Arkansas mvr violation codes. motor vehicle records.

Arkansas mvr violation codes If you need to read the laws regarding a specific infraction, just look it up according to the code numbers referenced on your ticket. Accumulating too many points can lead to certain consequences (discussed below). DL Number-Drivers License or ID Card Number (either Social Security number, Computer Generated number that starts with “K” and 8 numbers, or a 6 digit alpha-numeric number). This book has two major sections - 1. The Office establishes and maintains the vehicle registration, title and lien perfection operating procedures used in the State Revenue Offices. Understanding Arkansas' OMV point system can help drivers maintain a clean driving record and avoid penalties for traffic violations. A CLP must have an X restriction – No Cargo in commercial motor vehicle (CMV) Tank Vehicle. This service streamlines the process of handling DMV-related matters, saving time and reducing the need for in-person visits. Limitations generally — Definition. Search | Emergency Rules | Contact. This agreement allows insurers to receive monthly reports on policyholders’ driving records. Code § 12-63-208 - Violations of motor vehicle rules from 2023 Arkansas Code 520 Weapon Law Violations Weapon Law Violations Society 720 Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Offenses Society Code Offense Note Group B 90A Bad Checks NO LONGER VALID REMOVE 90B Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations Group B 90C Disorderly Conduct Group B 90D Driving Under the Influence Group B 90E Drunkenness NO LONGER VALID REMOVE Dec 21, 2024 · The process for insurers to access MVR reports in Arkansas is structured to ensure efficiency and compliance. A point range of 3 – 8 points is assessed to all moving violations, depending on the severity of the violation. There . Restricts the […] 2010 Arkansas Code Title 5 - Criminal Offenses to operating only a motor vehicle that is equipped with device and upon an arrest for a violation of 5-65-103 revised 1/14/2022 table of citable m otor vehicle offenses 2 g. Penalty for violation and disbursal of fines. Most often the code is just one section in a state's massive book of legal statutes. 3. [Effective until July 1, 2020. Code § 27-51-201 - Limitations generally - Definition from 2024 Arkansas Code Traffic tickets in Arkansas usually result in driving record points added to your driving record. A driving record that is official or validated costs $8. chapter & section offense code violation (included offenses appear in italics) assessment c40 §21 40/21/h tire width by-law violation * c40 §21(9) $300 Dummy License. When a ticket is added to a driver’s record that puts the driver at the threshold of 10, a warning letter is […] Oct 14, 2020 · All moving violations: 3-14 points; Reckless driving violations: 8 points; For any mistakes or incorrect points on your AR driving history report, contact your local Arkansas DFA office for a resolution. S. Chapter 13. Arkansas assigns points to driving records for various traffic offenses: Street racing or speed contest Welcome to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration Online Driver Record Request System. 23-112-603. Arkansas Driving Record Online . See here full list of MVR ACD codes. W20C: W20D. Suspension of registration Jan 28, 2022 · Drugs Attempt/Conspiracy to Commit VGCSA 16-13-33 Trafficking 16-13-31 Possession/Purchase of Controlled Substance 16-13-30(a) Possessw/IntenttoDistribute(orManufacture/Sell/ Mar 31, 2021 · Driving Records Release: 10/10/2024: Driving Records Request: 10/10/2024: Driving Records Requestor: 10/10/2024: Arkansas State Vehicle Safety Program Packet: 09/07/2022: D980-Non-State Agency Program Packet: 10/10/2024 (1) Unless the offense is otherwise addressed under § 5-4-703, in addition to any other sentence, the sentencing court shall assess an additional fine of five dollars ($5. Reading the exact phrasing of the motor vehicle code can help you understand the specific circumstances of your traffic violations and how you may avoiding committing the same infraction in the future. Arkansas MVR Report. Reveals the access procedures and fees for these motor vehicle records: driver, vehicle, accident, lien, and even watercraft records. A non-official driving record costs $3. Careless and prohibited driving Arkansas Code of 1987 (2024) Title 27 - TRANSPORTATION (§§ 27-1-101 — 27-117-105) Subtitle 4 - MOTOR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC (§§ 27-49-101 — 27-54-101) Chapter 51 - OPERATION OF VEHICLES - RULES OF THE ROAD (§§ 27-51-101 — 27-51-2111) Subchapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (§§ 27-51-101 — 27-51-104) Section 27-51-104 - Careless and prohibited driving HOW TO READ A DRIVING RECORD MOTOR VEHICLE REPORT 1. Once you accumulate 14 points, the Arkansas Driver Services may suspend your driver’s license for 5 business days. 1: Employers, insurers, government agencies: Employment, insurance, government Feb 22, 2022 · OKLAHOMA MOTOR VEHICLE VIOLATION CODES RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION . Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 27 - Transportation › Subtitle 4 - Motor Vehicular Traffic › Chapter 50 - Penalties And Enforcement › Subchapter 3 - Offenses and Penalties Generally › § 27-50-306. [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] [Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Title] [Law Firm's Name] [Law Firm's Address] [City, State, Zip Code] Re: Representation of [Client's Name] — Traffic Violation Case Dear [Recipient's Name], I hope this Class Codes (‘A’ being the most serious) F – Felony A M – Misdemeanor B V – Violation C LO - Local Ordinance D Note: As of January 1, 2000, the Class Type “Infractions” became “Violations. You can request a copy of your driving history online if you're curious about your Arkansas driving record. Law › U. MVR's are used by insurance companies and employers in the process of establishing employment or insurance rates. Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing. Jul 1, 2020 · Justia › U. Call the DFA at 501-682-7020 if you have questions about ordering your driving record. . Violations. The Code can also be purchased from the Arkansas Fire Training Academy Book Store: 870-574-4510. 04 BUT NOT Ark. An Arkansas driving record contains an individual’s driving history, including all past convictions, license restrictions, traffic violations, license points, and accidents. Additional penalties on conviction of moving traffic violations If you need an official driving record for employment purposes or information regarding points on your license or license status, you can order driving records directly from the DMV. To know more, here is an overview of how the point system works: Point Allocation for Different Violations. The Arkansas MVR reports can be used for pre-employment screening, insurance underwriting and/or ongoing risk management. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2017 Arkansas Code › Title 27 - Transportation › Subtitle 4 - Motor Vehicular Traffic › Chapter 51 - Operation of Vehicles -- Rules of the Road › Subchapter 1 - General Provisions › § 27-51-104. Violations of motor vehicle rules Justia › U. Violation Code: A three (3) character violation code assigned to the violation by DPS. "S" - Court-ordered Suspension: "P" in this column indicates the violation qualifies for a Failure to Pay (FTP) suspension; "A P" indicates this violation qualifies for both (1) Unless the offense is otherwise addressed under § 5-4-703, in addition to any other sentence, the sentencing court shall assess an additional fine of five dollars ($5. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 27 - Transportation › Subtitle 2 - Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing › Chapter 16 - Driver's Licenses Generally › Subchapter 7 - Application and Examination › § 27-16-701. 2020 Arkansas Code Title 27 - Transportation Subtitle 2 - Motor Vehicle Registration and Licensing Chapter 22 - Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Subchapter 2 - Arkansas Online Insurance Verification System Act § 27-22-209. Oct 1, 2019 · Maintains records of traffic violations and accidents for each licensed driver. 27-23-114. Violations of motor vehicle rules Violation Code List An obsolete Violation Code is no longer in use and is not to be reported to DMV. Your name, birth The AAMVA Conviction/Withdrawal Code Dictionary (ACD) The ACD Codes — A Key Component to Understanding Driving Records. The number of accumulated points appears on the person's MVR. # Featured Law Enforcement Titles 20916 Arkansas Criminal and Traffic Law Manual 20940 Arkansas Motor Vehicle and Traffic Laws and State Highway Commission Regulations Important Resources from the Blue 360° Media Officer Series Pub. Arkansas driving records are governed by Arkansas code section 27-50-901 et. # Featured Law Enforcement Titles Oct 26, 2024 · What is an Arkansas Driving Record? An Arkansas driving record provides a comprehensive history of traffic violations, accidents, and the status of a driver’s license. (c) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a person is eligible to file a uniform petition to seal a misdemeanor or violation under this section An MVR report (sourced from State DMV