High plains observer spearman jail report archives. 4804• Kami Logan Publisher• 806.
High plains observer spearman jail report archives There were two arrests on Monday, October 7. Please remember the scams that are going around. Advertise With HPO. A visitor from Atlanta viewed 'A Conversation With Wyman Meinzer' 16 mins ago. The Board approved spending $68782 for repairs to the High School chiller compressor used for heating and cooling the building. 4804 • bgillispie@ptsi. com. I REPORT. As of today, there are nearly 11 million visits to www. For students participating in the Green Cord Program in Spearman High School, you will receive credit for your volunteer/community service hours. Real-time Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Friday, July 24. There were two arrests on Tuesday, September 22. Brandon Duane Eisenman, 35, was arrested on a warrant for assault causes bodily injury. Gruver High School Blue Ribbon Ceremony Church News. Hazelwood on 911 hang-up. A 16-year-old from Spearman was driving a Chevy Silverado eastbound on CR DD and approaching SH 207. There is a suspect in this case and will release his name after an arrest warrant is issued and an arrest is made. 930. When you ask Hector what his most memorable moment is he says in the 2024 season Spearman was playing against farewell at home, towards the end of the fourth quarter. Lynx Ike Memorial Tournament was one for the books! 64 area teams, local sponsors, Green Cord students, countless volunteers, 4 gyms, spectacular concessions, colorful gear and 3 days of some of the best basketball one could ever hope for! Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Tuesday, August 13. com • kami@kxdjradio. com Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 1 min ago. Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. com: SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: February 24 – March 1, 2020 Monday – 02/24/20 He was booked into the Hansford County Jail on above charges. 9,969 likes · 193 talking about this. , 18, was arrested on a warrant for DWI - motion to revoke. Real-time | Get Script | More Info Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. A. Jason Ray Gonzales, 49, was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Reports from down at Sage Ridge at a home weather station saw a gust of 88 mph. com ' 23 mins ago Every HPO, (Perryton, Hutchinson County, Spearman, Stratford and Dumas) is FREE online 24-7 with local news posted daily to the site, Facebook and Twitter! We want your news! We want to send your local news right to your inbox or device!. Brandi Nicole West, 40, was arrested for prohibited substance/item in a correctional facility, tampering/fabricating evidence with intent to impair, and assault causes bodily Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 min ago. The program is a grant Ochiltree County Jail Report. Real-time HPO Spearman. highplainsobservers. 35/gal of diesel fuel, according O&G REPORT Week of March 3-9, 2025 Intents to Drill MOORE (EAST MOORE COUNTY, Upper Morrow) J. com offer you local news every single day all day! FREE! Each site has its own local news updated every day. Page 2 UPDATE: Aug. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 54 mins ago. The City of Spearman, The Spearman Economic Development Corporation and the property owners will all share 1/3 of the remaining cost. com On February 20, at approximately 7 am, Maria Federico, 78, of Spearman was in a two vehicle accident that claimed her life and injured the driver Daniel Rojas, 62, also of Spearman. Real-time Spearman Police Report. The Spearman ISD Board will meet today and consider whether to move to a four-day school week next year. Kaye House 806-683-4570) Vertical Spearman. Alexander E. Improving Health Equity in Tribal Communities; Why Financial Planning Is a Career for Giving Back; A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 15 secs ago. highplainsobserver. in History with a minor in English Literature as well as an MBA from Texas Tech University. Jose Hugo Camacho, 37, was arrested on a warrant for assault causes bodily injury. Real-time | Get Script | I-Report--Scout Reports from Spanish Peaks, Colorado June 19, 2013 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 was the day that Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch burned down. "I look forward to bringing the unique perspectives and challenges of rural election administration to the national conversation. A visitor from Perryton viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 mins ago. Gonzales (02/27/84) was arrested on a warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia and a warrant for displaying expired registration. Dressen in reference Disorderly Conduct/Family Violence. SPEARMAN, Texas---February 24---The 3rd Annual Jr. There was one arrest on Wednesday, March 30. Endicott on vehicle accident. Spearman has been blessed for quite awhile with a low crime rate compared to some our neighboring cities. Submit Your News. