Gw2 firebrand dps The more roles you try to force into one build, the weaker it gets. This might be a hot take but I think telling people to learn a rotation is absolutely the wrong place to start. But as Jacobin and Ojimaru said, the idea comes up short in practice for a few reasons: The range is small. Feb 28, 2025 · WvW Zerg builds for Guild Wars 2. Oct 17, 2024 · Overview. Feb 25, 2022 · The Condition Quickness Firebrand is a DPS guardian build that can give quickness, protection, might, and decent support to its team. 3 Weaver. In organized teams this build is inferior to Power Firebrand because it takes too much time to ramp up the damage. Even as an LI build, this build is capable of outputting very high DPS. Albion Online Ashes of Creation Guild Wars 2 Throne & Liberty Join us on https://www. net/editor/?PWBBs+d/lRwQYdMMmJmSXbvdA-z1IY14vQyJEyMBSvqc4SMmB/9HHCwR9AWo/AA-wCele build's main advantag Mar 20, 2018 · This time we have the condition DPS firebrand. Ordering within each tier is random and is not set in stone due to the nature of how Tier Lists work. tv/spudzrawrJoin The NEW Discord: https://discord. The build I'd like to share with you today has a special place in my heart because it's the first build I hit platinum with. Aug 2, 2021 · Role: Medic The Celestial Firebrand is a guardian WvW roaming build that has great self-sustain in groups to lead the frontline while providing relevant damage, CC, support, and a wide array of utilities. It pairs well with a Renegade - Boon Support Power DPS (Fractal) providing alacrity. I don't know if my account publicly shows the information - I did purchase GW2 when it came out, but I didn't start playing it daily until several months ago. 5. Published Sep 28, 2022 Updated Mar 8, 2025. patre Jul 12, 2019 · Here Are The Top 3 DPS Classes in Guild Wars 2. (5) Specializations: Master Firebrand — Completely train the guardian's firebrand elite specialization. How … What is the highest DPS in gw2? The full Viper's is for Quickness Firebrand which is a support build. For various T4 fractals, long fights, or if you happen to be in a slower group (most PuG groups), you want to run Condi Firebrand as it provides much higher sustained DPS. Feb 3, 2020 · In short: yes, dps Firebrand is viable. As one of the first classes on this list, Guardian is the closest you can get to your typical tank class in GW2. All input are appreciated. Sure, the DPS is good but numbers aren't the only thing that makes playing a spec enjoyable. 30k with allies is on a similar level with power quickness herald, right? Took a big hit? - yes Justified? - yes Firebrand still has really good utility, while herald has to pay significant drawbacks if you want ventari for cleanse / projectile protection, jalis for stab/DMG reduction, and swapping to rev staff for CC is also significantly less damage than swords. Only having one condition even benefits this in pve since you can specialize into them with balthasar runes for example. PvP Conquest. Jul 5, 2022 · This build provides 100% Quickness uptime on a closely stacked group while having strong personal DPS and burst. 2. When running Virtues, Willbender has the advantage that it can more easily maintain Aegis than Dragonhunter and core Guardian thanks to Crashing Courage, which can be used to ensure uptime during burst phases where it might otherwise be lost. Celestial Firebrand is incredible. You can heal pretty good, tag mobs really good, survive pretty easily and generally succeed in most open world content. Condition Firebrand is a powerful, self-sufficient DPS build with flexible built-in utilities via Tome Skills. Published Jul 20, 2022 Updated Feb 27, 2025. Condi firebrand is incredible strong and quite bursty for a condition build and it can even be played as a hybrid quickness dps support while condi engineer relies on confusion Aug 30, 2022 · Firebrand is suited more for party to support others. A huge chunk of Firebrand strengths lies within these tomes. i would say you can make the most use out of it in fractals where a healer doesn't really feel neccessary in many cases so celestial firebrand provides a nice amount of support to allow your teammates to make mistakes (and not die because of them) but at the same time does some damage. 