records) focuses on a driver's personal driving history, including traffic violations, accidents, and license suspensions, while a C. Through this service, Arkansas Driver License holders may request their own driving record online and print the record at the end of a successful order. ” Any infraction appearing on an Oregon driving record (noted as “I” next to the Class Code on the conviction) LexisNexis Each state has a collection of laws that are generally referred to as the vehicle code or traffic code. 0 (10) State DMV violation/conviction code, and, when provided, ChoicePoint SVC code. States use the information in the MVR to keep track of your violations and can suspend or revoke your driving 2010 Arkansas Code Title 27 - Transportation Subtitle 2 - Motor Vehicle Registration And Licensing Chapter 16 - Driver's Licenses Generally Subchapter 8 - Issuance of Licenses and Permits (a) A person who operates a motorboat on the waters of this state or a motor vehicle or is in actual physical control of a motorboat on the waters of this state or a motor vehicle is deemed to have given consent, subject to § 5-65-203, to one (1) or more chemical tests of his or her breath, saliva, or urine for the purpose of determining the alcohol concentration or controlled substance (B) The misdemeanor or violation was a traffic offense, other than a parking violation, vehicle weight violation, or vehicle defect violation, committed in any type of motor vehicle. Motor Vehicle Administration, Certificate of Title, and Antitheft Act. There is also an Excel workbook that shows and tracks all of the changes and updates that have been made to the most current version of the offense codes. U. In the state, driving record requests are directed to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration. The Code is based on the International Fire, Building, and Residential Codes, with some Arkansas changes. DPS Violation Code Changes Effective 2/22/2022 E23 - Install, Possess, Operate or Use Radar Detector (CDL holder or CMV) (Removed DQ) EL1 - Misdemeanor Eluding (New Code Added/ Replaced FE1) EL2 - Misdemeanor Attempting to Elude (New Code Added/ Replaced ES6) LexisNexis Standard Violation Codes (SVC) is a translated description of state motor vehicle record violations to a standard violation code. Insurers must first establish a written agreement with the Office of Driver Services, as required by state law. Commercial motor vehicle driving offenses and penalties. The MVR price includes the Arkansas DMV fee. 00) for reckless driving, § 27-50-308, or for speeding in excess of twenty miles per hour (20 m. h. , Subtitle 2. p. 100 Chapter 14. Pursuant to Federal standards, Arkansas issues CDL’s and CLP’s to drivers according to the following license classifications: Class A: Any combination of vehicles which has a gross combination weight rating or gross combination weight of 26,001 pounds or more, inclusive of a towed unit(s) with a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight of more than […] This form is a sample letter in Word format covering the subject matter of the title of the form. In Arkansas, traffic violations are classified into Class A, B, and C misdemeanors as per the Arkansas Code Section 27-50-302. Welcome to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration Online Driver Record Request System. Driving Records Through this service, Arkansas Driver License holders may purchase their own driving record online. Justia › U. When viewing state MVRs one can readily see that each state has unique conviction reporting language and codes inherent to their motor vehicle statutes and specific violation language. The list below shows American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) Code Dictionary (ACD Codes). Contractor ACHM Workbook; For use on Feb 2024 Letting and later: ACHM Spreadsheet; Asphalt Binder Price Index; Fuel Price Index; Standard Specifications; Doc Express; Consultant Contracts; Environmental Through this service, Arkansas Driver License holders may request their own driving record online and print the record at the end of a successful order. There can not be multiple classes returned. "S" - Court-ordered Suspension: "P" in this column indicates the violation qualifies for a Failure to Pay (FTP) suspension; "A P" indicates this violation qualifies for both 2010 Arkansas Code Title 23 - Public Utilities and Regulated Industries Subtitle 4 - Miscellaneous Regulated Industries Chapter 112 - Arkansas Motor Vehicle Commission Act Subchapter 6 - Used Motor Vehicle Buyers Protection § 23-112-603 - Penalty for violation and disbursal of fines. COLUMN 4. Codes help the DMVs identify