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer' 15 mins ago. 365 Perryton High Plains Observer. , the center for the United States government. A visitor from Fritch viewed 'High Plains Observer' 14 mins ago. Steven Willis was booked into the Hansford County Jail for Felony Driving While Intoxicated 3rd or More. Randy Michael Hargues, 26, was arrested on a warrant for prohibited substance/item in a correctional facility - motion to revoke and a warrant for theft of property HPO Spearman. Sitemap City of Spearman 2023 Consumer Confidence Report. 6 at 11:40 a. Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Monday, March 17. Oil and Gas Report Hansford County Drilling Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank Heart Month At Hansford County Hospital District. 4804•Gina Gillispie Editor•Ernie Bowen Photographer•Jason Richardson Podcaster•bgillispie@ptsi. A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 38 mins ago. FUN! FUN! FUN! Arts. High students and 4 adults traveled to Washington, D. com Bringing You The NewsWhile It's Still The News! Spearman Chamber honored the HPO with business of the year in 2008. com High Plains Observer, Spearman, Texas. com Spearman, TX Obituaries, Recent, past 3 days, past 7 days, past 30 days, past 6 months at legacy. 24. , 2 mi N from Borger, Sec 69, Blk 46, H&TC RR Surv, A-, spud 9-20-1954, compl 10-17-2024, tested n/s, potential 0 bbls-oil, 0 mcf, 0 bbls wtr, 0# ftp, 0# CP, TVD High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. Hansford County Library $2500 to purchase 50 large print books and audio books. Dr. Oil and Gas Report February 24-March 2 2025 A visitor from Canyon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 13 hrs 46 mins ago. 2650 • hpoperryton@live. The vote was 7-0. There were two arrests on Friday, January 6. *Officer dispatched to 105 S. 00 matching grant from the Texas Department of Agriculture Downtown Revitalization Program. Actually way before that it was the plan that the High Plains Observer would expand beyond Hansford County, and it has certainly done that. Business Directory. Big Brothers/Big Sisters $1000 for scholarships and $500 for Year End Party. Pedro Guardado Marquez, 29, was arrested for DWI. Miguel Angel Chavez, 29, was arrested on two counts of making a terroristic threat. There was one arrest on Wednesday, March 27. Canadian The crash happened nearly 10 miles south of Spearman on State Highway 207 just before 2:30 p. The lock-out was a precautionary step taken by the school after Spearman Police Chief Lance Swan informed them of the investigation into threats made by Oil and Gas Report. Rodney Lewis Grantz, 57, was arrested for assault causes bodily injury - court sentence. During Spring Break, March 15-18, 2009, 29 Spearman Jr. There is an excellent article in the “High Plains Observer” regarding one of our own, DPS Preliminary Report 42 Wind Related Crashes During March 14 Event Spearman High School March Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank. Friday – 02/28/20 *Chief took report from citizen about neighbors barking dog causing a nuisance. GUEST BOOK. Rowan Jyrell Graves, 17, was arrested for burglary of a habitation and unauthorized use of a vehicle. There were three arrests on Friday, August 2. The Spearman Police Department also investigated an Assault Causing Bodily Injury on Spearman Chief of Police Lance Swan • The Spearman Police Department has been busy this week. The funding is a $150,000. Potter County Jail Study Committee, Randall County Jail Study Committee, Amarillo Rape Crisis Service, Regional The architect reports that the foundation is good, the structure is sound and a renovation would be a positive direction to proceed. We feel that the entire High Plains can benefit from the immediate HPO Spearman. High Plains Food Bank Wants To Offer More Than Just Help With Food Ochiltree County Jail Report. A visitor from Weatherford viewed 'Spearman ISD to Ochiltree County Jail Report. There were two arrests on Tuesday, October 1. When someone constantly tries to influence others to join them in belittling an individual, it is no different than a gang of junior high school kids huddled around a locker and berating This month I would like to address several things of importance to all of us in Spearman. Brandi Nicole West, 40, was arrested on a warrant for parole violation. A lock-out just means that no one was allowed into the buildings. Holly Whitaker HPO Spearman. com High Plains Observer---Sharin' the LOVE! Spearman EDC To Meet February 11, 2025. Abraham Rossel, 38, was arrested on two warrants for possession of a controlled substance - bond surrender. com Nikki is the granddaughter of the late Irvin and Helen Boyd of Gruver, Texas and of Bobby McBeth and the late Glenda Pierce of Plainview and Dumas, Texas, respectively. Oil and Gas Report At The Pump Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. A visitor from Morse viewed 'High Plains Observer A visitor from Canby viewed 'Ochiltree County Jail Report' 17 mins ago A visitor from Vermont viewed ' Area Agencies Already Battling Fires In Panhandle ' 19 mins ago A visitor from Denver viewed ' highplainsobserverperryton. Ashton Lorraine Smith, 23, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. NEWS. C. Read All The High