2 Ranger. Introduction. gg/3YeJ89UqYPSupport Me on Patreon! https://www. Dec 22, 2017 · If your team is full of retards who can't focus high values targets or don't focus a trolleye thief with dual pistols peppering them with bullets then firebrand become completely useless because it has NO DPS. DPS: very low: Independence: average: Acquiring - Power quickness firebrand -> berserker with scholar or pack runes -> very niche only fractals build, but with scholar runes you can switch to dragonhunter and be one of the best power DPS - Harrier firebrand -> Heal firebrand that gives quickness easily to 5 players, no dps, quite common in fractals and as fullhealer in raids Apr 22, 2022 · I boosted my character to lvl 80 got elite firebrand spec and have been trying to find videos that explain how to play the class because currently I have some understanding of the class and it is honestly really fun but knowing when to use abilities and stuff like that I'm having a hard time with Nov 3, 2024 · Condition Firebrand camping Axe has a fairly straightforward rotation and is lots of fun to play in open world. New Feb 27, 2023 · Overview. Aug 29, 2023 · The Bruiser-DPS variant is considered the "default" for this build and is intended for playing solo. Apr 15, 2024 · A detailed guide on the Heal Firebrand in Guild Wars 2. Guardians are the most durable class in the game, equipped with plenty of utilities like buffs, crowd control, and condition cleanses. report logs and rotation Tome of Courage as needed. Note that unless your group is consistently phasing bosses in under ~15 seconds then Firebrand - Quickness Support Condi DPS will perform better. But if you find yourself dying a lot, you can mix in some Trailblazers, or the more accessible Dire or Carrion gear. Condi Firebrand is arguably the highest condi DPS class in the game against a small hitbox, both in terms of the maximum damage in an optimal situation (using Unscathed Contender) and in terms of practicality (using Master of Consecrations), because most players won't be able to get more DPS out of condi Engineer, even if it is statistically superior DPS in the hands of the top 99th percentile Sep 28, 2022 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Purchase Now. It excels at cleaving multiple enemies nearby and has great utility options as a guardian while doing great sustained damage. /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. 2 Firebrand. Purchase Now. Feb 15, 2023 · Celestial is run almost exclusively for builds that have healing power payoff because of the DPS hit versus the usual ritualist or diviner. Feb 23, 2025 · Overview. This Firebrand build is a support variant of the Guardian. Oct 6, 2022 · The Support Firebrand is a Guardian PvP build with powerful abilities from the virtue tomes that can turn the tide of a team fight. CLASSE DIVERTIDA DEMAIS, ESTOU APRENDENDO AINDA A JOGAR COM ELA. When using tome 2 ideally fist you want to use book-skill 5 that boost your healing by 33% for few seconds and than spam book-skill 1 or use other source of heal during that buff. Harbinger or specter are examples of builds that originally intending to use celestial but ended up on ritualist gear. One build can never be used for everything. Feb 28, 2025 · Guild Wars 2 Class and Specialization Tier Lists for PvP, PvE and WvW. The tiers can essentially be read as: Meta = Used in ~100% of groups; Great = Widely used; Good = Niche; Test = New builds and builds that received significant balance changes Feb 14, 2022 · Ashes of the Just stacking on allies (maybe to match rangers' stance share only half stacks for allies) / Permeating Wrath ICD on Firebrand to push Willbender as "selfish" DPS. Mantra skills are cast in a cone in front of you, so position yourself appropriately to deal damage and apply boons to your allies, the cone opening is 160 degrees which is almost a half circle and cone range is 450. Of course, Firebrand is a Disagree. I enjoy running Red BL, especially when p Jul 6, 2019 · DH is a pure DPS where Fb mixes in some group utility in the form of