to be carried attached to the gun, reducing the chance of misplacing or losing the rod. to/esUhdzjCVA V2 Pistol ReviewIn this video we go over the CVA Optima V2 Muzzleloader Pistol an Mar 10, 2008 · Nice shooting! Great report, and very interesting muzzy/pistol. Doc White ambidextrous, smooth pistol grip, curly maple (no finger grooves) 3. Joined Dec 23, 2009 Apr 8, 2013 · CVA Optima Pistol Jump to Latest Follow 1K views 4 replies 3 participants last post by zimmerstutzen Apr 9, 2013 Jul 4, 2012 · Just bought the V2 and topped it with a BSA Edge 2 - 7 x 28 Scope. There are many better scopes on the market, but Dec 13, 2022 · Have a CVA Optima V2 pistol. . For hunting I shoot 240g XTPs with a smooth green sabot. Temperature today was a pleasant 81 degrees, partly cloudy with a slight breeze. 45 Colt to s ShootingSurplus. Use a scope with this pistol but do not buy the CVA sights for it as they will not last five shots! Everett M on 01/30/2016 Feb 15, 2023 · Muzzleloader - CVA Optima V2 Black Powder Rifle for Deer Hunting - Preview Review Preview: CVA . Jun 18, 2019 · The CVA Optima Pistol can shoot the same loads as the Optima Rifles, however the short barrel only allows so much powder to burn. I got the gun all sighted in and ended up using 100 grains of 777 loose powder and the 290 grain barnes tez. 50 Caliber Optima V2 in Stainless Steel/Realtree Green with a Konus Pro Scope and carrying case The Gear Report team would like to thank the fine folks at BlueRidge Firearms for sponsoring muzzleloader deer season by providing a CVA Optima V2 . 458 Barnes may do better than a Barnes 300 at . Jan 21, 2010 · I have the same exact gun. 5" hight at 50. 50 Mar 9, 2007 · I wasn't even considering a muzzle brake, until a conversation with MtMonkey led me to LR Customs. With a 250 gr hornady sst. A few years back I did some chronograph work with a 14" barreled 50 caliber Kahnke M82 pistol. We are thrilled to offer this exciting and highly desired muzzleloader pistol at our store!This year the CVA We designed variations of this holster to perfectly fit your choice of CVA pistol. Deadly accurate out to 50 yards delivering 1. Jul 3, 2008 · I just purchased a CVA Optima 209 with a 3x9 scope. This was posted on another site. After reassembling them, I went hunting all day to realize the sights had fell off the gun again. Jun 11, 2015 · I have a 2010 Optima, it is drilled for both iron sights and the dura-sight scope mount. I got a CVA optima v2 rifle that I shoot black horn 209 and Barnes expanders in. Mossberg International Silver Reserve II 12 ga. Looking for some setups to use. I wish you good luck hunting with this new addition. thanks to my many years of experience and there is a trick to the reassembly which i figured out on my own after 2 hours of attemps but unless you have extensive knowledge in gun repair Dec 30, 2017 · I have been trying to get him to go to Blackhorn 209 powder. 00 and it helped me a lot at ranges past 50 yds. It had a little plastic bag with the plug screws for both the scope mount holes and also the ir Black Powder - RUSTED!!! CVA Optima - Ok I have been shooting my TC Omega for several years & love it so I am not new to this But my cousin in just getting into hunting after he killed a nice bukc w/ my gun last year. I've read that Aug 29, 2012 · I have the Optima pistol, second version. I am shooting blackhorn 209 84 grs by weight. 26 inch barrels are enabling Mar 17, 2020 · Just got a cva optima v2 50 cal with konos scope, blackhorn 209, cci magnum primers. It is a blast to shoot. 50Cal Muzzleloader Black-Stainless - While the new Optima V2 Muzzleloader shares the name of its popular predecessor, the Version 2 gun has a completely different design in many ways. 1. if you are using a CVA optima i can touch holes with mine at 100 yards using two 50 grain pyrodex pellets a 209 primer and 295 grain copper clad hollow point power belts. Last year I bought a CVA Wolf, it has iron sights and is also drilled for the scope mount. I'm seeing just under 1475 fps with the load. That is a 1 inch circle at 100 yds. The Optima Pistol is a great little gun and very accurate at ranges out to 50 yards. Updated October 2020. Definitely the prettiest of the bunch. Jan 7, 2025 · Fury makes some really good hunting bullets for 50s. It's a BSA 30mm 2-7X pistol scope with an 18-20" eye relief if I remember correctly. In a wordWOW! That was a lot of fun! I was shooting 80grn of Blackhorn 209 with Federal 209A primers and Hornady 240 XTP Mag bullets. Once that was accomplished, I set up a handgun that I've been itching to shoot - my new CVA Optima V2 pistol: Although the Optima can handle powder charges from 50 to 100 grains, I decided to start with 80 grains of Blackhorn 209 under a saboted 240 grain XTP. I currently