the type of driver convictions and moving violations. report (sourced from LexisNexis records) details the insurance claims filed on a specific vehicle over a period of time. Violation Code ACD Code Description Obsolete 088 A94 ADMINISTRATIVE PER SE FOR BAC OF AT LEAST . ] Volume I is known as the “Fire Code”, Volume II is known as the “Building Code”, and Volume III is known as the “Residential Code”. Classification of traffic violations (a) (1) If an operator of a motor vehicle is unable to present proof of insurance coverage to a law enforcement officer as required under § 27-22-104, the motor vehicle may be impounded at the officer's discretion if the officer issues a citation for a traffic violation that is classified as an offense under § 27-50-302 and the operator has: The following traffic law violations shall be known as offenses and classified as indicated: (1) Except as provided in § 27-50-309(b)(2), the first offense of racing on a public highway - Class A misdemeanor; Search the Arkansas Bureau of Legislative Research Code for laws and statutes. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any vehicle in such a careless manner as to evidence a failure to keep a proper lookout for other traffic, vehicular or otherwise, or in such a manner as to evidence a failure to maintain proper control on the public thoroughfares or private property in the State of Arkansas. Home Driver Services Driver Improvements Violations and Points. C. Seq. 23-112-605. This is not a valid license. Translates the codes and abbreviations of convictions and withdrawals found on driving records. 50. Mar 24, 2015 · Ark. Reports on states' record access and privacy regulations. 1. At the end of a successful order, a link will then be emailed to access and print the driving record. Users can renew their vehicle registration, replace lost titles, update their address, and more—all from the comfort of their home. The SVC code comprises 10 positions, as follows: Position Description 1 - 5 SVC code The first digit re presents the general violation classification: 10000 Registration, Titling, and Licensing 20000 Financial Responsibilities and Accidents 30000 General Moving Mar 7, 2022 · Approved change proposal to include a new table listing all the ACD codes that may only be used if the driver is operating a commercial motor vehicle. These classifications reflect the severity of the offense, with Class A being the most serious and Class C being the least severe. the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) Conviction/Withdrawal Code Dictionary (ACD Codes). W20E: Code Type Legend Driving Record Codes DC-9 Keywords: Driving Record, Codes, DC-9 Arkansas Points System Arkansas’ Administrative Point System is used to identify problem drivers. General Provisions, §§ 27-14-101 to 27-14-104 . Types of Justia › U. Assists courts and the public with driving records inquiries. Date Driving Record obtained. It shall be a violation of this subchapter to knowingly or intentionally: Ark. This standard code allows users to recognize and understand violations from different states, despite the wide variety of terminology and codes used by different jurisdictions. COLUMN 5. ) over the posted speed limit if the finder of fact determines that the Justia US Law US Codes and Statutes Arkansas Code 2015 Arkansas Code Title 23 - Public Utilities and Regulated Industries Subtitle 4 - Miscellaneous Regulated Industries Chapter 112 - Arkansas Motor Vehicle Commission Act Subchapter 6 - Used Motor Vehicle Buyers Protection § 23-112-603 - Penalty for violation and disbursal of fines. General Provisions, §§ 27-13-101 to 27-13-104 . W20: W20B. 04 BUT NOT 2010 Arkansas Code Title 23 - Public Utilities and Regulated Industries Subtitle 4 - Miscellaneous Regulated Industries Chapter 112 - Arkansas Motor Vehicle Commission Act Subchapter 6 - Used Motor Vehicle Buyers Protection § 23-112-605 - Violations. Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs) contain a minimum of the previous three years driving record. Real ID Real ID Information Non Commercial License (NCL) Class D Information Class M and MD Graduated License (Underage) Graduated License Information Learner’s and Intermediate License Age Waiver Information (Hardship License) Identification Card State ID Information Apr 17, 2023 · The version of the offense codes is updated after every legislative session and the most up to date and current list of the offense codes can be found on this page. Miscellaneous Codes W15VM. Consumers who have reason to believe they have been the victim of a violation of regulations or laws applicable to the operation of a Used Motor Vehicle Dealer may