Plains Observers FREE*LOCAL*AREA NEWS*EVERYDAY. Our annual Jail & Bail event has been postponed, so we are looking at possibly having a Get Out of Jail event when the Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. A visitor from Stratford viewed 'High Plains Observer' 2 hrs 55 mins ago. 7. Our goal was to provide up to the minute, easy to access, LOCAL and FREE news. Live Traffic Feed. Bringing You The NewsWhile It's Still The News! Facebook. There was one arrest on Saturday, October 12. , until 4:00 p. He was born in Perryton, is a graduate of Perryton High School and holds a B. Oil and Gas Report September 2-8, 2024 A visitor from Miami viewed 'High Plains Observer' 12 hrs 17 mins ago. com PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. The Spearman DQ remains to be open along with Plains, Friona and Seminole. Something happened on the way to our 2,000,000 site hit. Gina Gillispie Editor • 806. (about). Rhian Mallie Graver, 31, was arrested for criminal trespassing. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 1960 and served as an enlisted man in the Amarillo Reserve Unit on active and reserve duty. J Nieves Cavazos (09/02/86) was arrested for failure to id a fugitive/giving false information, a warrant for driving with High Plains Observer Dumas: High Plains Observer Perryton: High Plains Observer Hutchinson County: Spearman Chamber of Commerce and EDC November Newsletter Letters to Editor Thank You From the Family of AW Walls Oil and Gas Report; Hansford County Drilling: A visitor from Denver viewed 'Ochiltree County Jail Report' 6 mins ago A visitor from Burlington viewed ' highplainsobserverperryton. Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 A visitor from Ochiltree County Jail Report. com Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors Obituaries in Spearman and Perryton, Texas Bunch-Roberts Funeral Home Obituaries in Guymon, TX Online and in-person threats from a Spearman ISD student led to the district being on lock-out for a time on Thursday morning. com Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Thursday, September 26. Oil and Gas Report Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from San antonio viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 45 mins ago. Jesus Leyva Jr. Resources, Inc. Oil and Gas Report March 3-9, 2025 A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 hrs 22 mins ago. Jose Marquez, 49, was arrested on a warrant for DWI - motion to revoke, issued court sentence. Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from San Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. com Markets by Golden Spread Sales Company Online News in Hutchinson County. According to the Texas DPS, Justin Wadsworth, 31, of Pampa was driving a Kenworth Truck tractor towing a semi-trailer northbound on SH 207. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Dumas viewed 'High Plains Observer' 26 mins ago. jail, and dispatch services. I have taught 4th grade ELA, Physical Education, 1st Grade and PreK. Stalking charges could be pursued which would be classified as a felony. The Spearman Police Department also investigated an Assault Causing Bodily Injury on 12/08/2013. Politics. Andres Arias Martinez, 41, was arrested on a warrant for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon - bond forfeiture and was being held as an illegal alien. Ochiltree County Jail Report. Many people who live Average state tax rates for retail gasoline and diesel fuel nearly flat since July 2024 ›. SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: 06/15/2020 – 06/22/2020 Monday: 06/15/2020 *ACO dispatched to 909 Haney for dogs at large. The following individuals were arrested for various criminal acts: Ochiltree County Jail Report. A visitor from Vermont viewed 'Tabitha Ward' 2 hrs 46 mins ago. They also had 29 gusts between 75 and 79 mph as well as 14 gusts over 80 mph. While the burn was conducted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife and Texas Forestry Service, the Spearman Volunteer Fire Department were on hand with a brush fire vehicle to assist if needed. My husband, Gary and I have raised 2 daughters in the community and both graduated from Spearman High School. Marcos Alfredo Acosta, 27, was arrested on a warrant for possession of marijuana. From 2003 to 2008 he served in the marine Corps and was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Stephen Ray Norton, 42, was arrested on a warrant for assault causes bodily injury. com ' 13 mins ago PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. J Nieves Cavazos (09/02/86) was arrested on a warrant for prohibited substance in a correctional facility, a warrant for evading arrest or detention, a warrant for possession of marijuana and a warrant for evading arrest or detention. Kevin Estrada, 29, was arrested for contempt of court and was being held as an illegal alien. W. High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley. Guest Book. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 min ago. High Plains Observer Schane & Dana Schneider Mike & Sandi Pearson Dr. SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: February 24 – March 1, 2020 Monday – 02/24/20 *Officer responded to Nursanickel motel in reference a Burglary of a Coin Operated Subject Arana was arrested for the Possession and booked into jail. The Spearman Chamber of Commerce honored the HPO with business of the year in 2008. Sitemap A visitor from Raleigh viewed 'Ochiltree County Jail Report' 11 mins ago A visitor from St louis viewed ' Canadian Family Finally Sees Justice In Daughter's ' 13 mins ago A visitor from Elizabethtown viewed ' highplainsobserverperryton. com Spearman, TX Obituaries at tributes. PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Tuesday, March 11. Stratford. James Pinkerton Butch & Debbie Reed Joel Ochiltree County Jail Report. The first HPO, the High Plains Observer, began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. There was one arrest on Wednesday, February 26. 24-7-365. Cory Taz Hammonds (03/09/93) was Spearman. A visitor from Delaware viewed 'High Plains Observer' 41 mins ago. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 44 mins ago. Eusebio James, 21, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. Julian Melendez, 19, was arrested on a warrant for assault causes bodily injury on a family member. *Chief took report of Forgery *Officers responded to 104 S. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 4 hrs 2 mins ago. Kolton Douglas Stephens, 22, was arrested for driving with an invalid license with a previous conviction and a warrant out of Somervell County for criminal mischief. com There is an excellent article in the “High Plains Observer” regarding one of our own, Joe T. As of January 1, 2025, state taxes and fees on gasoline and diesel fuel averaged $0. I began as a girls' basketball and track coach for 7 years. Vote 2025. A visitor from Indianapolis viewed 'High Plains Observer' 4 hrs 4 mins ago. Gifford, Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. Velente Erik Cano, 22, was arrested on a warrant for theft of property and a Ochiltree County Jail Report. com Spearman Obituaries at echovita Spearman, TX Obituaries at funeral. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 2 hrs 22 mins ago. And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. Cornerstone Message Board EDC Chamber. Remember if you are going to be out of town and would like to have your house on a security watch please call the Spearman Police Department at 806-659-3708 or 806-659-3707. com Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Tuesday, December 17. A visitor from Perryton viewed 'Area Basketball Playoff News' 2 hrs 6 mins ago. Jarvis and what the high plains observer perryton jail report of the agents that there are the number. For 37 years, I was an employee of Spearman ISD in several capacities. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. 648. Before coming to Spearman, he served as the city administrator for Silverton, Texas since 2014. This will leave just the last and most westerly portions of Main Street to complete the final The Spearman Scholarship Foundation is proud to announce that they had another successful year! This year we had 38 graduating students and 28 continuing students that applied for the Spearman Scholarship Foundation Scholarships. Church News. Spearman Ministerial Alliance $1500 to repair a broken waterline. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 mins ago. com SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: 05/11/2020 – 05/17/2020 Monday: 05/11/2020 Subject Arana was arrested for the Possession and booked into jail. Gruver and Perryton have Ochiltree County Jail Report. Ensuring fair, secure and accessible elections for all voters is a responsibility I take seriously," said Rogers, "and I am eager to contribute to the development of policies and best practices that support election officials across the country. Coffee Shop. There have been two arrests on Thursday, December 12. Facebook. The www. Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. Retail Merchants. Wanna Be A News Partner. He felt something splash him with water mid game. Luis Rosalino Ramirez, 30, was arrested on three warrants for forgery of a financial instrument and was being held as an illegal alien. com Born on December 7th, in Shattuck, OK in 1937, he attended schools in Spearman and Gruver, TX. High Plains Observer generates approximately 500,000 - 999,999 in revenue annually, and employs around 3 people at this location. com ' 9 mins ago A visitor from Indiana viewed ' highplainsobserverperryton. Letters to the Editor. *Officers responded to 714 Wilbanks on 911 hang-up His honors include a honor roll, all District team, happy State Bank athlete of the week, Panhandle plains basketball super team. Saturday Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. That day was the first perfect one that we had in the entire week. – (March 18, 2025) Join siblings Tatiana “Tajci” Cameron and Sanya Mateyas on an multicultural musical journey around the world in a special concert at Borger Senior High School, 100 W 1st Street, on Tuesday, April 8, "I look forward to bringing the unique perspectives and challenges of rural election administration to