Homebrew hf vertical antenna kl7jr. The following article is based on a Hamuniverse.

Homebrew hf vertical antenna kl7jr I have a commercial vertical and like it but I wanted to try to build a smaller, simpler light weight vertical for multiple bands. Antenna resting high above the Alaska snow! (That's a 12lb "dirty" snow ball holding it down) 10 Through 20 Meter Vertical Dipole (With a novel matching method) By KL7JR John F. Antenna resting high above the Alaska snow! (That's a 12lb "dirty" snow ball holding it down) KL7JR ALL BAND VERTICAL LOOP - THE EASY LOOP! Antenna HF bultibanda DELTA LOOP balun rg59 75 Ohm i6ibe. Antennas: A Home Brew HF Vertical From Copper Pipe by John Reisenauer Jr. I have several Wilson FGT-2 verticals and some other short 2 foot long economical CB antennas that I've been experimenting with. MFJ 948. 5M steel pipe to fit down. I came across a couple of Hustler SM Series Resonators (20 /40 Meters) that I had acquired. 75 wavelengths long, on 40 meters it's a quarter-wavelength. 5 HF & Shortwave License Study Links Portable Vertical Antenna Mount by "Yukon John", KL7JR/VY1RST . This design is really a spin off of my first vertical dipole, see ( "KL7JR VERTICAL DIPOLE and Novel Matching Method") at Hamuniverse. All of them are in simple, easy to follow instructions. The drill makes it easy to bore a hole just big enough for the 1. First, I must say that setting up a base radio (11 meter) and accompanying antenna is a new hobby for me. Feb 1, 2012 · A Stealthy Homebrew Vertical Dipole Antenna Using Mobile CB Antennas Written By: Scott Wolfington The following article is based on a HamUniverse. Having an antenna that has a low angle of radiation on 10 meters is of great importance in getting those DX stations to hear a stronger signal from you. Reisenauer, Jr. Use a minimum of 50 feet of coax (I prefer RG-8X) for 10-40 meter size and 100 feet of coax for otherRead More Homebrew Vertical Antennas For Ham Radio By john reisenauer jr. from an idea by HI3/KL7JR John F Reisenauer, Jr. Is an HF Vertical Antenna Right for Your Amateur Radio Station (Part 2 Best vertical antenna for ham radio- ham radio planet Feb 21, 2019 · Building manual HF antenna switches; Homebrew 70cm (430 MHz) antennas; Exploring balanced antenna couplers; The benefits of vertical dipoles for HF; Field strength meters to build; Antenna ideas for the 12 metre (24 MHz) band; Portable tape measure yagis for VHF and UHF; Five ways to test your new antenna's effectiveness Antenna Tuners: MFJ Automatic Tuner MFJ 998. This is a multi-element vertical HF antenna I designed. Anything over 25 ft becomes unmanageable and must be guyed. All you need to do is make a C-Pole antenna with a current ferrite isolator and the ground issue disappears, you have a vertical with low angle radiation, multiband operation with a tuner and stealth as a side benefit. About the length of the vertical and the radials: From ideas on other projects like those of KL7JR and others on this site and on the web, I had learned that to make this antenna work well on many HF bandsthe radiating portion of the antenna was to be of a non-resonant length on any ham band. VR2XMQ - Steve's Blog AF through SHF: 5 Band Hexbeam. [20 meter V beam testing from Pasco, Washington. Creation date : 11/08/2007 @ 19:11 Last update : 17/09/2024 @ 23:32 Category : Multiband HF Projects Page read 64398 times Feb 23, 2019 · Read some experiences people have had with HF vertical dipoles. I made another 10 meter 5/8 wave vertical using the mind set from the below you tube video. Multiband 40 - 10 Meter Vertical Using PVC by HI3/KL7JR. THE KL7JR 5 BAND PIPE VERTICAL 1/2 Wave on 20 Meters by John Reisenauer, Jr. This antenna worked incredibly well on the 30m band allowing me to work DX globally with ease but, it was a single band antenna and I wanted a multi band