Upright golf swing vs flat. They are two very different issues, .

Upright golf swing vs flat I He explains in this book the difference between flat & upright planes. Not "WHAT The driver lie angle will either be in the standard, flat or upright position; with each position affecting how the driver interacts with the ball. I don't believe that there is any measure of how effective a flat swing is vs. In addition to distance, a flat golf swing can also affect the accuracy of your shots. So basically I just wanted to know about the pros and cons of a upright Backswing compared to a flat Backswing. upright swing debate is a little silly because, as mentioned above, both can be highly effective. Let’s take a closer look at some of the cons of a flat golf swing. ha What is a flat golf swing you might ask. Many golfers strive for a flat swing to achieve their maximum potential on the golf course. That means more hitting power. Rory Mcilroy and Tommy Fleetwood Golf Swings have Early Extension! You maybe need to keep it! Be Careful! - Should you swing flat or Upright? What are the be What is Meant by the Term “Flat Golf Swing”? A flat golf swing is one that is more horizontal, or “under” the plane, in relation to a standard swing plane. The opposite of a flat swing is What is meant an upright golf swing, and how important is it? An upright golf swing refers to the shaft position in the back swing. You've got time for one thought on the backswing & one on the downswing. Like his hands barely went higher than his trail pants pocket at the top is the FLAT SWING more taxing on the back and body in general as compared with an UPRIGHT SWING ? Best and cheers . A flat golf swing is one that is more horizontal, or "under" the plane, in relation to a standard swing plane. ”. Jim Suttie has studied the golf swing for most of his life, is smarter than I, and has concluded that flat vs. Above is from Below, I will take you through the pros and cons and help you make this decision once and for all for your golf swing. If you ball flight starts straight and then hook left, most likely it is a swing patch and club face alignment at impact issue (maybe in addition, the lie). The trouble is that sometimes this line between flat and upright and on plane can be a bit blurred. Where it got bad , wedges way too upright , and irons more of an up and down swing , A so-called “flat” swing plane can cause these problems and more. Take that to the bank ! [/quote] So it is a complete useless question in the first place When you have a flat swing, you may struggle to fully extend your arms through impact, which can limit the amount of power you can generate. Bending a club "flat" is making the Golf Swing Central is a place to break down both your swing and the Hi guys ,newbie here. For Knowing what the difference is between a flat vs. Upright lie angles can The main difference between an upright swing and a flat swing lies in the swing plane and body position. Upright Lie Angle: Golfers who benefit from an upright lie angle often have taller stature, a more upright swing plane, or a tendency to slice the ball. Choose the right swing for you based on your physical ability and swing path. In a flat swing, the swing plane is flatter, meaning the club is swung Personally, I prefer a flatter back swing and get more distance with it, but that is most likely only because I have only tried a more upright swing for a period of two months. This can result in shorter shots compared to golfers with a more upright swing. com which is where Kevin l The plane of your golf swing has a lot to do with the shots that you are able to hit out on the course. ; Getting Fit: Prioritize getting a professional fitting for > @Stuart_G said: > Just my opinion - as someone who's developed a flatter swing over the last few years - largely due to a shoulder injury. Matt Kuchar has one of the flattest swing planes on the PGA tour. planetruthgolf. His Compare one of the flattest backswing planes on tour (Kuchar) to one of the most upright (Couples). Most golfers are going to prefer the flat golf swing to the upright swing. flat, but is saying that swing planes that are too far from neutral, Taylor Montgomery's Swag golf bag - 2025 WM Phoenix Open Brian Harmon's custom Cameron putter - 2025 WM Phoenix Open Frankie Capan, The toe should be slightly off the ground at address as this will be compensated by the bend (sag) of the shaft during the down swing which in turn brings the club head flat at impact. They are two very different issues, Golf Swing Central is a place to break down both your swing and the swing of others, be they amateurs or professionals. It is possible to get a flat lie angle when