have it zeroed at 100 yards with 80gr T7 loose powder with 295gr Powerbelt Aerotip. Saturday. REEDRELLIK Sep 9, 2024 · 3. Every deer i shot with those bullets left great blood trails but all died in sight. Jul 17, 2011 · depends on what gun. In my CVA pistol, the bullet/sabot combination works much better. pistol, recent change Jan 29, 2008 · cva trigger assembly( response ) well guys i'am responding to my own post. The wider bullet . Anybody using this. Jim and Mary Clary at ChuckHawks. Oct 14, 2012 · The World Hunting Club along with Team GSSG reviews CVA's Optima . I bought barnes tmz 290 gr and hornaday sst 250 gr. Top that off with 250 gr 45 cal hornady in a crush rib. Oct 13, 2007 · My understanding of the older Optima line is that the major difference between the Optima and Optima Pro is the barrel length. So, another $500. Nov 25, 2017 · The red dot sight hides this fact, it is extremely evident if it was scoped. Thankfully, truck cabs are a little more generous in regard to space and the 14-inch stainless steel barrel allows it to blend nicely with tire iron collections. My son is at the age where he wants to hunt with all weapons, gun, bow, and muzzleloader. I’ve read the solution is to move the rear sight forward/closer to the front sight. Although the Optima pistol shares a similar action and barrel with Optima rifle and is equally strong, the 150 grain “magnum” charge is not appropriate If you are looking to take muzzleloader hunting to the next level then you will want to check out the CVA Optima V2 Pistol!Today, we are talking with CVA's D Jan 3, 2023 · On Friday I took delivery of an CVA Optima V2 with scope package. Good luck!! FeaturesQuick release breech plugWeaver-style scope railReversible thumb studStainless steel barrelPalm Saver ramrodLifetime WarrantyThe CVA Optima Oct 23, 2012 · Winchester M70 XTR Featherweight . 5. 00 invested. The CVA Scout Centerfire pistol or the CVA Optima black powder pistol. Warne, CVA V-2, M980/982M scope bases, steel, (2), with Torx screws 5. I have some friends in deer camp that have been having good luck with Shockey's Gold (loose powder 80 to 100 grain) and Remington 208 primers in Kodiaks and Omegas with Feb 15, 2016 · CVA Optima can use both loose powder and pellets, not sure where you read loose powder only. Read the blog about it here: http://realtr. Jan 9, 2024 · I run the . The factory supplied breech plug works with pellets and all black powder sub powders. Oct 1, 2012 · What do you use? Product reviews, What’s New? What works? What don’t? Oct 24, 2016 · One was a $90 piece that was supposedly made for the CVA pistol but the gun would slip in about 2/3 of the way and hang up. 5-8x28mm - my preferred scope on all of my other hunting handguns: Between the heat and a drone flight I had to make, it was late in the afternoon by the time I got Black Powder. Location: Montana. Have killed two whitetails with it so far. The MSRP of $314. It was Encore50A that convinced me that a MZ REX2 muzzle brake would turn the Javelina stocked Optima V2 pistol from a beast into a pussy cat. My eyes are not what they once were and I’m struggling with focusing on the rear sight. Nov 20, 2020 · CVA® Optima™ V2 Pistol PP221SM - . The first, a late-season shed-antler buck, was taken in eastern Iowa by 15-year-old Tannor Peska, a young neighbor on his inaugural deer hunt. In the future, I might suggest trying out the . CVA Optima V2. The Optima™ V2 Pistol features a trigger-guard with actuated breeching lever and a neutral center-of-gravity trigger. Browse our CVA Pistols on BudsGunShop. 50 Cal Muzzle Loading Pistol. The guy who made it built a really intelligently designed muzzlebrake for it. I got tired of yanking sights and scopes every hunting season LOL. Dec 26, 2010 · The break down of my pistol is as follows. Oct 28, 2016 · Two of the three shot extremely well. Today's testing Aug 1, 2015 · MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM LOADS FOR OPTIMA V-2 PISTOL CVA recommends a minimum of 50 grains, by volume, of blackpowder or blackpowder substitute in your CVA muzzleloader pistol. It's grouping consistently but I'm concerned about my muzzle velocity. I bought a used CVA Wolf in 2013 and a CVA APEX in 2014 and have used Hornady SST 250 grain saboted bullets and 90 grains of Pyrodex RS loose powder in these rifles with good luck. Shooting two 50 grain Triple 7 pellets behind a Hornady MonoFlex ML 250 grain bullet. 00 - Original price $519. Shooting it isn't quite a "pleasure" but not to awful bad. This thing looks awesome. The breech plug that comes with the CVA muzzleloaders is for shooting pellet powders. My current hunting load for deer is 63 weighed grains of BH209, green crush rib sabot and 240 grain, . 