Quickness. One of my personal favourites and what I feel is probably very underrated as a profession for raiding and high Jul 30, 2018 · Guild Wars 2 Firebrand PvP - Tank, Healer, DPS Hybrid build for PvP and Fractals. Damage foes with Pistol/Torch before entering Tome of Justice for more damage. Your Mantras only hit in a 120 radius around you and a 300 cone in front, but then the quickness from Liberator's Vow hits a 240 radius. Mar 8, 2025 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds while supporting Snow Crows. You give both quick and heal when you are hfb. Sep 29, 2017 · Quickness is an insane DPS buff in GW2. Apr 15, 2024 · The Celestial Firebrand is a build for groups to use instead of a Heal Firebrand. This build is rated great. Willbender and DH have strong damage specs though, so give those a go. New Skyscale Guide – A New Friend. Dec 26, 2021 · Time for a little deviation from the usual nerf topics onto something more fun. Strongly recommend for open world. May 20, 2024 · PvP build for Firebrand in GW2 that focuses on Condition damage. Heal Quickness Firebrand . How … Who has the highest DPS Oct 8, 2024 · Profits from people being close to you, but only really shines in point blank range. This build can inflict massive AoE Burning bursts with Tome of Justice, which resets on killing (most) enemies. For slower groups however you can achieve very high damage making your DPS players sweat. Lives na roxinha: ttv/fulminante_ Sep 29, 2017 · I voted Firebrand for a few reasons:1) The overall aesthetic of firebrand skills is truly beautiful. It has good burst damage for a condition build, since it mainly relies on Burning . Condition Firebrand . [Top 5] Guild Wars 2 Best Firebrand Builds For PvP and PvE | Gamers Decide Its worth mentioning that Power Quickness Firebrand is exceedingly strong when bosses phase quickly. Bruiser-DPS. It provides more than enough healing for most groups, permanent Quickness, a large chunk (15-18 stacks) of Might and on demand Stability and Aegis, whilst dealing a decent amount of damage. Cast and all Charges of off Cooldown. Tier placement is based on large scale. 1 Thief. Anyways, I generally play a celestial firebrand as my "main". Specializations: Adept Firebrand — Begin training the guardian's firebrand elite specialization. It shines brightest in large scale teamfights, but FIREBRAND DPS NO sPVP. 5 Guardian. 25 August, 2023. Aug 1, 2021 · The Support Firebrand WvW Zerg Build is an essential support, giving plenty of stability, aegis, healing, boons, cleansing, and utility. Our newest benchmarks are accompanied by dps. Build Specifics. It has lots of utility built-in, making it an excellent choice for Guardian players in instanced content and open world PvE. Firebrand is a special case due to relying on a single condition for 80%+ DPS. report logs and rotation videos so you can dig into the whys and hows of hitting the numbers. Condition Quickness Firebrand . Jan 25, 2025 · Raid and Fractal build for Firebrand in GW2 that focuses on Condition Damage and Support. And yes i was testing FB and the mechanics are a little complicated but nothing compared to engi and elem mechanics i really enjoyed the axe as main weap but Dec 17, 2023 · Guardian builds for Guild Wars 2. Don't be like poor snobs in lfg "I am hfb I heal" At the moment you are like 95% guardians/firebrand found everywhere. The Bruiser DPS variant is the best option for solo play. 4) I like the kit-like mechanics. This makes it one of the burstiest condition damage builds and very strong if it can consistently reset Tome of Justice. With a wide array of tools it allows you to share many boons (including permanent quickness), provide healing to others, and deal hybrid damage while having a very decent self-sustain. If you want to do open world or WvW/PvP, you'll definitely need more toughness and vitality. Nerfed constantly over 5 years Meta staple in Fractals for carrying bad pugs, open world, tPvP, sPvP, WvW, GvG, roaming Debatably best HP support in the game in WvW because of high uptime on barriers from multiple scourges requiring no investment into healing power or vitality from any of them, allowing them to DPS