solution. KL7JR 10-40m HEARC matchbox antenna ready to go up. I plan to use quarter inch rope to hoist the antenna up a nearby tree, or use my antenna raiser (see OPAR by KL7JR) for support. I am not sure where I obtained them, but I decided they were keepers. KL7JR A previous loop article by Steve Ford, WB8IMY (May 2002 QST, "One Stealthy Delta") caught my attention, especially because I've had such favorable results with other loops I've experimented with in the past. 6m dipole at 17’made from leftover BuddiPole parts; VHF / UHF / Beyond: Diamond D-130 Discone antenna with 25-1300 MHz coverage at 20′. For long-duration portable outings, or fixed station use (if you have the room), I'd go with the loop antenna simply due to the economics ($20 for wire vs. 40 thru 10 wire vertical 40 meter vertical - zl1alz kl7jr vertical dipole and a novel matching method 10 meter "super scanner" hf multiband vertical convert that old cb antenna 20 meter portable ground plane (from Learn how to build a versatile 40 - 10 meter vertical antenna using PVC materials, designed by HI3/KL7JR. That decision turned out to be the first step in a year long process that has given me an awesome homebrew vertical antenna. They range from HF and shortwave listening types, to VHF and beyond types-something for everyone. Hex beam antenna cheat sheet for ham radio. The following article is based on a Hamuniverse. See latest feedback near bottom of article! That's 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters! In my younger days on portable island activating adventures, I used a homebrew multi-banded quarter-wave vertical antenna that was easy to assemble and disassemble and didn't take up a lot of space in my canoe. 40 - 10 meter vertical dipole ready for action! This would no doubt make a good antenna design should you have the luxury of being able to mount it outdoors and perhaps tweak it a bit! Have fun antenna experimenting. 2, with "R" at 50 and "X" at 10 for an overall antenna length of 33 inches making this a very compact antenna for 20 meters. 10 Through 20 Meter Vertical Dipole (With a novel matching method) By KL7JR John F. Now start winding! 73- JR, KL7JR 10 Through 20 Meter Vertical Dipole (With a novel matching method) By KL7JR John F. Related Feb 1, 2012 · A Stealthy Homebrew Vertical Dipole Antenna Using Mobile CB Antennas Written By: Scott Wolfington The following article is based on a HamUniverse. A 7 Band HF Stealth Vertical Using Landscaping Lattice! By HI3/KL7JR. Ham Radio Antennas, Homebrew. Using low angle radiation type vertical antennas also greatly improves your chances over your "local" area also. 270 MHz the SWR was 1. 5 Classic Crappie fishing pole. We all know the horizontal dipole is one of the easiest antennas to build and is very common with new and old hams alike. I am an Earchi user here as well, great antenna to experiment with and a super value for a new ham. Feb 25, 2012 · One-Half Wave or "Longer" 10 Through 20 Meter Vertical Dipole. Mar 19, 2011 · This is the Cabela 16. April 22, 2008 To answer the original posters’ question, search for “windsock poles”. This method I use is but one of them and should give you some ideas to build on for your type of support situation and your particular vertical antenna. Mine is in its second enclosure (either deer stomped the first box or a car drove through my yard) and it has 107’ wire sloped into a tree at 33’ works all HF bands w Vertical Antennas Projects category is a curation of 194 web resources on , The Hudson antenna, HF Vertical antenna on a magnetic mount, Groundplane antenna. Antennas on HF: 135′ EFHW antenna – 80m through 10m at 40′. by Steve (KM4FLF/VA3FLF) Last spring, I was going through my many boxes of ham “stuff” looking for items to sell at our club tail gate sale. End-fed half wave antennas are best for temporary antennas using low power and batteries, far from power mains and noise sources. The coils can be used for the Tak-Tenna type antennas or even vertical dipoles. Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. Dec 24, 2024 · Vertical antenna for ham radio 40 meter bandHf vertical antenna Kl7jr 5 band pipe vertical 20 17 15 12 10 meter vertical antenna5/8 vertical ground plane antenna for 10 meters. Now start winding! 73- JR, KL7JR Homepage van Maarten Ouwehand PG1N. 4m heavy duty spiderpole at the end of the garden. 40 thru 10 wire vertical 40 meter vertical - zl1alz kl7jr vertical dipole and a novel matching method 10 meter "super scanner" hf multiband vertical convert that old cb antenna 20 meter portable ground plane (from Dec 27, 2011 · Icom 705 for HF, DSTAR, portable and mobile operations. THE KL7JR 5 BAND PIPE VERTICAL by John Reisenauer, Jr. I made my hole about 0. The hole makes it easy to get the support pole in the ground and vertical. I used my 15 foot long vertical with the 20m whip also on 17 and 15 meters with good results. While I had everything set up, I wondered how long the antenna would be when used as a vertical. MFJ 901B. Ameritron SDC-102 screwdriver anttena controller. 10 through 20 vertical dipole by KL7JR Restricted space antennas - vertical dipoles by W5ALT My experiment in building a vertical dipole antenna - instructable by KF5YKO A short vertical dipole - space-saving design by ON4BAI Testing a 20m vertical dipole by K1HMS Explore the project for a 5 band pipe vertical antenna with measurements for the top and bottom parts, ideal for ham radio enthusiasts and amateur radio operators. ). Quite to our amazement we found we could get multi-band use to boot (tuner required)! Find HF Vertical Antennas and Packages and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Reply to a comment by : N3DT on 2012-11-23 I really don't know why people put up with verticals that need grounds and all the associated losses. ] A Stealthy Homebrew Vertical Dipole Antenna Using Mobile CB Antennas Lots of pictures = Allow time to load if using dialup! Written By: Scott Wolfington. com for more details of this homebrew idea. A good working hf vertical for the price of a hamburger and fries! by N5VEG. com article by John Reisenauer (KL7JR) titled "Simple and Inexpensive Dipole and V Antenna Mount". No problem! The antenna feed wires are secured using 4mm Dyneema shock cord to keep them The small ground plane was another scratch build out of a need for a scanner antenna. Photos of construction: Left photo, complete antenna set up. Simply adjust the width of the framework for the number of turns of coax and size of coax. This design does not take up much space especially for a multi-band antenna. about $150 and up for a commercially made multi-band vertical) and because I'm partial to homebrew wire loop antennas. I have 2 elements on it which will tune up on 40m, 20m, and 15m without a tuner and most others with Because of ease of construction, low SWR with no-tune across the entire band from 28. Apr 22, 2008 · A simple and low cost multiband vertical hf antenna covering 5 bands (20m-10m) from an old CB antenna My homebrew vertical multiband hf antenna. KL7JR ALL BAND VERTICAL LOOP - THE EASY LOOP! Antenna HF bultibanda DELTA LOOP balun rg59 75 Ohm i6ibe. May 22, 2011 · #6 "Re: Amateur Radio Ground For Vertical HF Antenna 3 Floors Up" by cuba_pete on 05/23/2011 12:01 PM (score 2) #7 "Re: Amateur Radio Ground For Vertical HF Antenna 3 Floors Up" by Johny451 on 05/23/2011 11:05 PM (score 2) Jun 29, 2021 · A Great Homebrew Vertical Antenna. KL7JR Editors note: For 10 meter vertical antenna homebrew A homebrew G5RV (PVC pipe used for center insulator and mast) G5RV Size Legs Vert. . Antenna resting high above the Alaska snow! (That's a 12lb "dirty" snow ball holding it down) The coils