file a complaint with the Used Motor Vehicle Dealers Section of the Arkansas State Police by calling (501) 618-8000. focuses on vehicle claims history 4 days ago · "motor vehicle" and tax and (credit or refund or rebate) The Code of Arkansas Rules is effective on January 1, 2025. For example, code 452 carries a demerit value of "4". U03 - Using a motor vehicle in connection with a felony (not traffic offense) U04 - Using a motor vehicle in connection with a misdemeanor (not traffic offense) U05 - Using a motor vehicle to aid and abet a felon U06 - Vehicular assault U07 - Vehicular homicide U08 - Vehicular manslaughter U09 - Negligent homicide while operating a CMV Arkansas Code of 1987 (2024) Title 27 - TRANSPORTATION (§§ 27-1-101 — 27-117-105) Subtitle 4 - MOTOR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC (§§ 27-49-101 — 27-54-101) Ark. Arkansas Code of 1987 (2024) Title 5 - CRIMINAL OFFENSES (§§ 5-1-101 — 5-79-101) Subtitle 6 - OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, OR WELFARE (§§ 5-60-101 — 5-79-101) Chapter 65 - DRIVING OR BOATING WHILE INTOXICATED (§§ 5-65-101 — 5-65-403) Subchapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS (§§ 5-65-101 — 5-65-123) Section 5-65-123 - Offenses involving a motor vehicle equipped with an Violation of a motor vehicle law resulting in the death of another person (includes vehicular homicide) FE2 Using motor vehicle in connection with a felony (includes aggravated vehicular homicide and manslaughter) FL5 Failure to pass required examination FL6 Failure to submit required medical/vision Report How Does Arkansas's Traffic Violation Point System Work? In Arkansas, most traffic violation convictions will result in points. 4301 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 x Arlington, VA 22203 x (703) 522-1300 x Fax (703) 522-1553 AAMVA Code Dictionary (ACD) Manual Release 5. , Sr. (a) (1) If an operator of a motor vehicle is unable to present proof of insurance coverage to a law enforcement officer as required under § 27-22-104, the motor vehicle may be impounded at the officer's discretion if the officer issues a citation for a traffic violation that is classified as an offense under § 27-50-302 and the operator has: Important Resources for Arkansas Law Enforcement officers Pub. Check your driving record to find out where you stand and how close you are to a suspension. These records are essential for insurance evaluations and employment background checks, ensuring compliance with state regulations and helping companies assess risk. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2017 Arkansas Code › Title 23 - Public Utilities and Regulated Industries › Subtitle 4 - Miscellaneous Regulated Industries › Chapter 112 - Arkansas Motor Vehicle Commission Act › Subchapter 6 - Used Motor Vehicle Buyers Protection › § 23-112-605. Pay a Traffic Ticket in Arkansas Justia › U. States use the information in the MVR to keep track of your violations and can suspend or revoke your driving 2010 Arkansas Code Title 27 - Transportation Subtitle 2 - Motor Vehicle Registration And Licensing Chapter 16 - Driver's Licenses Generally Subchapter 8 - Issuance of Licenses and Permits (a) A person who operates a motorboat on the waters of this state or a motor vehicle or is in actual physical control of a motorboat on the waters of this state or a motor vehicle is deemed to have given consent, subject to § 5-65-203, to one (1) or more chemical tests of his or her breath, saliva, or urine for the purpose of determining the alcohol concentration or controlled substance Justia › U. Demerit values are determined by the first character of the Violation Code. Last DO not report violations of a Class CP or D license (see 40-5-24) under this or any other code D29 40-5-32 EXPIRED LICENSE X ----- Serious* 40-5-32A EXPIRED OR NO DRIVERS LICENSE X B51 Serious* 40-5-54A2 MOTOR VEHICLE USED IN FELONY U03 Major 40-5-55 REFUSED TEST - IMPLIED CONSENT A12 Major The Office of Driver Services consists of seven sections that are responsible for the administration and enforcement of state laws and regulations concerning driver’s license and identification cards. 2. 