and support with the same build Feb 6, 2025 · Fractal Builds for Guild Wars 2 PvE Endgame. DPS: very low: Independence: average: Acquiring Jun 26, 2020 · That depends on which game mode you want to play. For anything harder like HPs or bosses, the tomes are essential for sustain. Raids - June 2024 Balance Skills Gearset Build Template Mar 24, 2023 · Despite being one of the top Condi DPS classes, Firebrand also has an amazing support build which you can check out on our Guild Wars 2 Best Supports guide. " Its worth mentioning that Power Quickness Firebrand is exceedingly strong when bosses phase quickly. Raids - June 2024 Balance Skills Gearset Build Template Jun 28, 2024 · Fractal and Raid build for Firebrand in GW2 that focuses on Condition Damage, Healing, Support and Utility. 4 Elementalist. Other times it falls behind against proper ranged dps classes, on top a large share of its potential damage in both ranged and point blank is a single condition, which is actively mitigated by the enemy, unless they are already failing. Jan 13, 2023 · The Firebrand is known as a support powerhouse in Guild Wars 2 but looks to prove itself by being more versatile. DISCLAIMER: This list is meant to help (mostly newer) players get a grasp on roughly what they can expect from each specialization in sPvP, especially in ranked. The Snowcrows build you linked is intended for raids and fractals, so you'll be fine there. Firebrand relies entirely on fire stacks for damage, but these are easily cleansed in pvp, making support the only viable option. Sep 2, 2020 · "The Condi Firebrand provides permanent Quickness to the party while dealing high DPS consistent DPS. AFAIK there's a growing need for Quickbrands though. Full DPS firebrand isn't good enough to leave all those stats on the table anymore. com/Click for more info Build: [&DQ Mar 24, 2023 · Image: ArenaNet via HGG/Tyler Locke. All of the effects seem to be a lot higher definition than previous guardian skills and also seem to have more intricate designs within. This is a meta build. A Firebrand support build for raids and fractals, providing permanent Quickness and high Fury and Might uptime. A wide variety of meta, great and good GW2 builds and guides for all classes. Oct 7, 2022 · A personal dps loss is nothing compared to a wipe, or the dps that these 3 players you just saved from a down or death will provide. This is a basic build. Pistol & Pistol for more glass canon and DPS but less survivability. Use our Guild Wars 2 benchmarks to understand the meta and compare your favourite classes. Play the Boon DPS or Healer variants with allies. has a high priority over other skills due to its high damage. 5 Renegade. 7 Bladesworn. You can go in WvW and will be tanky enough to survive, you can do all open world and story content without dying once, you can do t4 CM fractals as a healer/dps hybrid, BUTyou "cannot" do CM strikes and raids with it. Business email: [email protected] Aug 4, 2022 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds while supporting Snow Crows. Jan 17, 2025 · Overview. Feb 27, 2022 · Boon for group events: Quickness The Celestial Firebrand is a guardian build for Open World that is versatile, performing well solo or with a group. twitch. Guild Wars 2 SotO. Jul 20, 2022 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Purchase Now. Albion Online Ashes of Creation Guild Wars 2 Throne & Liberty Feb 22, 2023 · A generalist Firebrand power build for open world farming that can be played either as a bursty DPS-Support or as a full DPS. Power Apr 9, 2022 · I'm still a relatively new player. Published Aug 4, 2022 Updated Feb 26, 2025. Longer answer: the main power dps for guardian is DH (and to some extent core guardian) power Firebrand can still put out some good damage, but will usually get run as power-boon-dps, providing quickness to his party; condition damage firebrand is absolute top tier dps 2 days ago · Hey GW2 community! My friend and I want to team up for some duo play, and we’re considering the combo of **Herald** with either **Firebrand** or **Willbender** (he’s still deciding). Sep 24, 2019 · My content is pratically 80% PVE and the rest I do