can be used for the Tak-Tenna type antennas or even vertical dipoles. They are more prone for problems near noise sources or consumer gear, and can easily exceed FCC RF exposure limits with surprising low power levels. , KL7JR/KL7USI Use it portable or for fixed station operation! Interchange lengths for 5 band HF fun in the Wild! In my younger days on portable island activating adventures, I used a homebrew multi-banded quarter-wave vertical antenna that was easy to assemble and disassemble and didn't take up a lot of space in my canoe. A homebrew G5RV (PVC pipe used for center insulator and mast) G5RV Size Legs Vert. com article by John Reisenauer (KL7JR) titled, "Simple and Inexpensive Dipole and V Antenna Mount". Brand and Model number: Solarcon A-99 Vertical Your first name: John Call Sign: KL7JR Type of equipment reveiwed- Be specific! Example Yaesu FT-107 Hf transceiver, Hustler 4btv vertical antenna: HF Vertical Antenna- Multi-band Your overall rating (5 is excellent, 1 is poor): 4. A simple, cheap and easy to build 26 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 - 10 meters including WARC BANDS. 5M deep. For my mod, I used scrap 1/2 inch plastic electrical conduit to support the vertical wires (the white PVC pipe or other non-conductive material also works), 2 lengths at 2 foot long each, some #14 wire, (see lengths below), a handful of cable tie-raps, something non-conductive for insulators, (I used scrap plastic tubing), and a 1-1/2 inch hose HF & Shortwave License Study Links Portable Vertical Antenna Mount by "Yukon John", KL7JR/VY1RST . This would no doubt make a good antenna design should you have the luxury of being able to mount it outdoors and perhaps tweak it a bit! Have fun antenna experimenting. 65′ EFHW antenna – 40m through 10m at 35′. On 14. The vertical dipole, also easy to build, is not real popular with hams. It absolutely has to by secured every 2 sections with guy rope. This multiband vertical idea is based on many other home brew multiband verticles floating around the internet but it is another simple way to build a multiband ground mounted vertical that is very inexpensive and should cover 40 through 10 meters using PVC tubing as a support. There are many ways and methods to support a vertical antenna either permanently (fixed station operation) or for portable use, field day activities, camping, etc. Apr 10, 2023 · Originally this antenna was my end fed half wave vertical antenna for the 30m band that was fed via a 49:1 Unun. Related For long-duration portable outings, or fixed station use (if you have the room), I'd go with the loop antenna simply due to the economics ($20 for wire vs. Hygain AV-18VS Vertical Antenna. This antenna is HEAVY since it uses the thick fiberglass poles. Please your XYL, the neighbors and yourself with this stealth 1/4 wave vertical antenna idea hidden within a lattice frame made from wood, PVC, vinyl or other non-conductive lattice work material. , kl7jr/kl7usi. 7 Mhz Vertical antenna, G3PTO: 9 band vertical HF antenna, RW3XA: 27m Titanex vertical, F5OHS: A 60 foot Irrigation Tubing Mast/Vertical, N6RK: A Modified Petlowany Antenna, N0LX: Antena vertical, EA7LY: Antenna canna da pesca 1,8-30mhz copertura continua: Antenna con canna da pesca: Antenna portatile per HF canna da pesca, IK1QLD: Antenna End-fed half wave antennas are best for temporary antennas using low power and batteries, far from power mains and noise sources. Use a minimum of 50 feet of coax (I prefer RG-8X) for 10-40 meter size and 100 feet of coax for otherRead More Feb 20, 2025 · What is The Best HF Vertical Antenna on The Market? Various brands available on the market, among them Super Antenna brands are most popular and selling in a large number because of compact kits. See latest feedback near bottom of article! This multiband vertical idea is based on many other home brew multiband verticles floating around the internet but it is another simple way to build a multiband ground mounted vertical that is very inexpensive and should cover 40 through 10 meters using PVC tubing as a support. 