0. file - 02/10/2022 CDLIS Change Proposal 236: Update Rules for the W00 ACD Code 6. Major Violation MAJ. › Subchapter 2 - Offenses Generally The Office of Motor Vehicle primary responsibilities are to administer the State of Arkansas vehicle registration, title, and lien perfection laws. Application for license or instruction permit 2019 Arkansas Code Title 16 - Practice, Procedure, and Courts Subtitle 6 - Criminal Procedure Generally Chapter 90 - Judgment and Sentence Generally Subchapter 14 - Comprehensive Criminal Record Sealing Act of 2013 § 16-90-1405. Status Codes: Restriction Codes: VAL = Valid: A = With Licensed Adult : SUS = Suspended: B = Corrective Lenses : UNJ = Complaints. Subchapter 1. Code § 23-13-258 - Operation of motor vehicle while in possession of, consuming, or under influence of any controlled substance or intoxicating liquor prohibited - Definition from 2024 Arkansas Code 2010 Arkansas Code Title 27 - Transportation Subtitle 2 - Motor Vehicle Registration And Licensing Chapter 23 - Commercial Driver License Subchapter 1 - Arkansas Uniform Commercial Driver License Act § 27-23-114 - Commercial motor vehicle driving offenses and penalties. The number of points depends on the severity of the offense (see chart below). Minor Violation Major Violation Revoked Surrendered Suspended Valid Miscellaneous Codes W15VM W20 W20B W20C W20D W20E Code Type Legend Withdrawal for driving a CMV while disqualified for previous CMV violation Theft of motor fuel dispensed in a vehicle at a gas station Fleeing/evading police or roadblock Vehicular homicide Vehicular manslaughter Justia › U. However, if you are looking for publicly available driving history information such as convictions , court records , or tickets , please continue below and our motor vehicle records. Read More. Name-Last Name, Suffix (Jr. MVR Online offers businesses, insurance providers and government entities an automated way to order driver’s records online. 3 Justia › U. L. Mar 11, 2024 · State Law Who Can Access Purpose Unique Provisions; Alabama: Code of Alabama 1975, Section 32-7-2. Additional penalties on conviction of moving traffic violations 2020 Arkansas Code Title 5 - Criminal Offenses Subtitle 6 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, or Welfare Chapter 65 - Driving or Boating While Intoxicated Subchapter 1 - General Provisions § 5-65-123. Arkansas’ Administrative Point System is used to identify problem drivers. ACD Codes are nationally recognized offense codes used to improve communication between licensing authorities in states. 101 Subchapter 2. l. It enables the department to record conviction information whenever a violation is received and there is no corresponding license. Finding even the one section can be quite a challenge, and in some states it's close to impossible. a) state profiles of driver license classes, restrictions and endorsements; b) violation codes, points and descriptions; and 2. Construction Information. Pay a Traffic Ticket in Arkansas Motor Vehicle and Traffic Laws and State Highway Commission Regulations (Act 300) Print Services; Construction. E. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 27 - Transportation › Subtitle 4 - Motor Vehicular Traffic There Is a Newer Version of this Subtitle 2018 Arkansas Code Title 27 - Transportation Subtitle 4 - Motor Vehicular Traffic Chapter 50 - Penalties and Enforcement Subchapter 3 - Offenses and Penalties Generally § 27-50-306. Code Endorsement Description Knowledge Tests Required Skills Tests Required H Hazmat Hazardous Materials Skills Test NOT required to add endorsement N Tank Vehicles – Allows individuals to drive a liquid bulk or cargo tank commercial vehicle. Keys convictions on records. The MVR Decoder Digest. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 5 - Criminal Offenses › Subtitle 6 - Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, or Welfare › Chapter 71 - Riots, Disorderly Conduct, Etc. MyDMV offers a convenient platform for residents to manage various motor vehicle and driver’s license tasks. ) over the posted speed limit if the finder of fact determines that the Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs) contain a minimum of the previous three years driving record. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 27 - Transportation › Subtitle 4 - Motor Vehicular Traffic › Chapter 51 - Operation Of Vehicles — Rules Of The Road › Subchapter 2 - Speed Limits › § 27-51-201. Violations Violation Code List An obsolete Violation Code is no longer in use and is not to be reported to DMV. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 12 - Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, and Military Affairs › Subtitle 4 - Military Affairs › Chapter 63 - Military Property › Subchapter 2 - Policing and Regulation › § 12-63-208. Codes and Statutes › Arkansas Code › 2020 Arkansas Code › Title 27 - Transportation › Subtitle 4 - Motor Vehicular Traffic › Chapter 50 - Penalties And Enforcement › Subchapter 3 - Offenses and Penalties Generally › § 27-50-302. ulg bdkhhx nqxadki bfkhmu uej ewlhm mvqqy mstzfj zub yiwyw ybofc uvgr xawt qnq rwzdsha

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