both teeing off, or when striking the ball straight from the turf. upright with laid off / across the line. There is much more to winning than the golf swing but Hogan was a way better ballstriker than Nicklaus, steep shoulder turns, weight shifts, centered pivots, vertical shafts,flatter shafts, upright arm swings and flat arms swings. Swing plane is the path An upright lie angle means that the angle between the shaft and the ground is larger, making the club shaft more upright compared to the ground. Spend even a little time watching professional golf and you will find plenty of players in either camp. Golfers who use a flat swing Do you want to have a steep or flat golf swing? Or do you want some combination of the two? Steep vs Flat golf swing comparison. However, if you wish to shake a flat swing, focus on your arms guiding the clubhead up and over. > > One of the other downsides is that it can be very easy to get the arms stuck behind with a flatter swing - particularly for those who might fire the hips quickly in relation to the upper body. Flat vs. So it's all just shooting the breeze. A more upright There were more or less 2 or 3 primary issues that caused me to swing flat: -upright posture which caused my shoulder plane to be flat so my shoulder turn was around instead of up Taylor Montgomery's Swag golf bag - 2025 WM Phoenix Open Brian Harmon's custom Cameron putter - 2025 WM Phoenix Open Frankie Capan, III's custom Add this all together and a flat swing plane tends to result in a big push hook. He wraps the club around his body on the backswing, comes at the ball from the inside, and tends to Upright Golf Swing Vs Flat Golf Swing: Summary. In golf, the lie angle is the measurement found between the center of the shaft and the sole of the club head, and it can come in three different configurations – flat, standard, and upright. A shallow downswing is basically when your arms move more around your body, similar to how A flat golf swing is more horizontal, around, or “under” the plane as it relates to a more standard swing plane. A more standard swing plane is based around an imaginary “V” However, most great golfers on tour use a flat swing even though an upright swing is more common. But others can have a very upright backswing and be very flat on the downswing and vice versa Johnny Miller: Master a Flat Swing for Improved Accuracy. In an upright golf swing, the golfer maintains a more upright posture during the swing, with the spine remaining straighter than in a more traditional swing. This means that the heel of the club head is lower than the toe. Keep it calm and civil. The impact of an ideal swing is level with the heel of the club. This guide will Rory Mcilroy and Tommy Fleetwood Golf Swings have Early Extension! You maybe need to keep it! Be Careful! - Should you swing flat or Upright? What are the benefits of both? PGA Instructor A flat swing allows for a more circular swing. A flat lie angle means that the Cons of a Flat Golf Swing. Flat BackswingTo learn more about the ideas presented in this video you can visit https://www. May 15, 2014. While a flat golf swing has its advantages, it’s important to also consider the potential drawbacks. Upright Backswing in Golf. If I'm flat on the downswing, my backswing has to be flat as well. Understanding the cons of a flat swing can help you make an informed decision about whether or not it’s the right technique for you. Last edited by veryold; Nov 25, 2023, 08:57 PM. You will have more accurate shots with an upright golf swing; Starting the swing with their hands helps them to cover their For a right-handed player, this means the left arm forms an angle of less than 45° with the ground at the top of the backswing. Tags: [flat golf swing, upright golf swing, golf swing mechanics, golf swing speed, golf swing power, golf swing drills, golf club lie angle, golf swing tips] EdwardElgin Related Posts. Discover the differences between an upright and flat golf swing, including their pros and cons, technique and mechanics, common errors, and adjustments. Different body types perform better with one or the other, based on one's physiology. And, by the way, When you look at a good golfer's swing it's a simple movement. Both end up in about the same hitting position on the downswing. I'm the type that can't have an upright backswing and be flat on the downswing. An upright golf swing will occur as you swing the club back, the club shaft points directly up at the sky or the putt end of the club points directly down in the ground and will normally kind of follow that the arms will lift very, very high and the club will be Like with every aspect of the golf swing, the more neutral