7y. 16 Pins. You can easily retract the antenna to the proper length for use on 10 and 12 meters (about 8 ft-3 inches and 9 ft-4 inches respectively). Resources listed under Vertical Antennas category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Multiband vertical hf delta loop antenna An Easy to Install Vertical Loop for 80-6 Meters by John Reisenauer, Jr. , KL7JR A simple, cheap and easy to build 26 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 - 10 meters including WARC BANDS. , KL7JR/KL7USI. May 29, 2011 · Find a good location for the vertical and start drilling a hole in the soil with the water drill. I used 1/4" copper tape as the conductor in each section. 73 de Yukon John, KL7JR. radiator (300 ohm twin lead) 10-40m 26′-6″each 14′-3″ 10-80m 51′ each 29′-6″ 10-160m 101′-6″ each 53′ Notes: 1. 0 to 29. kl7jr 5 band pipe vertical kl7jr 5 band 1/2 wave on 20 vertical kl7jr hf copper portable vertical kl7jr dual band vertical hf wire. A home brew hf vertical from copper pipe. For the vertical radiator I used a FGT-2 without a tip and a pair of other CB antennas for the ground radials. Little Tarheel II Jan 8, 2009 · Suggested use of masting and antenna types: (with updates as of 03-18-10) The tallest mast I used was 25 feet, unguyed with an A99 Solarcon vertical or Shakespeare 2010 vertical, or various wired antennas (dipoles, G5RV's etc. Slingshot or arborist throw line up a limb and let it hang totally straight up n down. Nov 2, 2015 · Stealthy 10 & 12 Meter Vertical Monopole Aerial Using CB Antennas More experiments by Yukon John, KL7JR. This antenna actually works 10-40 meters with an antenna tuner! For 28 MHz it's a full wavelength long, on 21 MHz it is . I like to experiment with antennas and have built many dipoles for the various bands. A simple, cheap and easy to build 33 feet long vertical antenna that works DX on 20 - 10 meters including WARC BANDS. How it all came together. Vertical Antenna 30/40/80/160m - DM3VL Inverted-L for 80/160m with Coupled-Resonators for 30m and 40m kl7jr 5 band pipe vertical kl7jr 5 band 1/2 wave on 20 vertical kl7jr hf copper portable vertical kl7jr dual band vertical hf wire. Several of these antenna projects can be used away from home, camping, backpacking, DXing, field days and more. A Home Brew VHF/UHF Copper pipe Dipole Antenna By W7LPN. Tak-Tenna 80 meter. Perfect for ham radio enthusiasts and tech gadget lovers Have you tried using a regular 9:1 efrw or 20m 49:1/64:1 efhw in a vertical configuration. 40 - 10 meter vertical dipole ready for action! A Stealthy Homebrew Vertical Dipole Antenna Using Mobile CB Antennas Lots of pictures = Allow time to load if using dialup! Written By: Scott Wolfington. Feb 25, 2019 · Homebrew 70cm (430 MHz) antennas; Exploring balanced antenna couplers; The benefits of vertical dipoles for HF; Field strength meters to build; Antenna ideas for the 12 metre (24 MHz) band; Portable tape measure yagis for VHF and UHF; Five ways to test your new antenna's effectiveness; Big thick efficient HF magnetic loops for the lowe May 14, 2016 · The H-Pole is a vertical multiband wire antenna for 160-10 meters bands (by HB9MTN) The $4 special antenna A multiband wire antenna with a twinlead feedline that can be easily tuned in several bands, witha 33 ft per leg you can have a 40 to 10 meters band coverage (by W1GFH) I use a 3/4 wavelength 20m square vertical loop on my condo 3rd floor patio in the Dominican Republic and am quite pleased with the performance (over 140 countries worked in 18 months!) on 12-40m, although my tuned 11m vertical for 10m was 2 "S units" stronger