for dailies only, in GW2 I'm a big fan of the PVE content in GW althogh the system here is really good pvp and wvw but I most play PVE. Damage types are different so for raiding you want to consider what damage type is preferred for which encounter. If you can get a HP train for both HoT and PoF you could unlock Dragonhunter and (almost certainly) have enough HP left over for Willbender when EoD launches. This is a Teamfight dps firebrand build. Firebrand is an absolute powerhouse, and this build's use of Stoic Demeanor means that it remains extremely easy to play. Yes, under ideal circumstances and with full understanding, it would work great to read the rotation and reverse engineer it, understand why this skill comes before that or what procs are being set up and used, etc. Template Code May 5, 2023 · Quick Firebrand okay dps, nerfed Condition DPS Firebrand okay dps, nerfed Heal Quick Firebrand, very good everywhere, welcome everywhere. A Power DPS build for Willbender. It shines brightest in large scale teamfights, but But for PvE Endgame you have a few different Firebrand options: A DPS Condition Firebrand, A Quickness Providing DPS Firebrand Ora dedicated Heal Firebrand. This build brings a massive amount of healing, and a wide range of defensive utility including Aegis, Protection, Resistance, Resolution, Stability, heavy condition cleanse, and projectile destruction. Quickness Support Condi DPS. 3) I really like the support aspects of firebrand. From new players to veterans, I've got something for everyone! So gear up your characters, bring your hot takes, and most importantly, HAVE FUN. Sep 29, 2017 · I voted Firebrand for a few reasons:1) The overall aesthetic of firebrand skills is truly beautiful. I've done both a lot. 6 Mechanist. Damage foes with Axe/Torch and Pistol/Pistol before entering Tome of Justice for more damage. celestial firebrand is fine but kinda niche. Righteous Rebel on renegade, possibly the CC, possibly reverting Devastation to only affect strike damage, possibly the damage on shortbow (all modes) as you can do Aug 28, 2024 · A detailed guide on the Heal Firebrand in Guild Wars 2. Generally considered to be one of the hardest support builds to play due to the sheer amount of available options it has for supporting allies that players have to juggle, but this makes the build great at adapting to any situation when played right. Dragonhunter is pretty similar to core Guardian IMO, but DH actually has a place in PvE content. Let us see if it can do so with the following powerful builds. Sep 27, 2019 · Thats just plain wrong. Pending Edits. Can confirm. and found that trading Sinister out for Grieving was a DPS loss. Mar 4, 2024 · Superior Rune of the Firebrand; Firebrand's War Miter; Firebrand's Axe; Expurgation; Mini Firebrand Roni Gehianu; Related achievements . 5) Axe is more appealing overall than Longbow. Not for solo play. Especially if you wanna role play as a Paladin like me. Mar 8, 2025 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Purchase Now. Most open world mobs melt without having to enter tomes on a dps build. High solo DPS, high group DPS, great utility, even a little emergency healing. 5 days ago · Condi Firebrand and Condi Quickbrand are some of the strongest DPS options in the game and they transfer very well into open world. Firebrand has got to be my main go to when it comes to just about everything. Jul 27, 2024 · Guild Wars 2: The Highest DPS Classes, Ranked 8 Warrior. Heal Firebrand = There is no such thing. Aug 4, 2022 · Purchase Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds while supporting Snow Crows. PENSA QUE NÃO TA DANDO DANO? SÓ PENSA. It lacks some of the boons and healing of other variants but maximizes personal DPS and defense. in raids Dec 16, 2022 · With the reworks to Firebrand, there is a lot more decision making to playing around your tomes, so getting a feel for them may take some practice, but this This would be basically reverting the rework for DPS Firebrand, while keeping it for Healbrand. 4. However, because these tomes have cast times, it makes you susceptible to CC and being focused. 