50 Caliber Break-Action Muzzleloader Pistol, Black & Stainless. Sighted in at 100yds i was good out to 250yds with it. I enjoy hunting with a muzzle loader. Black Powder - Range report - CVA Optima pistol with Nikon variable scope - This week, I finally upgraded my CVA Optima's scope to a Nikon Force XR 2. $225 shipped obo. Handgun Hunting cva optima pistol Look in the muzzle loader section and you will see the thread on optima pistol Aug 29, 2013 · This review was written by Dr. I haven't shot a deer in years with a gun. Aug 29, 2016 · Black Powder - Anyone used a CVA Optima V2 pistol? - Oh, my 300 pistol (150 grains at 2850 fps) doesn't kick all that bad. Shot the gun with the pellet breech plug and bought some white hot pellets. I have a new CVA Optima V2 stainless steel barrel. I bow hunt, shotgun hunt deer, turkey, upland birds,and anything elsethat I can hunt to get me in the woods. Any optima barrel can be used on the Optima reciever 26" or 29". com. 50cal muzzle loading pistol. Current gun. I know it is not an optima but sounds like a lemon. We tested these guns against a . 110 by volume. Jim and Mary Clary. 44 cal out of my Optima pistol with 63 weighed grains of BH, 90 grain by volume equivalent. CVA optima v2 pistol. 40 cal 200 XTP's since the 200 Shockwaves shot so good. I bought a vortex strikerfire this year so dont have the cva anymore. I have killed 4 deer this yr with it. Ordered it online and it showed up. The 8 inch is scoped and of course longer so it's heavier. Pistol would be pretty hard to deploy from concealment in a car, at 18¼ inches long, 5 7/8 inches tall and 1 3/8 inches wide. When finished, I will have a very versatile hunting pistol. The last three bucks I've taken with the pistol and that load have dropped right on the spot at the hit. Feb 14, 2023 · The well known and greatly loved CVA Optima V2 Pistol is undoubtably the most popular inline muzzleloader pistol on the market to present date. Oct 29, 2012 · Have been hunting deer, small game, and predators with handgun. Consistent 1" or less groups at 50 yds. They're a deer killing machines. I like to use the longbow the best. com Jan 23, 2023 · I have both the Optima V2 rifle and pistol. This is my 15th year of using an inline for Missouri's late season. I have had 2 the Traditions in-line pistols too but they could not compete with the accuracy or the loading capacities of the CVAs and got sold. Great trigger. Posts: 581 CVA Optima Pistol Jul 28, 2023 · I have pretty much shot my whole pack of Bore Drivers and quite a few more of the bullet/sabot combination above. Dec 6, 2021 · Arguably, a shorter-barreled muzzleloader would have reduced range and muzzle velocity, as the longer barrel in a muzzleloader optimizes accuracy and range. Oct 23, 2008 · Optics - Scope for CVA Optima - I have been an avid hunter since I was young, carrying a bb gun with my grandfather quail hunting. Then i tried a few other 209 primers, but it still did it. I added the Williams rear ghost ring peep sight for $24. Founded in 1971, Connecticut Valley Arms (CVA) is a renowned American firearms manufacturer, known for their high-quality black powder and modern muzzleloading rifles and pistols. Feb 27, 2022 · My Optima rifle and pistol shoot very well. Best Prices, Fast Shipping, Expert Advice! www. 452. It has earned a trip to the woods this Tuesday, the opener of our general firearms season, and during our December muzzleloading season as well. I bought 2 seasons ago for deer hunting. So far I love the pistol. I will be using 150 grains of powder. I would like to have a tight group out to 150-200 yards if possible. This V2 pistol comes with a black composite stock and features CVA’s Quick Release Breech Plug (QRBP), which is easily removed with your fingers - NO tools required. Jul 4, 2012 · After some searching around for scopes, I found a deal on one at Midway USA that would not break the bank. Thread: CVA Optima Pistol. Honestly, the same gun but with a 12", non-ported 270 Winchester barrel (150 grains at 2380 fps) kicks worse. com uses cookies to provide a better shopping experience. Austin & Halleck 50 Cal. View Single Post 12-09-2011, 05:36 PM #1 50calty. When it comes to Blackhorn209, CVA offers an upgrade breech plug designed specifically for bh209 but it also works with all the other loose powders. Thread starter Blue Water Buck Start date it all depends on the gun. Those 50 yard groups with the Shockwaves are amazing. They both seem like good guns and I'm wondering if anyone has any input for me. Jan 17, 2013 · Yes, CVA's new OPTIMA V2 pistol offers plenty of applications in the field, but it's also just plain old fun to shoot. Pain to clean with the action closing when trying to clean. xdaujg xbwlnacw mofmxdwz uygijyxy bqz dmvuc ikmjogm dubph sgceby yjknzkrql mwzz nxzvcyt btfzaxkf tyf pal