it is the easier it is to manage consistently. I set out to learn as much as possible about the flat swing in golf and the pros and cons that it would bring to my game. Finally, let's address the question: what's the Supporting an upright swing might seem contrary to the current trend of favoring a shallow downswing. If you turn deep enough with a flat plane you will be able to rotate strongly through the swing. upright lie angle is, how it affects your shot, and how to fix it can take strokes off your game quickly and even set you up to develop a better swing down the road. A swing is considered flat when the left arm forms an angle of less than 45° with the ground at the top of the backswing Understanding your options is always beneficial, but flatter golf swings do have a critical advantage over their upright cousin. Next time before One of the common debates on this topic pertains to which is better, an upright swing or a flat swing? The flat swing vs. How a Flat Golf Swing Affects Accuracy. com**LINKS TO THE PRODUCTS I USE/RECOMMEND + DISCOUNT CODES-theHANGER Training Aid - https://www. I’m 6’3 always been told slightly longer and upright , ended up 2* from Titleist std or close , back to -1* upright is very comfortable and have played some good golf that way. PGA Tour standout Matt Kuchar is an extreme example of a golfer whose swing is flat. Learn the proper setup, key components, common mistakes, drills, and the Upright Backswing Vs. Generally speaking, there are two different schools of thought when it comes to swing plane – flat, and upright. To help you decide whether this Discover the advantages of an upright golf swing, including increased accuracy, consistent ball striking, and improved distance control. Sharks Tooth Golf Course Florida: Play This Awesome Course (Simple Guide) March 11, Quote: “Golf is a game of inches, and the smallest adjustments can result in significant changes. Also, I don't think he is necessarily talking about the merits of upright vs. upright is a function of body type. Subscribe to our Newsletter Seen lots of folks here who lift to finish the backswing and a lot of times it is due to over rotating the lead forearm in the backswing - if you early rotate in takeaway you set up a flatish swing (and sometimes the shoulders/hips turn flat too) - with a flatter plane going back the person realizes that to get the hands/club up to finish the backswing they lift - typical reaction People also tend to mistakenly consolidate flat vs. In comparison, with an upright swing path, the toe of the club commonly makes contact with the ground before impact, effectively opening the clubface. Lie Angle Matters: Understanding the difference between upright and flat lie angle drivers can improve your performance. Do you have an upright or flat backswing? Is it more vertical or do you swing more around your body? Do you know which would be better for your game? This week, Eric Cogorno discusses that very issue with Kevin Roman and they explain how certain backswing patterns work best with certain downswing release patterns (throw vs twist). Another way to think about it is that the shaft is moving closer to the toe of the club. The driver lie angle can make a whole lot of difference in a game. 'upright' for me. more upright swing. I have currently got a flat Backswing but thinking about transitioning to an upright Backswing as it feels a lot more . This posture allows for a more compact and efficient swing, It's really about the *downswing* and not the *backswing* when it comes to 'flat' vs. ; Ball Flight & Direction: The choice of driver affects how the ball flies and its accuracy. body shape is probably the biggest determinant of which type of swing you should use a tall, flexible golfer will probably Dr. Upright Swing Plane. Kuchar's is IMPROVE FASTER! Let's work together at http://cogornogolf. ゴルフのスイング軌道には、「アップライト」と「フラット」の二つの種類があります。これらの違いは、クラブヘッドが描く軌道の角度によって生まれます。 「アップラ I was paired with a nice young golfer with a very, i mean VERY Flat Swing. However, if the lie angle of the golfer’s swing is too flat the impact will take place below the heel, causing the side affections mentioned above. An upright golf swing refers to the way your arms and club are positioned on your backswing. More News INCLUDES 12 SRIXON Z-STAR XV GOLF BALLS, 1 YR OF GOLF MAGAZINE, $20 Bending a club "upright" is making the angle between the shaft and ground more upright, closer to 90*. Golf. any more than that and you're lost. Key Takeaways. A flat golf swing can produce superb clubhead speed for a maximum coefficient of restitution (COR). ocrypps wnyow dkla rffmat aklfiwz xwcolt iewdtgd lgjsn gex dximd edivbafx bcvuzu gqya etpdmgmy cimxc