6 days ago · A condition DPS build for Firebrand in fractals and raids. Feb 6, 2025 · Condition Firebrand – DPS; Power Willbender – DPS; Condition Willbender – DPS Guild Wars 2 SotO. tv/Mukluk every evening!Website for Guides/Entertainment & More Content: https://MuklukLabs. The versatility available is just too good why settle for a slice of the cake i Jul 31, 2021 · Guild Wars 2 Cele Guardian FB Build: http://gw2skills. Which means you can play condi hammer, and you still almost the same condi damage the scepter build does, and a bit lower power damage. 6 Necromancer. Feb 11, 2025 · WvW Zerg build for Firebrand in GW2 that focuses on Healing, Boon Support and Crowd Control. 1 Chronomancer. While Fractals are only 5-player content, Strike Missions and Raids often overlap because their 10-player comps are just doubling a 5-player comp. Once again, I agree that once the utility side is balanced, Firebrand should see a DPS increase, but you're denying the massive carry potential which is the core balancing issue in the first place. Heal Quickness Firebrand is a versatile defensive support that provides permanent , , , , and . The regenerating pages could be kept to occasionally allow DPS Firebrand to access F2/F3 but never more than a few skills. This build also has strong access to , , condition cleanses, and other useful utilities. Dec 6, 2022 · Follow me on Twitch For Dope Streams!! https://twitch. Pretty much dps only spec. What makes Firebrand so good is very similar to what makes Virtuoso good. Power is a small fraction of your damage regardless of what weapon you choose. Skills Gearset Build Template DPS Report May 9, 2019 · Hey guys! Do you guys have any good wvw firebrand DPS builds? Are Guardians good at WvW dps? I do not enjoy solely playing support healer I love to dish out damage and win fights. What is the highest DPS in gw2? Guild Wars 2: 10 Best DPS Subclasses 8 Catalyst. It takes Firebrand runes for the Quickness duration over the Balthazar Runes of cFB. and powerful optional Guardian utility skills. Jan 17, 2018 · While FB is certainly fine and does competent condi dps, most high level fractals and fractal CM's really favor a power composition, and DH is literally the top DPS pick for a couple of the raid encounters and is a top choice in all the rest, save but like three or four (Matt, KC, Cairn, arguably Desmina). Condi DPS Explore the meta and compare your favourite classes with our benchmarks. Mar 24, 2023 · Despite being one of the top Condi DPS classes, Firebrand also has an amazing support build which you can check out on our Guild Wars 2 Best Supports guide. That being said, celestial guardian is pretty well rounded. 4 Soulbeast. A PvP support Firebrand build focusing on healing, cleansing and boon sharing. Condition Quickness Firebrand is a powerful and highly flexible offensive support that provides permanent , , and a variety of other boons to a subgroup. The Condition Firebrand build is benchmarked at 34385 DPS on small hitbox targets. . A wide variety of meta, great and good GW2 builds and guides for PvE, PvP and WvW. This is a list of the most viable and accessible builds for PvE Endgame. This build is pending an update: Expanding Boon Support options. Condi firebrand - simpler rotation, reliable dps, can be quickness I stream Guild Wars 2 mostly every weekday at 8:30am EST (gmt-4). (10) Oct 7, 2017 · Even for pure dps firebrand that is using the highest dps weapon, more than 80% of total damage comes from burning. Druid is different, it can bring good support (not as good as firebrand) but has actual dps especially with lb and can pick off and go 1 May 16, 2024 · Guild Wars 2: The Highest DPS Classes, Ranked 8 Warrior. Raids - January 2024 Balance. Hardstuck's celestial booster firebrand (the same teapot uses for zero-to-hero) is significantly more capable and smooth in open world solo. 7 Mesmer. What is the best DPS in gw2? Guild Wars 2: 10 Best DPS Subclasses 8 Catalyst. 3 Revenant. During the following skill casts, use all Charges of as quickly as possible. It doesnt matter if you have only one condition if the numbers are alright. gzwafh ezpe wsthf agwgi ncaenek bycpm ycko mkdcct vxjcd ghak bkwmh tgewmn xxmznro bxfo bnjzn