on 10m than the loop (I had the height advantage on my vertical as well as the loop Building a Vertical Dipole Antenna: Halo Antenna for 28MHz, G3XBM: Hf mobile 27 - 28 Mhz: Magnetique 27-28 MHz: Moxon for 28 mhz portable: Portable 28 MHz 10 Meter 2 Element Beam, KL7JR: Simple Antennas for 10 Meters, WB3HU: The Homebase 10 halo antenna, G3XBM: Ten Meter Vertical Antenna, K8MCR: Une antenne 10 metres pour station portable Feb 25, 2019 · Homebrew 70cm (430 MHz) antennas; Exploring balanced antenna couplers; The benefits of vertical dipoles for HF; Field strength meters to build; Antenna ideas for the 12 metre (24 MHz) band; Portable tape measure yagis for VHF and UHF; Five ways to test your new antenna's effectiveness; Big thick efficient HF magnetic loops for the lowe May 14, 2016 · The H-Pole is a vertical multiband wire antenna for 160-10 meters bands (by HB9MTN) The $4 special antenna A multiband wire antenna with a twinlead feedline that can be easily tuned in several bands, witha 33 ft per leg you can have a 40 to 10 meters band coverage (by W1GFH) Building a Vertical Dipole Antenna: Halo Antenna for 28MHz, G3XBM: Hf mobile 27 - 28 Mhz: Magnetique 27-28 MHz: Moxon for 28 mhz portable: Portable 28 MHz 10 Meter 2 Element Beam, KL7JR: Simple Antennas for 10 Meters, WB3HU: The Homebase 10 halo antenna, G3XBM: Ten Meter Vertical Antenna, K8MCR: Une antenne 10 metres pour station portable I use a 3/4 wavelength 20m square vertical loop on my condo 3rd floor patio in the Dominican Republic and am quite pleased with the performance (over 140 countries worked in 18 months!) on 12-40m, although my tuned 11m vertical for 10m was 2 "S units" stronger on 10m than the loop (I had the height advantage on my vertical as well as the loop Mar 3, 2019 · Super-quick portable antennas; One wire, two (or more) bands: The HF trap dipole; Work low band HF DX with the half-square; Vertical HF pedestrian mobile antennas; Audible antenna tuning indicator attaches to VSWR The 43 foot HF vertical antenna; Try an urban antenna forage; Is this the world's worst HF antenna? Get up high with a kite antenna Feb 25, 2012 · NL7VJ (now KL5T) and NL7TB (now KL7JR) made hundreds of DX contacts with this antenna design from Alaska and while operating portable from the Yukon Territory from 1991-1995. Homebew Coax Traps Traps can be one way round multiband coverage without the need of an atu. The same design on smaller paint pail lids can be used for coax baluns (by arslan at tf). Perfect for ham radio enthusiasts looking to improve radio communication. Interchange lengths for 5 band HF fun in the Wild! In my younger days on portable island activating adventures, I used a homebrew multi-banded quarter-wave vertical antenna that was easy to assemble and disassemble and didn't take up a lot of space in my canoe. 7, and the excellent results, this antenna became very popular with the 10M crowd during the IGY (International Geophysical Year) around 1957-58, a time when some of the highest sunspot activity ever recorded occurred (making today’s numbers look sick Learn how to build a multi-band vertical HF antenna using an inductive coil in this informative video. by John Reisenauer Jr. (With a novel matching method) We all know the horizontal dipole is one of the easiest antennas to build and is very common with new and old hams alike. Multi band vertical hf antenna using a 12. , KL7JR. MFJ 962D. Although, Comet HF vertical antenna is the best from our perspective view due to user satisfaction, flexibility, and lower budget for people Jan 21, 2024 · I also used 3 spacers (1 every 2 sections starting at #3 pole) to spread the antenna radiator lines and guyed them with guy rope. KL7JR Editors note: For Ham Radio Reviews - Antennas: HF Vertical. avckhg cnln vjdc gnbmds uzhtmfzt gasb orywgm yopjk wjix ssku cge musyack drjo naxkn wgye