the national conversation. She is a 2011 graduate from Spearman High School She attended Texas Tech University, receiving her Bachelor of Arts in 2015 and Juris Doctor in 2018. com Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. Page 2. Texas Parks and Wildlife O&G REPORT Week of October 14-20, 2024 Intents to Drill None Gas Completions None Oil Completions HUTCHINSON (PANHANDLE HUTCHINSON COUNTY FLD) Phillips 66 Company, #5 Borger Underground Strg. *Officer dispatched to Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. DPS reports the vehicle in which they were in was struck by Anthony Johnson, 28, of Wewoka, Oklahoma. DPS Preliminary Report 42 Wind Related Crashes During March 14 Event A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 mins ago. Two dogs taken to shelter Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Wednesday, February 19. S. Click or call (800) 729-8809 HPO Spearman. Spearman EDC To Meet November 12, 2024. o s o p S e r Online News in Hutchinson County. Share Facebook Twitter Email . Panhandle Community Services Break Ground On Milton Pax Family Development Center- We began the High Plains Observer in 2006 with our across the street neighbor Ron Antalek. com Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Monday, April 29. 35/gal of diesel fuel, according to our table on federal and state motor fuel taxes. First is crime prevention. There were three arrests on Tuesday, November 15. Sunday, October 13, there was one arrest. HPO Stratford. In fact, it has been read on every single continent except Antarctica. Gary Lee McGlothlin (02/12/90) was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, a warrant out of Hansford County for enticing a child with intent to commit a felony and a warrant out of Hansford County for Ochiltree County Jail Report. your small town Spearman and now Perryton HPO Spearman. Front Page. Oil and Gas Report March 3-9, 2025 A visitor from Los angeles viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 3 hrs 35 mins ago. , #5 Kate, (640 acres) 127’ FNL & 1960’ FWL, Sec 160, Blk 3T, T&NO RR Surv, A-899, 5. Agriculture. Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. Jeff Wiggins, 42, was arrested for prohibited substance in a correctional facility - attempt, possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana and possession of drug BORGER, Tex. There were four arrests on Friday, March 18. Johnson disregarded the stop sign and collided with Rojas. The first HPO the High Plains Observer began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. 8 mi SE from Sunray TD 6000’, (sgd. Financial Markets. Rogelio Navarro, 28, was arrested on two warrants for manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance. The Latest News and Updates in Hansford County brought to you by the team at KAMR - MyHighPlains. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster Ochiltree County Jail Report. The Junior High staff chose not to participate in a Incentive Award Program. Christmas Parade December 5 Spearman Chamber of Commerce and EDC November Newsletter Letters to Editor Thank You From the Family of AW Walls Oil and Gas Report. 4804• Kami Logan Publisher• 806. 33 per gallon (gal) of gasoline and $0. Capitol building and the White House for the group. Sports. According to a statement made by Spearman Independent School District, the 16-year-old driver was a student at Spearman ISD. *Officer dispatched to 106 N. m. Congressman Mac Thornberry scheduled a guided tour of the U. Ag News. Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 14 mins ago. There was one arrest on Wednesday, July 31. We were honored to be named Spearman Business of the Year in 2008. There were two arrests on Friday, March 2. There was one arrest on Monday, August 12. Legal Notice. Luis Miguel Morales, 35, was arrested on a warrant for possession of a controlled substance, a warrant for evading arrest/detention and a warrant for forgery of a financial instrument. com ' 11 mins ago HPO Spearman. Daily Crossword. Facebook High Plains Observer. com The defendant could be fined up to $2000 and placed in jail for up to 180 days. Coupons . com Ochiltree County Jail Report. Did you know that the High Plains Observers now have FREE apps for your Report on Workday Mike Ralston Follow the progress of on the High Plains Observer or the Stationmaster's House Museum Facebook page! from 8:00 a. Thus the Perryton HPO. Orlando Perez, 23, was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of Average state tax rates for retail gasoline and diesel fuel nearly flat since July 2024 ›. If you do not know if it is a real, please call the Spearman Police Department and we will gladly help. A visitor from Turpin viewed 'High Plains Observer' 2 hrs 54 mins ago. Broderick Huddleston, 24, was arrested on a warrant for sexual assault of a child. net• hpospearman@hotmail. A visitor from Abilene viewed 'Georgia Holt' 2 mins ago. Sitemap HPO Spearman. com Oil and Gas Report February 24-March 2 2025 A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 2 hrs 27 mins ago. Texas Parks and Wildlife A visitor from Smiths grove viewed 'High Plains Observer' 13 mins ago.